Chapter 38

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After a few days of Mebius recovering times, he already look better than before now. His body has been recovered but some scars are still there. Only then, his stamina and body is weak and need to be train.

Everyone keep visiting him at the medical wings. Mostly, ultra brothers and Taiga with Zero. They kept on checking on Mebius and ask about him. His cheerful side start to come back a bit, with also his smile but somehow.. it always still look tired..
However, Hikari was not allowed to visit Mebius. Tiga was allowed to but he didn't want to yet since he is getting ready to be a master.

One day, Mebius was given opportunity to go outside again but just for a while, an exception from Ultra Mother as she feel pity that Mebius had to just stay in the medical wings and couldn't go outside all this time. Zero and Taiga somehow were visiting him and they volunteer to accompany Mebius while going outside. They can't risk leaving Mebius all by himself, do they?

Marie : alright, remember what I told you guys, Pay attention to what Mebius takes or digests, don't let him be too tired or stressed, don't let him do anything violent or active, don't-

Taiga : *hold Marie's hand* obachan. Relax! We know how to take care of Mebius and this is like the third time you remind us..

Marie : *sigh* I'm so sorry.. it's just.. I'm worried. I don't want anything bad happened again..

Zero : relax, obachan. We can do this, beside, it's not that hard to take care of Mebius. It's like a piece of cake!

Taiga : don't be so stressed, Obachan. Trust us, okay? Have some faith on us.

Marie : *sigh again and nod slowly*
Alright.. I guess I am just a bit stressed.. just to remind you guys again, bring back Mebius before night time. We don't wanna ruin his routine schedule.

Taiga : alright! Thanks again for letting us accompany Mebius, Obachan.

Marie : yes, yes. Be careful out there...

Mebius : *had just came back after he changed his clothes* sorry if I took so long, my body was hurting a bit! Are we going now?

Zero : yep, just in time. Come on, Mebi! We got lots to do today!

Mebius : exciting! See you later, mother!

The trio went out from the medical room, leaving Ultra mother that is waving at them smiling. When they already gone from he sight, her smile gone and she just sighed.


Taiga : huwah! I'm so excited to spend time together with you, Mebius! It's been so long since the last time we spend time together!!

Taiga said cheerfully while holding Mebius's hand like a kid. He jump around happily while still holding hands with Mebius. Zero, that is also beside Mebius look at Taiga with annoyed look.

Mebius : ahaha, yeah. It's been so long. I miss the old time to be honest.

Zero : well, even though we can't go back time, we can always enjoy the future.

Taiga : ain't you can go back time?

Zero : uh.. nonsense.

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