Chapter 13

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Zoffy : care to explain everything that  happens when we're not here?

Mebius : they..told you guys already.?

Seven : what we know is just you almost drowned. What possibly happened while we're gone??

Mebius : uh-

The door got burst down,they all look toward the door to see two ultra walk in to the room. Of course it's the chaos duo.

Zero : did we miss anything??

Leo : probably not since it's not about you two.

Taiga : Father!

Taro : What's it, Taiga? You have something to tell about Mebius again?

Taiga : uh,nope. Just want to watch you guys conversation! Zero's idea

Zero : could you not? I will be dead if you continue.

Ultraman : I don't see any problems,maybe if Mebius was lying to us, they could tell the truth. Sounds good?

Mebius : B-But! I never lied!

Ace : yea, right. The last time you tried to hide your feelings and lied to us,you got busted by these two.

Taiga : sorry, Mebius -san. But we can betray our father, especially if it's about you. Father really is scary last time I lied to him..

Zero : yea like when you eat Taro's pudding.

Taiga : I didn't know okay!

Zoffy : please stop with your childish fight. Let's settle this,you guys will be like a lie detector for us.

Mebius : but..

Jack : nope! Don't think about it, Mebius.

Mebius just pouting, he knew he can't lie especially with this two devil Infront of him.

Zoffy : we will just ask simple questions. What were you guys doing at that planet in the first place?

Mebius : well, we're all having a vacation there for two days only. But I only ask Hikari and Tiga -san to join. Tig -san bring Dyna and two more.

Jack : So that why they're with you too?

Zero : nope! we are uninvited guests!

Taiga : long story short, we're joining last minute.

Leo : typical Zero to interrupting people.

Seven : let's just say, how do you even almost drowned? Ain't we can breathe underwater?

Taiga : yea,no. The water there,we can't breathe it. We're just like humans that can't breathe underwater. I also almost drowned but I didn't like in there for a long time.

Taro : What?! Why didn't you tell me??

Taiga : I'm alive. In fact,I'm just telling you about Mebius -san.

Taro : *sigh* I'm so done with you..

Ultraman : how about a last question? Mebius already look like he want to cry already..

They all look at Mebius. He was nervous the whole time, he thought he was in a big trouble. He looks like he is holding back his tears. He realised everyone was staring at him,he then closed his face from them to look. Some of them sigh while the others already feel bad.

Seven : no need to cry, Mebius. It's not your fault,we just want to know whatever happened to you while we were gone..

Taiga : Mebius -san!! Sorry we make you cry!!

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