Chapter 9

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Normal Day!

Just want to say, sorry I forgot 80 was one of them too! Well if that's what I remembered..

Just as Mebius woke up,he see someone beside him.

Mebius : Hm..Taiga?

Taiga : Oh! Mebius -san! [Idk what they called eachother,sorry]

Mebius : what are you doing here?

Taiga : Visiting you of course! Obāchan let me visit you!

Mebius : (of course she would..)

Taiga : how are you? Are feeling any better now??

Mebius : I'm a little bit better, thanks for asking.

Taiga : Oh, Zero was here before but I forgot where he is. He ask me to tell him when you wakes u-

Zero : Yow! My cute uncle has awake!

Taiga : Nevermind, he's here..

Mebius : Zero, don't shout at here.

Zero : sorry, father told me to let you know you're off the duty for a week.

Mebius : what? No fair!

Zero : you should be happy isn't it? What? Is it the opposite day or something?

Taiga : go away with your idiot words, You will give him your idiotic infection.

Zero : Oi! Oi! I'm not stupid, remember I almost die from protecting everyone!

Taiga : yea,yea..

Mebius : well,do you guys have any missions to do today?

Taiga : nope but I have training with my gang!

Zero : I need to go somewhere after that I'm going to my friends.

Taiga : didn't know you have friends. *Says sarcastically*

Zero : Hey!

Mebius : *giggles* no need to fight. What about the others?

Zero : Hm? Father and the others? Oh, Yapool is back.

Mebius : WHAT?!

Zero : chill! I'm just joking!

Mebius : *sigh* don't make me scared!

Taiga : if he got a heart attack,I'm telling uncle Seven.

Zero : Taiga, don't betray me like that!

Mebius : seriously! Tell me where did they go?

Taiga : Father said they have to go on a missions with the others. He said they might be back in 3 - 4 days I think..

Mebius : is that so..

Taiga and Zero looks at each other as Mebius was looking sad knowing his brothers won't be here for a few days.

Taiga : uh,how about you go hang out with your friends? Maybe there's someone that doesn't have mission!

Mebius : maybe.. can't you go call,uh, Obāchan?

Zero : I will go since I'm more faster than Taiga!

Taiga : I'm here you know!

Zero runs out of the room while laughing. Taiga was furious but just smiles to Mebius.

Taiga : Soo...Mebi -chan~

Taiga sometimes called Mebius that whenever he is up to something. Mebius was okay with him calling him that but also scared because he would be up to something weird..

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