Chapter 24

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Mebius woke up the next day, he take off his hoodie and his bandages. Looking at his wounds in front of the mirror. Before he could start to bandages himself back, someone broke in from the window.

Mebius : AHH!

??? : OW! Shit,that hurt.

Mebius : Zero? What are you doing here?

Zero : hm? Oh nothing,just want to visit you as you also become a girl because of me. Yo, what's wrong with your body?

Mebius : ? Ah! *Try to cover his body with the pillow*

Zero : already seen it, just show me already. *Throw the pillow away from Mebius* what the hell happened?

Mebius : just from a mission..

Zero : from what I know it should be healed after you have gone to medical wings.

Mebius : I didn't go..okay?

Zero : why? Scared father will not let you go on a mission again?

Mebius : yea..I do the mission just because Taro -nii ask me to do it secretly and don't get hurt.

Zero : but in the end,you got hurt. You can't promised that you won't get hurt. I promise father that I will just be fine doing a investigation,the next thing I know I almost die and met Noa.

Mebius : but you got new power of course.

Zero : jealous?~

Mebius : don't have time to. Don't tell anyone about this.

Zero : fine. At least wrap yourself back up, it will not heal soon if you leave it like that.

Mebius : I know. Just want to know how are you being a girl?

Zero : eh,not so good. Kinda awkward. Especially when mirror knight get even weirder when close with me.

Mebius : maybe he need time to adjust with you. Now what's wrong with your body? It look like you didn't treated it well.

Zero : you know I'm busy fighting with those stupid evil monsters. Even if I'm hurt, I don't know how to. It's feel weird when you are-

Mebius : shush. I know what you gonna say. Let me help you or do you want to go to the medical wings?

Zero : yea,you can help me. I'm sick with that place. Are you already used to this body?

Mebius : not much, hope we will be back to normal.

Zero : wanna bet? If we turn back today, you will have to train with me.

Mebius : fine, if it's tomorrow then you will need to get me curry.

Zero : Ha! Deal- OW! Slow down a bit!

Mebius : sorry. Alright you're done.

Zero : you should be in Medical section instead,it suited you more.

Mebius : very funny,Zero. Wait here while I wrap myself up.

Zero : right. Wanna hang out with Taiga?

Mebius : he is here?

Zero : yeah, he just got back. Don't know where his friends went, so he just got back. Literally with his father.

Mebius : okay we can hangout but you better help me pick up the crystal shards you broke. I will need to change the window again.

Zero : yea fine.

Mebius : done?

Zero : heck yeah! Come on before Taiga got himself busy.

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