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"What did I tell you?" The king yelled

"T-to cle-clean the tab-table" the little wolf replied, clutching the dirty towel in his hands and bowing his head.

"Then what is this? It's still so dirty" The alpha king yelled at the scared whimpering wolf.

The little wolf didn't say a word,he kept quiet like that. His heart started to beat when the Alpha King being silent, because he knows when the alpha gets silent he would be thinking something. And the thought would be having him.

"Now come on you are getting punishment"

The little Omega jolted and woke up with a scream, he never gets nightmares. Because he was living in a nightmare all these years.

"Love, Omega what happened?" His Alpha wrapped him in his big arms and rubbed his back.

"Scary dream" the omega whispered

"Don't worry, it's alright" the alpha soothed him.

Jeongguk swings the omega a bit to make him sleep again. He kept rubbing his back and peppered his face with sweet kisses. Jeongguk stays awake and calms his mate till the little Omega sleeps again.

Jeongguk is so worried about his mate, What dream would he have had? It's maybe about his old pack.

Jeongguk carefully admired the peaceful sleeping face and the blonde locks. He saw the slow breath taken by the little wolf and his chest were rising up and down slowly.

Jeongguk gave a kiss to the wolf's head and pulled him closer,snuggling to his mate.


"What dream did you see of Jimin?" The alpha asked

Both the Alpha and the Luna are sitting on the garden bench near the bed of white roses. The Omega asked if he could go to the garden again and the alpha didn't want anything to get so happy.

"King Alpha" Jimin said sadly

"Don't call him Alpha, he is not your alpha anymore. Just call his name" Jeongguk said as his wolf wanted to let out a growl.

Jimin nodded looking down at his hand which was on his lap.

"Tell me love, did you see things happen to you?" Jeongguk asked, raising his little Omega's head.

"Yes, One day he told me to clean the table......and I did, but he didn't like the cleaning" Jimin said

Jeongguk listened to his mate's words carefully. Jimin was talking so slowly but Jeongguk had a lot of patience with his mate.

"So did he hurt you?" Jeongguk asked, wrapping his arms around the small waist.

"Ye-yeah, he take me to a room and -" Jimin whispered

Jeongguk pulled his mate closer to him and pressed Jimin's face on his chest, not allowing him to say anymore. Jeongguk lost his hold after a bit and he kept kissing the blonde head over and over again.

"You are okay little one, no one is going to hurt you anymore. I promise" Jeongguk said

Jimin nodded his head, feeling tears in his eyes at the Alpha's words. Never in his life says something sweet to him other than his Alpha. Jimin's wolf was also happy and he was jumping with this happiness.

"You want a flower?" Jeongguk asked

"No......it will dry and become so ugly" Jimin replied

Jeongguk watched his mate awfully.

"They will look beautiful on their plants,"the little Omega said.

Jeongguk kissed his mate's lips.

"You are so right baby" Jeongguk said

The Omega smiled.

Alpha and Luna spend lots of time in the garden. Jimin smells the flowers he hadn't smelt before and he would smile widely at the sweet smell.

They walked far into the garden talking about lots of things. Jeongguk noticed that his mate is actually a chatting Omega who really loves to talk but he was suppressed by his old pack.

When they walked more Jimin looked around and it seemed like a forest to him.

"Is it a forest Alpha?" Jimin asked

"Ummm kind of forest little one but its the Ritual Royal Garden" Jeongguk said

Jimin nodded as he understood.

"Our ritual royal garden is abandoned now, it looks haunted and no one goes there," Jimin said thinking about the dark forest in his old pack.

Jeongguk looked at his mate confusedly as why no one goes to the deep garden,it's the only thing which makes a kingdom Royal.

Every single Kingdom has a Royal Garden and every Royal garden will have a Ritual Royal garden, this ritual royal garden has a big pool of water which is so pure. This water can only be touched by Royal wolves. This water can be given to ill persons but whoever fetches this water should be a Royal.

If any other wolf like rogue or normal touches a single drop of the water, the whole pool will get impure with brown disgusting water and the whole ritual garden will turn so dirty and dark.

"Do any of the workers touch the water?" Jeongguk asked

"I don't know Alpha, I had never gone there. Only saw it from far and it's so dark with dried trees and black coloured leaves'' Jimin said

The alpha smiled and kissed his head.

Jimin is so scared and he was so careful not to touch the water. He is a normal wolf, what will happen if he accidentally touches it.

The big pool was getting visible to Jimin as they kept walking. Jimin smiled when he saw the big pool which had crystal clear water. It was so beautiful and he couldn't contain his happiness.

"You love it?" Jeongguk asked

"Yes Alpha, it's so beautiful" Jimin said

Jeongguk smiled and walked more into the garden.

"Do we need to go more?" Jimin asked

"Why? Are you tired, Omega?" Jeongguk asked worriedly

"No, what if I touch the pool? I don't want to get this beautiful pool dirty" Jimin said

Jeongguk laughed at his omega and cupped his face with his large hands, he warmly smiled at him.

"You won't make it a mess, even if you make it not a problem. You are the Kingdom Luna'' Jeongguk said

Jimin smiled and kissed his chest.

"I only want you"

ROYAL SAVIOR •.•*•JIKOOK•*•.• (Currently being edited)Where stories live. Discover now