Chapter 14

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The next day

|Mebius POV|

I wake up as usual as if something will happen at 8 a.m. At this time,I would be at unknown planet as my mission would be patrolling and all but like always, Zoffy -niisan let me off from the duty again,I hate when he did that! But of course,I obeyed his instructions.

When I get off from my bed,I feel like someone is watching me but I always thought it's just my imagination. I would just not care about it since who would watching me?

I'm getting ready to go to Zoffy -nii since he ask me to help him at his office. But when I was about to go out from my apartment,I feel like someone is near me but I didn't look around or something cause it like a normal thing I would feel every day.

As I walk to Zoffy -nii office,I would greet everyone with a smile. I know it's kinda weird but I love doing this as my routine. Like usual I would bumped into the others since their office also near here. They would most likely pats my head and ask how is my duty,but now they just ask how am I doing. It's kinda weird they be too overprotective to me and treating me like a kid.

I walked into Zoffy -nii office and discovered him with tons of paperwork on his desk.

|Normal POV|

Mebius : Zoffy -niisan?

Zoffy : Hm? Oh, Mebius. Glad you make it here.

Mebius : yea, sorry I'm late. Are you okay, niisan? You look very tired..

Zoffy : I'm fine, don't worry about me. Well,I ask you to come here to help me with my paperwork a little bit.

Mebius : Sure! What's it?

Zoffy : I would like you get me some reports from the other ultra warriors.

Mebius : like, everyone..?

Zoffy : nah that's would take a thousand years for you to finish. Just get it from people that you only knew and then give me the report tomorrow, are you okay with that?

Mebius : Yea,sure! This sounds easy!

Zoffy : Good,well you can start anytime you want. Seven need you Plasma Spark Tower,so you could start with him

Mebius : okay, niisan! Oh and what kind of report you want from me?

Zoffy : it's up to you actually. I want what you could think from everyone have and don't. I would really want to know what you would like to give me this report.

Mebius : uhm..okay.?

Zoffy : Very well, you can go now.

Mebius walk away from there and go to Plasma Spark Tower. When he arrives, some people were already waiting for him.

Seven : Mebius,come here.

Mebius then walk to them. Seven signal him to sit at the seat he's pointing.

Mebius : so,uh, niisan..

Seven : we're here to talk with you,no distractions,no one can interrupted us and no Hikari..

Mebius was a bit shocked when he heard Hikari name. He then look at around to see if anyone was there.

Leo : Like we said, there's no one that can interrupted us. I would like for you to tell us your story.

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