Chapter 11

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The competition!

Sorry I didn't update for a few days. Kinda busy with life of course. I will try to update again tomorrow. Thanks for reading this!


10 minutes has passed, everyone gathered at a place where the race will be held. Hikari and Tiga were warming up at the starting point.

Dyna : The rules is simple! You guys will race to me by using the tracker I gave you. It will lead you to me because you guys will be starting at different spots. You can't fly,of course. Mebi -chan,I will tell you when to count until 3.

Mebius : Okay, Dyna -san!

Dyna then fly to the place he has set up. Hikari and Tiga will be racing fairly,or that's what they all know. Dyna set Hikari tracker to make him arrived slowly. They only can follow the tracker and not by themselves. They go to different spots that Dyna has arranged them to be,Dyna ask Cosmos and Justice to lead them to their spots. They were just waiting impatiently. Mebius then got a signal from Dyna.

Mebius : *Hold the communication device given by Dyna*  Alright! I think you guys can hear me from this thing. In 3..2..1!

Hikari and Tiga start to run. They did just use the tracker. Their eyes were just on the tracker so they won't get lost.


Dyna saw Tiga running to him,the winner for this round is Tiga. Hikari arrived 10 minutes late. Tiga was confused because he actually stop a lot while running to Dyna but he still managed to win the first round. They got back to everyone after Hikari rest a bit.

Dyna : The winner for the first round is Tiga!!

Everyone that was waiting for them just lazily cheer for Tiga,well,who won't be moody if you need to wait for almost 30minutes for them to finish. No one was actually surprised that Tiga won for the race, Hikari rarely went on missions because he was always in his lab, so he maybe just slow when running while Tiga always has missions, everyone knows Tiga is one of the fastest ultra.

Mebius : here's your towel, Tiga -san! Good job!

Tiga : thanks, Mebius. Do you take my how much time I take to Dyna?

Mebius : yeah,I got the signal who got it first. Hikari late 10 minutes than you.

Tiga : (that's weird..I know I'm one of the most active ultra warrior than Hikari but doesn't he fast too? Nah, maybe because he doesn't have any missions this days..) well,I need to go to Dyna,see you later, Mebius!

Mebius : see you!

Mebius look behind him and goes to Hikari that was almost passed out.

Mebius : Hikari! Are you okay?

Hikari : I'm..fine..damn,I didn't know it would be really far..

Mebius : what do you mean? Where Dyna was waiting for you guys? I take 15minutes to get there,by walking.

Hikari : what? Then how did I take so much time?

Mebius : maybe...your tracker is broken?

Hikari : maybe..(bullshit,this tracker is from Cosmos, it's a brand new,it can't be broken unless..)

Mebius : are you sure you're okay walking to your tent all by yourself?

Hikari : I'm okay..

Mebius : you know what. I'm going with you,you also got some cuts on your hand. You're not being careful out there..

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