2. College

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This story will not be a daily update maybe in 2 or 3 days . once I complete, my first story I will give regular updates. please share it among your friends and in your profile to read it. 

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A Chubby bubbly girl Nandini murthy arrived Mumbai, with new hopes. She went to her college hostel and registered her name for seat in hostel. She was allotted a 2 bed sharing room. Her roommate is Navya Naveli. 

Nandini ; Ayyappa Please shower all your blessings on me. Can I find love like amma appa here. Lets see. Now who is this Navya . Hope she is a good girl. 

She dragged her luggage up through the lift to the 4th floor and opened the room. "Welcome to my new home Nandini Murthy" She took the window side bed and opened a door to  find a small balcony attached with every rooms below which is the main road .

Nandini : Wow ayyppa this is so cute but a little small. Its okk I can manage .

She unpacked her luggage and arranged it in the cupboard. The house  cleaning lady cleaned the room and gave her the room keys. Now she was waiting for Navya. The college starts from tomorrow. She called her mother "Hello Amma What are you doing.?"

Ishita: I am in school Nandu. Kanna how is the room , your roomie, is she good???

Nandini chuckled at her mom's never ending questions : Amma take a deep breadth first. Yes the room is small but good one, I also have a chotu sa balcony to dry my clothes. My roommate is Navya and she has not reached yet. 

Ishita : Ok dear. Take care, don't fight with anyone. You have a goal to reach my dear. Participate in every functions okk. 

Nandu made a cute sad pout "Amma I am a big girl now." She went to freshen up and made some new friends in her corridor. She believed in spreading love for all. 

In the afternoon after her lunch she came back to her room to rest for a while when there was a knock on the door. There comes Navya naveli from patna. She was in architecture. 

Navya Naveli : A chirpy girl from Patna. She loves to compose music so came to Mumbai to become a star singer. Studying Architecture. She is straight forward girl. If something is wrong she always has the guts to confront him/her.  Became friends with Nandini instantly. 

Navya: Hello myself Navya Naveli from Patna , Bihar. 

Nandu ; Nandini Murthy. 

They instantly connected with each other, talked about their families back in hometown. Nandini was happy as they can be great friends together as they are from different branch so will get their  own personal space even in the hostel.

They had their dinner at night, brought their books from the college premises. They ended their day on a happy note. 

Next Morning........

Nandu had the practice of waking early in the morning. she woke up at 6am. Did her yoga down in the garden. Came back to her room and went to take shower. Navya too woke up 7:30am. She went to freshen up and got ready for the day. Nandini being pure soul was a little nervous. She promised herself that she will not let down her mother ever. 

They had their breakfast and went to college at 9:00 am .  

They both exchanged their phone numbers and went to their respective departments to start their introductory classes

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They both exchanged their phone numbers and went to their respective departments to start their introductory classes. Nandini heard some gossips about a handsome boy in college who is in 2nd year. Manik. 

Nandini pov : Ayyappa how stupid can all be they are gaga on that boy as if he is some celebrity. arghhh..... stupid people. Nandu focus. 

Nandini was having her classes and made some friends in the class. One of them was Aryaman and Smaran. Aryaman is from Delhi and Smaran from Hyderabad. They became good friends. At 1pm Nandu called Navya for lunch. 

They went back to hostel for their lunch and returned back to attend their classes at afternoon. Nandu was free at 4:00 pm whereas Navya's classes ended at 6:00 pm. Nandini was returning back to hostel when she bumped with a guy. Nandu being a clumsy girl did not look up " I am so sorry. I hope you are ok" 

Manik on the other hand was busy on his phone when he bumped with this tiny girl. "Whatever". he rolled his eyes and went  from there. once he was gone Nandu saw the person from back. 

Nandu : Lambu kahi ka Does not even have manners. 

She went to hostel, got freshen up and sat on her bed scrolling down her phone. She fall asleep after talking to her mother. Navya was back from college and sat down being tired. 

Navya : Hey Nandu , It was so boring trust me. You know there is a gang in college name Fav5 They are very famous music band. The lead singer is very handsome . Wait I will show his pictures in Instagram. Nandini was least interested in such boys. See Nandu look at these pictures. MANIK MALHOTRA. He is also studying architecture. 

She was narrating it with dreamy eyes. Nandu loved the boy, he was handsome for sure. No doubt girls are crazy for her. She thought "Nandu you are such a simple chubby and tiny girl. Look at his height He is such a tall guy. I cannot love him na. He is not my type. "

She closed this talks and started to study. Navya started to practice some song as that was her soul purpose to visit Mumbai.  They had their dinner and went to sleep. 

Next morning ...

Nandini had her lab in the morning. She came to know about various clubs to participate as they have credits. She found Drama club, music club, arts clubs, and various sports and technical clubs as well. Nandu was interested in Drawing so thought of enrolling. Aryaman was interested in music so he went there and nandu along with Smaran went to Ars club. They heard gossips about Manik Malhotra in Drama club and girls went crazy to take part in drama club. Nandini rolled her eyes at their craziness and said to his friend "There is only one guy Manik and look at the girls like seriously ! Is he some actor !

Nandini was crossing by her labs when two guys blocked her road. Hey fresher What's your name? she is cute hai na. One of them commented on her.

Nandini was afraid by this when she looked up she was shocked. He was the same handsome guy Manik Malhotra .

Done with the update guys......

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