Chapter 29

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No Solution..?



Why all of this has to happen to me?

I'm scared...

I feel...numb..

I can't move..

Someone... me

Akuma teleported to Planet Orqax, the planet he once brought Mebius with. Akuma was looking around the planet as it look a bit more abandoned after he got killed. It was destroyed a bit but Akuma didn't care much.

Akuma(M) : Ahh.. finally peace!

Akuma went inside the palace. He go to his old room and saw everything in a mess and destroyed. He just sighed in annoyed.

Akuma(M) : ugh, those ultra can't fight without making any mess, huh? Good thing I will just stay here for a while.

Akuma then look at the mirror beside his bed. He was looking at 'his' body that's full of wounds and blood. Akuma just grin and electric shock on the wounds.


Akuma : hey, love. I see that you're awake!

Wait..what?! W-where am I??

Akuma : just relax, love. I'm just borrowing your body, that all.

What?! But how?!

Akuma : we already fully united. After you finally accept me, I got to control your body. While you can't do anything but watch. When every ultra warriors is dead, I will conquer the universe and you will just watch me doing all of that.

Huh..but, you said you will not hurt anyone!!

Akuma : I didn't promise that. I never said about promising you to not hurt or kill anyone. Just you wait, Mebius. When I finally win, I will have you all to myself.

Why me? Why do you have to do this to me?!

Akuma : I don't want to explain this again and again, you will forget about me too after all. Now how about we talk about what I will do to those ultra warriors.


Akuma : *smirks*  nothing so complicated. I will just hurt or kill anyone that dares to stop me from taking that spark plasma. When I have the plasma spark, I will revive all the monsters at the monster graveyard.

What?! You're doing the same thing Belial did?!

Akuma :  yeah! I was impressed with how he did all those thing. But he actually failed and I don't like that. I will do this without failing. My plan sure will be success! No one can come and stop me when I finally did it.

No! I can't let you do that!

Akuma : tell me, how do you want to stop me? I am incharge of this body now. If I hurt this body, you will get the effects. See? *Punch his injured chest*

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