Chapter 21

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Zero : *look at himself* WHAT THE F IS THIS?! WHY DO-

Seven : Zero! Don't shout and don't continue what you will be saying.

Zero : BUT-

Mebius : *yawn* what are you guys yelling about..?

Zoffy : I thought I see an angel.

Ultraman : Mebius,you okay?

Mebius : yea,a little bit..but I feel kinda weird.. *look beside him* huh? Who is this? Why is she look like Zero?

Seven : it's because that is Zero.

Mebius : EHH???!!!

[Door sound, continue]

Mother : Please..I would love for you guys not to scream. I know it's shocking to see them like this.

Mebius : sorry.. mother..

Mother : it's fine,I do expecting you two to scream. Both of your body had been hit by a mist from some kind of monster. This kind of mist will cause an effect on your body from the outside and inside, quite surprisingly the effect is to change the gender of both of you. It is quite impossible for it to be permanent so no need to worry.

Zero : so I'm gonna be like this for a while?? Damnit,how am I gonna meet the others?

Seven : this should be your punishment for bringing trouble to Mebius.

Mebius : I don't blame him but it does feel really weird to be your opposite gender for a while. It doesn't have any side effects, right?

Mother : don't worry, there's no other side effects that is too serious. Probably will just make you act like your opposite gender nothing more. You two can go now since both you are not injured. You guys can go too.

Everyone : Hai!

Zero : sorry I make you like this..

Mebius : it's fine,Zero. I'm not surprised.

Seven : bringing trouble to people is what you're good at.

Zero : Father! Well sorry again. I already promised my friends to meet up. See you guys later.

Mebius : Bye Zero!

Zoffy : So, uh, is it me or Mebius grew shorter?

U&S : Hm?

Mebius : eh?

Ultraman : now that I look closely,yea. If Mebius is beside Seven,he is supposed to be Seven's shoulder level but now he is shorter than that.

Seven : yea, maybe it's just a side effects. Mebius look even more cuter as a girl. *Pinch Mebius cheeks*

Mebius : ah! Niisan! I'm not cute.

Zoffy : well,how about we tell the others first so nothing will be a disaster.

Everyone : Hai!

Well, don't you guys wondering about Zero and his friends reaction? Let's go to them first.


Glenfire : you always like that- Woah! Is that you,Zero?

MirrorK : only Zero has two slugger and two colour on his body so this is Zero.

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