•.•*•EPILOGUE 3•*•.•

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Andreas is so bothered right now, he is annoyed, pissed and so sad too. He knows he has gone too far but he still can't help this jealousy. His mother had made him sit in his room alone for the whole day. He knows it's his own fault and he is upset too, because his Mamma is not happy with him.

Some hours ago Andrease had made a mistake, he did not mean to happen like this much far. He pushed his father away from his mother and his father fell from the stairs. Jimin was so worried about his Alpha and he cried when he saw Jeongguk's forehead had bleeded. He felt so upset and angry with his son.

Even its his own blood always an Omega's first person in heart would be their Alpha. Jeongguk takes it easy, he knows his beta son did not mean to do like this. But Jimin didn't take it well. He made his son go to his room for the whole day.

Andrease was going too far on his jealousy and Jimin wasn't annoyed about it. But this is not good and he is still upset with his son. The Beta pup hadn't even apologized to his father and that made Jimin more bothering.

The ten year old pup is so annoyed yet upset right now. It's night and he is currently sitting in his bed. He is thinking about how to convince Jimin and make everything alright. He knows what he did was bad but he isn't feeling apologizing to his father, for him it was Jeongguk's fault. This is only the Seoul King's fault.

He watched his closed door slowly open revealing his three siblings and other two brothers. They entered his room after closing the door and flopped on his bed beside him.

"Do you know that you done a wrong thing?" Rainey asked as she sat in front of Andreas

"I know" Andrease said grumply

"Then Andry , why didn't you say sorry to Dada?" Rainey asked again, crossing her arms on her chest.

"I won't" Andrease hissed

"Why Andrease? You are too much" Arsenio said already getting annoyed

"It's his fault anyway, he was SMOOCHING MY MOM" Andrease said angrily

Except Isa, every pup rolled their eyes and looked bored at Andreas.

"Andry there is something you need to know" Isa said

"What?" Andrease asked looking at his little sister

"Momma loves Dad more than you" Isa said softly

"NOOO!" Andreas yelled

"He loves Dad more than anyone" Isa said

Andreas looks at her with a sad face, he never wants to hear those words. Deep inside he knows that but he believes Jimin loves him more than anyone in the world.

"Yes, I think every Omegas are like that" Rollo said

"Why do you think that?" Rainey asked raising her eyebrow

"You see, I have never seen any Omega who insults their Alphas like our Mum. He makes fun of our Dad and laughs at everything about him" Juno said

The rest of the pups laughed loudly.

"Still if we asked him who loves more than he would say that it's his Alpha. It's an Omega nature" Juno said

"Yes, but there is another thing you need to know" Isa said smiling

"What is it now?" Andrease asked, sighing.

"You are Mummy's favorite child, he loves all of us equally but you are special for him" Isa said

"Really?" Andrease asked

"Yes it is" All of the pups responded

Andreas smiled happily and relieved.

ROYAL SAVIOR •.•*•JIKOOK•*•.• (Currently being edited)Where stories live. Discover now