Chapter 18

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So,just want to clear this. As you guys know that Akuma was an ultra warrior but was banished from M78 due to his evil side. After he got banished,he got sent to dimensional prison. Let's skip until a monster free him out from there, that monster gave him the dark power and merge with him turning Akuma almost like Belial but not a Reionyx. Would just say, darkness power that already been disappeared after thousands of years return and come and united with Akuma to conquer the whole universe. So we could also say that, Akuma is an alien. K, continue to read now


Mebius was teleported to the main room, well,not exactly in the palace. They are in a Spaceship you could say. Mebius was sitting on the throne. He get off from it and walk to the huge window, it is facing the M78,The Land of Light.

Mebius : W-What?..why am I here?

??? : You shouldn't lose yourself yet, Ultraman Mebius..

Mebius : who is that?!

King : It is me, Ultraman King! You can't lose your ultra soul too,do not be in the dark side!

Mebius : Ultraman King..?

King : remember, Mebius.. you're an ultra warrior,you should remember your life as an ultra warrior. Don't fall into the darkness.


King : remember, Mebius...they are here to get you back home.

Mebius : NO!

Mebius then let out a beam because of his mind being messing around. Mebius started to scream in pain as his mind is being messing and confused. Mebius body continue to turned into darker colour,his colour timer suddenly started to flickering red as his energy started to losing. He then faint again.

Akuma : *laugh* is this what you could do? Such a weak ultra you guys are! This is the new generation I should be afraid of?

Taiga : ugh! We can't give up yet..

Akuma : Hm,you don't want to give up yet? Well how about I hel- AGH!

Everyone : HUH?! Grigio!


Akuma passed out as he got knocked out by Grigio sudden kick on his head. Grigio heal everyone.

Rosso : thank goodness you're okay!

Blu : you make us worried!

Grigio : Ehe! Sorry!

Zero : you guys go first I will finish him.

Taiga : and how about you?

Zero : don't need to worry about me,go!

Everyone : Hai!

Everyone runs and shocked to see the ultra brothers was injured just by fighting a robot. Zealon was fighting with Zoffy,Seven and Ultraman.

Taiga : FATHER!

Taro : T-Taiga?!

Geed : come on! Let's go and help them!

Everyone : HAI!


Zealon was badly damaged but he successfully get away from them. They don't even bother to chase him as they were still injured. Grigio use her healing power to the ultra brothers.

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