Chapter 12

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The next day, everyone was out having breakfast before completing the competition.

Mebius : *yawn* hey guys..I see you guys already awake before us.

Mebius and Hikari just woke up from their sleep and just got out from their tent. Everyone was enjoying their breakfast just greet them.

Dyna : well you do always wake up late as we all know

Mebius : Dyna -san!

Victory : Hm, Mebius already flustered with just teasing. what if...

Justice : stop it, you're ruin the mood.

Mebius : Soo..Dyna -san, what's the last round for this competition?

Dyna : well for today last round, it's just swimming competition like that. Nothing special much.

Zero : well what so challenging about that? We can breathe underwater right?

Taiga : nope. I almost drowned yesterday because my foot got tangled up on something, it's a good thing Cosmos -san saw me or I would be a dead fish.

Hikari : we can't breathe underwater here? Cosmos,have you analysis this?

Cosmos : I couldn't find any source for this kind of things. It's unknown. I just hope you guys will be careful.

Ginga : When will the competition start?? I wanna go back to Earth.

Tiga : maybe,this noon? Or evening. We will see when it looks perfect to swim.

Dyna : just hope that everything will be alright.

Hikari : well, Cosmos. How about we go find some samples so we can analyze this planet as much as we can.

Cosmos : yea,sure. You do know how to get yourself busy.

Mebius : Hikari..I thought you said we can hang out a bit..

Hikari : uh, sorry Mebius..I'm kinda busy..

Tiga : It's fine Mebius. We can hang out together.

Mebius : Sure. Thanks Tiga -san..

Tiga just grin at Hikari and continue to eat his foods. Hikari just glare at Tiga.

Victory : well, sorry to say but me and Ginga will go to Earth. Ginga want to go to a festival.


Justice : Damn, no need to shout at here! Just go or whatever!

Victory : whatever. We're just gonna go. Good luck with the competition.

Dyna : Yea,sure.

Victory and Ginga just fly out from there and went to the Earth.

Mebius : Hm..I'm just gonna go to my tent for a while..

Hikari : Mebius..

Mebius just walked away from there. Hikari just feel guilty that he can't hang out with Mebius.

Cosmos : You can take the samples later you know...poor Mebius..

Tiga  : i'm just gonna go to him, at least I know how to be a gentleman.

Hikari just felt guilty and stares at Tiga that walking to his tent. The others there just keep silent as they don't want to disturb their moments.

Cosmos : well, let's go. You make Mebius sad because we're going to get some samples right? Then let's go until the last round begin.

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