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Jin is alright now, his pain has gone but he can't leave his bed. His belly is so swollen and he is afraid to even move a little bit. Jimin would keep saying that he had told him earlier that Jin will have two Alpha boys and it's going to happen. Jin is so happy about the excited Luna who talks with his pups inside him.

As the news of Taemin directly going to other Kingdoms was spreaded, the armies and guards on Seoul Kingdom had been strong on the borders of their land. The loyal wolves would give their life to save their Kingdom, to save their Alpha and Luna.

Because of this news the Omegas and female Bettas are a little scared of it, they aren't going out much and they aren't leaving their kids out too. And the King had said that it's good to secure yourself before something happens.

Jeongguk had again got a letter from his hunters that Taemin had not left his Kingdom yet and he is still inside the castle. And the hunters wrote that they are so suspicious about the three traders at Busan. They wrote that the traders don't seem like just to trade and sell dates but they have some other intentions too.

The letter they exchanged is from a white pigeon, quickly Jeongguk had sended an letter to the hunters that keep check on the traders too. And he flew the pigeon to Busan.

The Alpha is still so stressed about Taemin, his armies are still outside, killing and hostaging wolves. They are raping and slaving every Omegas and hurting them for their own pleasure.

Jeongguk always hate the fact of people seeing Omegas as weak, slave and good for only carry pups. His Kingdom is known to be the only one which every single wolf respects and adores Omegas more than any other wolfs. Seoul Kingdom gives Omegas the highest ranking and every Alphas and Betas are proud of their Omegas. He has heard from his father that Omegas are like gifts from God, that's why they are so small and adorable everytime. God gave them this much beauty and creativity so god thought to not give them strength to fight with anyone, and these words always make Jeongguk smile. He have been hearing these from his childhood and he still believe this.

He is now at his throne with his Luna and was settling a problem between two farmers. One of them had taken the other's land by decreasing his fence and his field had been decreased.

Jeongguk hates people who lie and he can clearly see one of them is lying. He growled at the response of the lying farmer and the man's head was hung low.

"You are being punished for giving your quarter wealth to Beta farmers, you should be honest to your own citizens and the Kingdom," Jeongguk said, looking straight into the wolf's eyes.

"I'm sorry Alpha, forgive me" the wolf begged Luna to feel so sympathy towards him.

"Solitude" Jeongguk commanded and the farmers went out of the castle with the guards who took him inside.

"Are you okay Alpha?" The Luna's sweet voice asked softly beside him

"Yes love, I'm good" Jeongguk said smiling

"I felt you getting so much angry" Jimin said

"I hate when people lie, liars turn to criminals and they are always in big trouble," Jeongguk said, taking Luna's hand.

Jimin nodded and smiled.

"Let's get you fed something" The Alpha said as he got up from his throne.

"No Alpha, I'm not hungry" Jimin said as he stood up with his Alpha

"You haven't eaten much for breakfast either, you need to eat something love or you will get sick" Jeongguk said, wrapping an arm around the small waist as he walked out from the big hall.

"I Am not getting hungry that's why" Jimin said, making the King chuckle.

"Anyway you are eating with me, skipping meals is healthy" Jeongguk said kissing the blonde haired head.

Jimin couldn't argue so he just nodded and walked with his Alpha to the Royal dining. The King and Luna were the only one left who had lunch today, everyone else had already had theirs.

As the kings sat on their chairs, the maids started to serve the food. The wolves started to eat and like always Jimin was eating so fast and hungry. Some of his habits from the old pack did not die....like eating so fast, waking up from one call, closing ears when hearing any growls from someone....just like that.

The lunch was silent and Jimin just acted like half of it, he wasn't hungry, the Alpha kept making him eat every hour so he wouldn't be hungry. His tummy filled easily and he stopped eating. Jeongguk kept looking at his mate and was confused to see him moving the meat from the plates.

"What happened Omega? Why aren't you eating meat?" Jeongguk asked

"I don't feel like eating it Alpha, if that's okay" Jimin said softly

"Ofcourse, if you don't want to, then don't eat. Should I ask the maids to cook something else for you?" The King asked

Jimin shaked his head.

"No, I'm just not that hungry" Jimin said

Jeongguk just nodded, still watching his mate. He dont want his mate to get thin again, he hates to think about that first day he met Jimin. So thin, bruised and vulnerable laying naked on the ground was still an heartbreaking view for him.

"You haven't seen our pack house right?" Jeongguk asked

Jimin shaked his head.

"Well we are going there today evening, you will love there. Lots of pups plays there everyday" The Alpha said

"I would love to go there," Jimin said, smiling widely.


"It's so good here, Alpha, everywhere is pups," Jimin said excitedly, making his Alpha laugh.

The big grounds at the park house were filled with different ages of pups, in their both wolf and human forms. The pups stopped their play when they saw their Alpha and Luna.

The pups run towards them, squealing and giggling asking Luna and Alpha to play with them. Beside Luna and Alpha's feet a group of small pups was formed within minutes.

Jimin was giggling, he had never seen this many pups together in his life before and he never thought all these pups would come towards him and love him.

"The crown matches you Luna, it's your eye color" a curly haired girl who might be 6years old said.

Jimin blushed and smiled at the pup. He thanked her and ruffled her curly hair. The other pups started to shout and scream in happiness to see and touch Luna this close.

Jimin's crown was shining on the sunlight just like his blue eyes shining, and the Alpha can't blame the pups for their screams as Jimin was stunning so brightly in front of them.

The Alpha let Luna join the pups and talk with them as he was going to have a conversation with the guards.

The pups pulled Jimin to the shade of a big tree and they all sat on the grassy ground. Jimin was so happy to be with all these pups beside him, he also wants pups like this and he wants to spend time with his own pups every single minute.

"Why are you so white Luna?" A small boy asked

"Umm I don't know honestly, I have this color from childhood" Jimin said

"Alpha is so tanned" The 6year old girl said

"Yes he is" Jimin said happily

"Tan and white are opposite, isn't it?" The girl asked Jimin to laugh.

That evening Jimin spent all his time with the pups and when it got almost dark the Alpha told the kids to go to their own homes. Some whine when they wanted to spend more time with Luna but Jeongguk told them strictly that they should go home. After making sure everyone had left the pack house Jeongguk and Jimin go back to the castle, Jeongguk knows Jimin was so happy and he wants his mate to be happy forever.

"Be happy"

ROYAL SAVIOR •.•*•JIKOOK•*•.• (Currently being edited)Where stories live. Discover now