Chapter 10

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Vacation Or Competition?


/Mebius POV/

I woke up from my sleep,and thankfully my nightmares has gone a few days ago. Yeah,I still can't get over those nightmares.. it's still hunting me till now. I got down from my bed and go to the bathroom. After I got out from the bathroom, I started to think for today,since Zoffy -nii let me off the duty again this week..I hate it even though it is tiring to do most of the missions but that what makes me busy.

"Maybe if I ask Hikari to go out with me today?" I said to myself, but I do think Hikari will be busy today..Maybe, Tiga -san? He doesn't have any missions too this week. But then, I got a perfect idea. "How about I ask both of them!" I said to myself again and I excitedly jumping around like a child,yea people do say I'm just like a child,even niisan said that too. First thing to do is ask Hikari!

\Normal POV\

Hikari : You want to go out with me and Tiga?..

Mebius : Yea! It would be fun right? Are you busy though?..if you're,I will just go with Tiga -san.

Hikari got up from his chair and he called someone.

Hikari : Cosmos,I'm taking a break for two days. Could you inform Zoffy?

He immediately hung up the call.

Hikari : I'm free until tomorrow, let's go *Takes Mebius hand and goes out from there*

While cosmos in the other hand.

Cosmos : What? He didn't say why..Ohhh! I get it now..

Hikari was on his technology bracelet to search for a perfect place to have a vacation while Mebius is calling for Tiga.

Mebius : Tiga -san! Do you want to hang out with me and Hikari?

Tiga : Uh,yea sure..can I take some people to? If you don't mind..

Mebius : I don't mind! You can take anyone with you! We will be waiting for you guys at the café! How many people will be coming?

Tiga : I'm gonna take Dyna with me..Gaia and Agul can't maybe ask two more people at least?

Mebius : yea,sure! Meet you there!

Mebius hung up the call and go to Hikari.

Mebius : Tiga -san will come with Dyna and two more people! Where do you suggest we go?

Hikari : I'm suggesting this planet. It's doesn't have any living things there. And no information about monster being there so it's safe.

Mebius : oh! It's have a beach to like the earth!

Hikari : yea,that is also why we're heading there. We're gonna go on a beach.

Mebius : Fun! Now, let's go to the café! I'm starving.

Hikari : *chuckle* okay,okay. Come on.

They went to a cafe and ordered some foods and drinks while waiting for the other. Not so long after, all of them arrived at the café.

Mebius : Hey,Guys!

Dyna : Mebi -chan! It's has been so long!

Mebius : didn't we just met yesterday.?

Dyna : did we? Tiga?

Tiga : idiot..oh, Mebius. I bring this two if you don't mind.

Victory : hey.

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