Chapter 27

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Another Disaster..


Mother : I've never heard anyone's colour timer cracked before.. this is new..

Mebius : I actually don't know how it cracked too, to be honest..

Mother : hmm...Taiga, Zero, I want you both to be honest with me. Did something happen to you guys or Mebius while you go out? Don't worry, I will not tell anyone.

Taiga : uhm..well...It was a long story, but to shorten it. We found Mebius unconscious, like somewhere there. And when we found him, his colour timer already cracked.

Mother : alright.. Mebius, do you really can't remember anything that happened right before you passed out? Please try to remember cause this thing might be serious and dangerous.

Zero : he always causes trouble.

Mebius : n-no I'm not! ..well.. when I want to go back to Zero and Taiga, I got a dream or something like that. After that dream, I woke up and saw this two calling my name.

Mother : a dream? Or did you get vision? Do you remember anything about that?

Mebius : y- ( wha..why can't I say it?? ) I- uhhm.. I don't remember. ( But what?? How come I say that?? )

Mother : oh, maybe you should not move much since your colour timer will get worse..

Mebius : alright.

Mother : you two can go too. Please rest too.

Taiga : thanks Obāchan!


Mebius went inside his apartment. He is standing right Infront of the mirror. He looks closely to his cracked colour timer, still speechless how it got cracked.

Mebius : did I really just dreaming..?


Mebius : huh?! Who is that?!

*Chuckle* oh, how cute. You can't see me, Mebius.

Mebius : that voice.. it's the same person that I dreamed of.

It was not a dream, Mebius
Everything is real!

Mebius : but..where are you?? How come I can hear you clearly?!

I am inside you. Do you remember?
I merged with you.

Suddenly Mebius saw someone in the mirror. It was the same shadow he saw at planet Jedix. He back away and become furious. He then yell.

Mebius : why?!

You don't need to know. We still not fully united yet.

Mebius : what do you mean..?

This question will be your choices of yourself.. I want you to join me, no poison needed. Join the darkness again, this time I'm sure we will get what we want.

Mebius : no! I'm not listening to you! Get out from me!

I can't, silly! I'm already half merged with you! You just need to join me and we will be completely one person with two minds! We gonna be unstoppable!

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