Chapter 16

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"Too late!"


Mother : I can't recognise this kind of sickness. It's going to be dangerous for him if we can't find out it.

Taro : we really need to tie him to his bed? It's look like he's imprisoned or something..

Zoffy : unfortunately,we need to. We can't risk having Mebius free in his room. In fact, maybe no one can look after him.

Hikari : He's gonna wakes up in an hour. While he's sleeping,I'm gonna take some of his blood for me to examine.

Zoffy : go ahead, Hikari. We are counting on you to discover this weird behaviour of Mebius.

Hikari nods, he then go beside Mebius and start to takes some of his blood. Hikari was surprised to see Mebius blood were mixed with golden and black colour. [As you guys know, Mebius or other ultra has golden looking blood/dust so yea]

Hikari : what the heck..

Mother : why does it black? It's impossible..

Hikari : maybe this also one of our answer. I still need to experiment it. I will see you guys when I have the results as soon as possible.

Zoffy : thanks, Hikari.

Taiga : Mebius gonna be okay..?

Taro : he will, Taiga. Don't worry.

Seven : some of us will need to keep an eye on Mebius day and night until Mebius is cured. Zoffy will arrange your duties for now.

Zoffy : yes,and for today and night, I would like Seven and Leo to be incharge. And something for you guys to remember, don't let him off from his chain and don't let him go out from this room.

Everyone : Hai!

|Mebius POV|

Why is it dark..why do I feel cold...why do I feel like this... Everyone is evil..they don't like me anymore,they think I'm worthless... Everyone hate me, including big brothers..why me? Why?

Why do I feel rage? Why do I feel sadness..I want to.. destroy everything.. everyone is mean.. everyone hate me so much.. I don't deserve this life anymore..
*|Mebius Nightmares|*

Mebius : niisan! Stop it's hurt!

Zoffy : it's hurt? You're so weak! Learn to be strong! *Kick his stomach*

Mebius : Argh! No, please,stop!

Ultraman : this what you deserve! You're a disgrace to us!

Seven : We hate you! You shouldn't be with us!

Jack : can't believe you were called strong. You're such a weakling.

Ace : why do you proud of yourself? We are the one that need to protect you! We're the one that always need to come and save ya!

Mebius : (stop.. please) it's hurt..

Taro : huh? You,my student? I would be embarrassed training you! You're worthless!

Leo : Zero was better than you,he is also younger than you too. Pathetic.

Mebius : Stop! Please!

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