•.•*•CHAPTER FORTY •*•.•

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Hoseok was getting so mad and impatient day by day, he is so eager to find his little brother but he isn't getting a chance for it.

He is worried about his brother. What if Jimin is in trouble or what if he is starving? Hoseok doesn't want to see his brother in a vulnerable form for the first time. Is Jimin safe or Is he comfortable? everytime Hoseok thinks about Jimin he would be so emotional. The fact that he couldn't help his brother earlier always kills him inside, but it wasn't his fault.

He and his friends have noted every single moves of Taemin, its true that the king directly is going to kill people and taking slaves. Hoseok gets to know that Taemin had made a very big enemy to the Seoul Kingdom, most of the wolves had said that the people and the King from Seoul are so kind and nice, brave too.

Hoseok was thinking of making Seoul go with him to defeat Taemin, but he also thought, '' What if the King of Seoul wants Busan after the fight? But after some more thoughts he decided to make that decision of making friends with Seoul so he can find his brother too. Jimin must be in Busan so he can maybe find him there.

"Hoseok, your idea isn't bad we can ask for them to join" Brian said

"Yeah, soldiers from Iraq and from Seoul will have a lot, it will be easy to defeat Taemin" Aldrich said and the rest nodded.

"So, we can go to Seoul tomorrow?" Hoseok asked

"I actually don't know, i am confused" Aldrich

"Me too" Hoseok said

"Hey, we can depart from here tomorrow. Seeing Taemin, I don't think he is getting out from castle anytime soon" Brian said

"Yes, I just hope king of Seoul will agree with this" Hoseok said

"He will"

The sudden deep voice made the three of them take their weapons quickly and point to the five men in front of them. They are out from their tent in the middle of the forest and it's so dark, just the light of the fire they made is there.

"Who are you?" Hoseok asked angrily and he could sense there were two alphas and three betas.

Hoseok pointed his royal dagger and the other two pointed their swords at the five men.

"We ain't trouble, you can down your weapons' ' An Alpha with dark black eyes and bushy eyebrows said.

Of Course the three wolves did not listen, their inner wolf is so curious and is so much in anger.

"We five are from Seoul, we have been watching you three for days" A beta said, crossing his arms on his chest.

"How can we trust you?" Aldrich asked

"Umm we don't know how to make you trust us, but we aren't from Busan anyway" Another Alpha said

"We heard you, our king will be happy if he get brave fighters to defeat Taemin" another Beta said

Hoseok, Aldrich and Brian put their weapons down and stood straight. Their eyebrows are still raised but they think they can trust these five wolves.

"We knew from the start that you three are not just for trading but for something else too. When we reported our king about you he asked us to keep an eye on you" A Beta said

"Why are you here then? What do you need in Busan?" Hoseok asked

"Our king sent us to check on Taemin, he is so cruel to this world and the world is asking for help from our King." an Alpha said

"We are hunters so we hunters can go anywhere without making any doubts from people" a Beta said

"Alright, can we go to Seoul? We heard the securities are high" Aldrich said

"Ofcourse, one of us can come with you so you can easily go inside the territory" An Alpha said

"Okay, but...but actually we have to find a person on Seoul too" Brian said

"Oh, it won't be a problem. Our king will help you, he will make a place for you to live there" A Beta said

The boys nodded and they were astonished for a moment thinking about a king to arrange a place for some strangers to live.

"Where are you three from anyway?" A Beta asked

"Iraq" Hoseok said

"That's so far" An Alpha said "Why did Taemin go that far to kill people?"

"It's a long story, actually he is from Busan and we both are from Iraq. He was came to Iraq 18years ago" Aldrich said

"Oh, okay we understand. I think Taemin won't be gets out of castle anytime soon so you three can go to Seoul after a day, so we can send our majesty the news of you three coming" An Alpha said and the three boys nodded

"Umm how can we actually true-"

"We heard you, we just wanted to tell you that our king wants the Busan wolves to live in peace so he wants the kingdom. But if another wolf is ready for it, he won't take anyone's territory, you can trust him" A beta said proudly about their Alpha

Hoseok smiled and nodded his head.

"So when will you send the message to your king?" Aldrich asked

"Now, we are sending now" An alpha said

The three boys nodded and walked with them. Deep inside the forest the five hunters have made a small tent for them, their weapons are secured inside it and they are always so conscious.

As the boys got closer to the wolf's tent, they saw two other wolves outside the tents. So an Alpha said that their king has sended total of eight wolves here and one is gone to find food now.

"What are your names?" An Alpha asked

"Iam Hoseok, this Aldrich and this is Brian" Hoseok introduced them to the wolves.

The boys feel that this is a good way and they can trust these people. They have heard about Seoul kingdom from Addison and he says that the king and the whole wolfs are so kind and brave. And the new Luna in the Seoul kingdom is referred to as the most beautiful Omega in the world.

They all sat on the wooden log near the fire and they talked about each other and their own kingdoms.

"Our king actually just got married, but we eight couldn't joined it but our family did so we are happy for that" A beta said happily

"Yes, we have heard about marriage. We heard that the whole kingdom is decorated with white and pink flowers" Brian said as he remembered What Alex told him.

"Yes our new Luna is so beautiful and he is so pale, and his favorite color is pink that's why our old men who does decoration decided to decorate the whole kingdom in white and pink coloured flowers" The Beta said

"Ahh that would be a nice view" Hoseok said smiling

"Yeah it would be, we couldn't see we got information about it from our Beta" An Alpha said, making the boys nod their heads.

"We heard Luna is the most beautiful Omega in the world, would you explain?" Aldrich asked

"Sorry but we didnt seen him yet, he is not a social person and was so nervous around everyone when he came there. Then he was shown to the people after we were sended here" The Alpha said not telling the part where their Luna struggled and felt pain in Busan and is so scared at everyone, he doesn't want to show his Luna is weak to some strangers so no need.

The boys nodded and the wolf who went to take food came back with bread and meat, they started to eat and talked about random things and about Taemin too.

"You can trust us"

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