Chapter 26

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The Return


Mebius, Zero and Taiga walking around inside a huge cave. The cave was pitch black and couldn't see much in it. They used the light from their bracelet and continue to walks around the cave.

Taiga : this cave is huge! I wonder how it would be compared to human size!

Zero : I know it's gonna be a bad luck if I say this but do I the only one that feel something weird in this cave?

Mebius : well, I felt that too. Somehow it's kinda familiar to me..

Taiga : don't worry. We are gonna be fine. How about we go deeper, maybe we will discover something.

Mebius : alright.

They continue to go deeper into the cave, as they were walking they were shocked to see the area near them. It's looks like something has come and fight there. It was damaged and almost destroyed the whole area. When they walk closer to the area, cracking sounds could be heard.

Zero : shit! If we continue to walks inside, we gonna fall. The ground looks like it gonna collapse.

Taiga : we could fly?

Zero : I don't want to waste my energy for flying all the way to the end of this cave.

Taiga : fine..I do think there's something in here but we can't go any deeper.. let's go outside now.

Mebius : you guys go first, I need to see something.

Zero : alright, be careful.

Zero and Taiga went outside while Mebius was still walking around the cave.

Mebius : ( why do I get this strange feelings again? I have felt this before but when? )

As Mebius was walking around, the cold wind came making almost the whole cave in the cold. Mebius shivered when the cold wind blew.

Mebius : ( cold..what with the sudden cold wind? )

Mebius was about to leave the cave when suddenly something glow caught his attention. He walks towards the thing and see a ring. Mebius touch the ring and get a vision

??? : I promise you,you will never be hurt by those ultra. Especially the ultra brothers and Hikari. Those traitor will get what they deserve. As long as you wear this ring..

Mebius : H-Huh? Where am I? W-who are you?

??? : It will give you the power of the darkness. Everything you desire will be yours, and it will be your helpful item to you.

Mebius : what is happening.. why is he-


Mebius : A-Ah! Yeah! I'm coming!!

When Mebius snapped out from the visions, he was being called by Taiga. He quickly runs out from the cave not knowing he have the ring on his finger. After Mebius out from the cave, a black shadow figure appeared.

??? : I always come back, Mebius..


Mebius : what did you guys do?

Taiga : we did nothing! This kaiju literally just come running towards us and hug Zero!

Zero : I didn't expect this too..

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