Chapter 40

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It's been a few weeks since the day Mebius was put inside the capsule.
Some was waiting patiently while some don't. To be exact, how about we see what are the ultra are doing today? It couldn't have been different much.

Victory : what the fuck is going on here?

Ginga : is there something you guys wanna show us..?

Orb : X said he finally invented a drone at his lab.

Victory : a what?

Ginga : a drone? In the Land of Light? Well that's surprisingly a great work, X.

X : hehe , thanks. But I actually don't really know how to handle a drone much. I only saw Daichi fly it a few times before. I kinda took interest in it so I thought maybe I could attempt to make one and fly it by myself!

Ginga : why don't you try it now? It's fully done isn't it?

X : ah yes! Just a moment. Let put it right there first!

Victory : you sure this is s good idea to fly around a thing like that? What even it supposed to do?

Ginga : I'm sure it's going to be just fine, let X have his fun. Drone usually is just for entertainment, it usually just fly around with us controlling it. Some drone got camera with it so we can like capture something just by watching from the controller.

Victory : I still don't understand it but whatever.

X : alright! Already set it up. Let me just get this drone started.

X turn on the controller and start controlling it to move around a bit. X smile happily when he see it working properly. X tries to fly it even more high up.

Ginga : be careful, X! You don't wanna cause anything just because of your drone.

X : it's going to be just fine, Ginga! There's nothing to be worried about.

As X start flying it higher, he flying it around for a while. For over a few minutes it was going smoothly until suddenly X lost control of it and it started to flying around uncontrollably. X tries to take control again but nothing working out. X was about to ready to fly over to the drone and catch it when suddenly the drone flying towards two ultra that's flying. The drone went to their way and come across them without them knowing it. One of them lost control and crash into a building while the other one follows then from behind.

X sweat drop as he see a problem he had caused. He immediately went to his drone and catch it before anyone could see it.

Ginga : oh gosh, it make an ultra crash into a building..

Orb : I wonder who that was.

Victory : hopefully it's not some upper ultra or anything. Be careful with that thing, X! *Smack X's head*

X : ow! I'm sorry okay! I hope that ultra is okay..


Ace : I hate to be that person but are you okay?

Ultraman : very kind of you, Ace. At least you ask me if I were okay and not even try helping me right now. I'm literally stuck here.

Ace : its not that I don't wanna help, it just too much work. You're stuck in a wall right now and it's glass. I don't wanna get glass all over me.

Ultraman : Ace, damn it, just help me out! It's not like you just got your nails done anyway!

Ace : if that's the excuse I can get away with, I would do my nails right here, right now.

Ultraman : ACE! I swear to Zoffy, if you didn't help me out right now, I will get you right after I got out!

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