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Just like Manchester, Seoul Kingdom is also planning an attack, but because of the pregnancy of Luna the Alpha can't just leave him alone. Of Course an Omega needs their Alpha the entire time of their pregnancy.

But Jeongguk  has ordered his warriors to start their trainers for the fight, he had strictly told every soldier not to utter a word about this fight to anyone, not to their family. This mission is a very important one, a very special one.

That day when Jeongguk  gets to see his mate is the best opportunity to kill Taemin. Jeongguk  has waited for that day for months. But he won't think about a fight when he gets his Omega, who was injured head to toe, nobody will.

So Jeongguk  is again waiting, for the revenge of his father, revenge of his mate and his family. Most importantly Hoseok's revenge.

Jeongguk  and Hoseok have been very close to each other, they talk and share a lot of things. Mostly they talked about Jimin, and they would talk about his cuteness and angelic voice and of course about his very large bump full of pups.

Jeongguk  is so impressed with Hoseok and his friends with their fighting training.
Iraq and Iran are always known to be skilled in swords, they really are good at swords. Namjoon is the main sword fighter among them so the boys are actually training with him.

Jeongguk  does need to train but his emotions and inner wolf doesn't let him. His both brain and heart is stick with him pregnant Omega, but still he knows that they will win.

After checking the training room he goes upstairs to his room, in the middle of the hall on the top floor he met his mother. She was sitting on the couch and was knitting with pink yarn.

"Mother, How are you?" Jeongguk  asked sitting beside her

"I Am fine son, and you? How is the training going on?" She asked placing the knitting tools down at the table.

"It's going well" Jeongguk  said smiling and he looked at the knittings.

"Oh yes, well this is for my grandchildren. I would love them to wear my hand made sweaters" She said

Jeongguk  hugged his mother with a big smile and kissed her forehead.

"Thankyou, that's so sweet" He said

"Ofcourse, they are my first grandchildren so I'm excited as well as you" She said, making the Alpha to chuckle.

"I Am so worried mum, I Am worried all over. Worried of Jimin, worried of the fight and everything and I'm so exhausted" He said

"I know love" She said cupping his cheeks with her hands ''It will be alright, trust me everything is going to be fine. You just let your Alpha do everything, don't make him suppress too much. He can ease your tensions, your inner wolfs help you when these times comes"

Jeongguk  nodded and kissed her cheek and he received a kiss on his cheek as well. Saying bye to his mother he walked to his room.

He saw his Omega laying on the bed on his left side, and a book was also beside him opened. The Omega is sleeping peacefully without any disturbances, his large bump is shining. He is glowing day by day and Jeongguk  is happy to see his Luna like this.

Jeongguk  silently and carefully laid beside Jimin and got inside the blankets. Like always the Omega snuggled towards his Alpha getting those intense strong smells.

Hayleen had told to Jeongguk  that the Luna may or maynot have his deliver soon. It isn't even the fifth month but when it's more than two pups the duration can be reduced. So not only the Alpha and Luna but the whole castle is alerted and conscious about the new baby's arrival.

Maybe that's why Jeongguk  and his wolf are more worried, he can't wait to see his pups but at the same time he is scared of their health too. So many questions haunt him: What if the pups will be too small because of the early birth? What if something happens to them? Will the pups be healthy with this atmosphere? Like that, so many questions. Just some worried father questions.

But he can't show his eeriness to his Omega, the Omega can get messages through the bond mark and that would make the mother more pressured.

Now the entries and boundaries of Busan have been collected, Jeongguk  decided to call back those hunters from Manchester.

"I should send a letter," he mumbled to himself.


"Aha, who do we have here?" Taemin said with an evil laugh

There's some wolves kneeling on the ground, hands tied on the back and bleeding from lots of places in the body. They have been beaten and whipped so many times but still they didn't leave their state of mind. They are still glaring at the rogue king and they would never ever be a slave of him.

The eight wolves which Jeongguk  sended to Busan were caughted by Taemin's soldiers. The soldiers were just suspicious and when they went through their things, they found Seoul signed metal in their belongings.

"It's a good thing that we got you, you gonna help us to enter in Seoul" Taemin's minister said

The wolves who are Alphas and Betas smirked at both Taemin and his minister.

"You can kill us, but we would never betray our kingdom" One of the Alpha said

"We will see, I know you Seoul soldiers aren't afraid of death. But maybe you are afraid of losing your family right?" Taemin said

"Huh, Don't fool us Taemin. You can't step your feet in Seoul. Trust us, you are going to get destroyed" An beta said

"You are threatening me in my Kingdom!" Taemin shouted and kicked that tired Beta wolf.

The beta landed some distance away hitting his shoulder on the floor. He groaned in pain and placed his face on the floor.

"Put them in the dungeon, don't give them any food, '' Taemin said and moved away from them.

"Now I know what to do"

ROYAL SAVIOR •.•*•JIKOOK•*•.• (Currently being edited)Where stories live. Discover now