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The Alpha didn't sleep all night, he is wide awake for his mate and is lots of worried too. The Omega has been throwing up for more than two times last night and the Alpha have never felt this much upset and worry.

The little Omega is cuddled up against his Alpha's chest, sleeping so peacefully and purring so cutely. The Alpha isn't even tired but is so conscious of his mate, his inner wolf is actually whimpering for his love and is so sad.

From the whole night to till now he has been tracing his fingers on the blonde hair, rubbing and massaging the Omega's body with his hands softly.

The Omega is purring against his bare chest and the Alpha smiles when his little wolf purrs loudly. He admired his mate's delicate face and those cute pink lips. Leaning to the small wolf he gave a kiss to his lips making the Omega to store and whine.

Jeongguk patted his back so he could sleep again but the Omega opened his eyes and looked at his Alpha, he smiled and again snuggled up with his King.

"Didn't mean to wake you love" The Alpha mumbled and the Omega just nodded his head "how do you feel?"

"Feels like.......spinning" The Omega said softly against the Alpha's neck

"Your head is spinning?" The Alpha asked worriedly

Jimin nodded his head and layed on the bare warm chest. He placed his left palm on the chest and then breathed his Alpha's strong scent.

"We need to call Hayleen" The Alpha said

"No need Alpha, I think I'm alright" Jimin said

"No, you vomited for no reason and you haven't been eating much for a while" Jeongguk said making the Omega to shut his mouth

"Hhsssss" Jimin held his tummy and hissed when a strike of pain was rushed in him.

"Omega, You alright love?" The Alpha asked worried and made his Omega sit up on the bed and helped him in his arms.

The Omega buried his face on his Alpha's chest and he tried not to cry from this pain, but it failed when another pain came to him. Jimin's precious tears made the Alpha go all wild and he started to tensed up, he gots up from his bed and got outside of their room.

"CALL HAYLEEN NOW" He shouted with a growl so everyone can know that he is serious and in a hurry.

Lots of workers and soldiers outside hear the growl and soon three wolves were sent to get the Royal doctor from her home.

Jeongguk soon went back to his Omega and held him in his arms tightly, he soothed him and released some pheromones too. It does help his mate but the little wolf was so uncomfortable with his whole body.

"I-I feel so....bad" Jimin whispered and got up from the bed.

Knowing what's going to happen Jeongguk picks his Omega and rushes to the bathroom, the omega emptied his stomach which was only water as he did not eat anything at dinner last night. When he stood up again, his balance was sloppy and his Alpha picked him again. Jeongguk laid his mate on their bed and gave him some water, the Omega does not look pale or weak, just seems so dizzy and exhausted. Jeongguk is hell of worry and he just wants to make his mate's pain go away.

It's been like two hours when Hayleen showed up at the door of the Kings' bedroom, she was also worried when she heard Luna was in pain.

Jimin has already vomited three times and is laying on his bed exhaustedly. He feels so dizzy and tired, but his pain in his belly is gone now.

"Hayleen come inside, check him" The Alpha rushed to the door when he heard the knock.

"What happened Alpha? He looks so tired" Hayleen said and walked towards the tired Luna and she placed her palm on his forehead to check if he have fever "he doesn't have fever"

"Yesterday he had a stomach pain and was crying, then at night he vomited many times. And again today happened the same'' The Alpha said as his body feels weak

"Don't worry Alpha, I will check him, '' Hayleen said and held Luna's wrist to check his pulse.

Jeongguk sat beside his lying Luna and made him sit up, he made his mate lean backwards towards him and lay over him.

"Luna, could you pull up your shirt? I want to check your tummy" Hayleen asked and Luna nodded.

Jeongguk pulled his mate's shirt upto his chest and nodded to Hayleen. The Royal doctor placed her fingers over the pale belly and gently pressed it. She is so concentrated and pressing her fingers carefully, she moved down and she stopped for a moment when her fingers reached on the lower tummy. She again pressed there and as much as her medical experience she felt something under the skin.

Hayleen smiled widely and pressed her palm gently and went a little lower, her teeths were showing because of her wide smile and she was so excited to break the news.

"What happened?" The Alpha asked confusedly, seeing the happy face of the doctor.

"Alpha, dont worry its a good news"

Jimin and Jeongguk looked at her confusedly and were so impatient to hear the good news.

"Seoul Kingdom is going to have an lady or earl after six months"

ROYAL SAVIOR •.•*•JIKOOK•*•.• (Currently being edited)Where stories live. Discover now