Chapter 34

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??? : When will you take the plasma spark?! It's been days! I want to see #### !!

Akuma : be patient! If you think about it carefully, they already thought about us coming there to steal it. They will guard the Tower even more.

??? : You're so useless! Why did I even save you and let you have all my army?! I should've kill you!
*Point her blade towards Akuma*

Akuma : my lady! P-Please, no! I promise you, I will do my best!

??? : That's what you've been saying! You know what, if none of this success, I will do it my way. A plan I will finally be with #####

Akuma : tch...

??? : I got a better idea.. how about you GO TO THAT PLANET AND KILL ALL OF THOSE ULTRA!
*Kick Akuma's leg*

Akuma : AGH! ... f-fine..

??? : Weakling.... oh, #####, when I meet you, we will be happy forever.. and no one.. no one can take you from me..


Hikari : is there any more questions?

Zoffy : I don't think so..?

Ultraman : but are you sure we should wait for him to come here?

Hikari : it was just a plan if we need preparation. I know, some of you might not ready to face another attack from Akuma.

FatherU : alright. Now that everyone here understand the plan, we will be ready to fight Akuma. All of us.. against him alone.. let's hope Ultrawoman Venus..will not interrupt us...

All : hai!

Hikari : we actually have two people to go 'investigate' planet Orqax. Who knows, maybe something interesting will happen.

Sora : wait! What about Ribut?

Taro : Ribut will not join us. Let him recover fully and rest for now, he did enough for us.

Sora : oka-


80 : Someone has entered the Plasma Spark Tower! No one is allowed in until our briefing is over, it must be Akuma!

Taro : that demon really got some nerve!

Hikari : Top Commander!

FatherU : change the plan a bit! Get Akuma away from the Plasma Spark Tower and told everyone to get somewhere else far away from the place we gonna fight, NOW!

All : Hai!

. . .

Akuma : *laughing* pathetic, I'm getting bored fighting this lame ultras! Come here my precious power-

Akuma was about to take the plasma spark when suddenly two eye sluggers tried to hit him, unfortunately he dodge it. Akuma turned around and was annoyed when he saw someone he recognised with another person beside him.

Zero : heh, why hello there, Akuma.

Akuma : you..

Zero : I do suggest you to not touch that.You're 20,000 years too early to take that! And maybe you are not ready yet.

Seven : repeating something, huh?

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