Chapter 32

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Ginga : ne, Victory. Can I ask you something?

Victory : sure, what's it?

Ginga : what the heck are we doing here??

Victory : training with them of course?

Ginga : you told me we are hanging out! Not training!

Victory : if I told you we are going to train, you won't want to come with me.

Ginga : Hmp!

Geed: hey guys. Ginga -san? You okay?

Ginga : I'm fine!

Victory :  He is sulking

Geed : ah.. by the way, have you seen X and Z? They're supposed to be here now

Victory : nope, we didn't see them since yesterday.

Orb : oi! Quit chatting, how about you guys start training instead acting like a sweet lovey dovey couple!


Geed : ow, my ears..

Victory : I'm used to it..

X : sorry I'm late!

Geed : it's fine! Where's Z?

X : with Zero at the medical wings.

Geed : ohh


Zero : what are you trying to say?

Z : what if.. we stab him on the chest! It might work!

Taiga : I don't know why I'm here and hearing this.

Zero : where the hell did you get that idea??

Z : I actually don't know. It suddenly popped up in my mind.

Taiga : uh..

Zero : you shouldn't told me if it's just because your mind told you this stupid idea. What if Mebius got killed with Akuma??

Z : uhh...

Taiga : *sigh* well, how are you feeling now, Zero?

Zero : better than yesterday. I think I will fully healed tomorrow.

Taiga : glad to hear that. We all are getting ready if Akuma come here again.

Zero : oh..well.. I really hope we can win this..

Taiga : don't worry. Everyone can do this, we will win. And I know, Mebius will come back to us.

Zero : *smile*

Z : Does Zero shishou really can't go outside?

Taiga : nope, ultra mother threatened him to not go outside until he is fully recovered. She even told the staff here if they saw Zero out from his room, immediately report to her.

Zero : basically, I'm a prisoner here.

Z : eh? Really? Ultra Mother can be too strict.

Taiga : but, she knows what she is doing. She knows that locking Zero in his room is the most effective way for him to recover quickly because Zero will always do stupid things.

Zero : yes- wait what?!

Z : *laugh* well, I think so. Ultra Mother can be ultra- amazing! She is capable of doing anything!

Taiga : yea, you're right. By the way, ain't you already discharged from the medical wings? Why do you still here anyway?

Z : I just want to stay with shishou for a while. He really works so much this week. I think I should look after him and don't let him do any works.

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