41. Epilogue part 3

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 Manik and Nandini posed for the pictures , then he squeezed her hands to calm down and not take any pressure. They sat in the front seat taking nandini in a side hug. He sat there for few couple of interviews. Manik's manager cabir has already threatened all the interviewers to ask normal questions. 

Repoter : Welcome to our show Manik and Nandini, you too really look great together. Sir tell me more about Nandini, I mean how did you guys met, fell in love, was she easy to handle ?

Manik : Okk so to answer your first question I met her in college ground. And the surprising thing was she proposed me and she fell in love with me first. I failed to understand my feeling for a long time. And no she is not at all easy to manage. She is a tough nut to crack. 

Reporter : (Nandini) And do you wanna say something 

Nandini: I did fell in love with his heart , he  seems rude and stuff but he is not. 

Reporter : Ohh wow that good to know , i must say his fans will go crazy with this info. Ok so now some more questions what is that one thing of Manik that irritates you the most and one thing which you love the most. 

Nandini : I guess whenever there is an conversation , sometimes he argues more before actually listening to the whole matter . That irritates me , I say first listen to it, think about it and then answer. And the one I love the most is He is very caring. He may do certain things which I go aww . He is such a cutie, he may not show it to you .

Manik : the best thing for me is her understanding nature. She has the power to handle any kind of situation very calmly. And the one thing that irritates me the most is she doesn't thinks about herself first rather keeps the whole world first. 

Reporter : So who is a better listener ? I guess i know the answer. 

Manik and Nandini : we both. When i am angry she listens to me and the other way round  for me. 

Reporter : It was so much fun to talk to you guys, it was pleasure meeting you . All the best for your career and your love life . 

They bid them bye and he took her out with the help of guards as she too has become the public figure now. Everyone out there wanted to capture them together. The guards have escorted their family and they reached home in half an hour.

Manik : All the tickets has been booked mom, your bags are also packed do not worry when Manik is here. He called Cabir and asked him to come soon to his mansion. They will be leaving India in 2 hours. Ishita freaked out a little saying "Manik , what about my house there in manglore , my job ?" 

Manik : Amma , You can contact everyone in just a call. I have hired a person for you who will take care of the paper work for your job and an tenant to stay at your house. You can come anytime you want amma . 

Ishita nodded her her not knowing what more to ask. Nyonika was very excited to move out with her new family. She was jumping in joy . 

Cabir reached there and gave him all the tickets and assured him that he will handle the media and the fire that will break out with this news of Manik being in relationship with Nandini. 

This shift to USA will be a good escape for both of them . He saw Nandini tensed a little "Nandu what is the matter , is there something which is bothering you . tell me." 

Nandini : Manik , will be able to survive there. I mean i know mom and you have an empire there but will I be able to get a job there. 

Manik pulled her by her waist and said caressing his ring "Madam, don't underestimate my Fiancées talent. And don't forget I love you." 

Nandini understood him and said "I love you too." 

They boarded their privet jet for USA. Nandini was very nervous , she was in a deep thought how her life has changed in Mumbai and Once she meet Manik . She thanked her ayyappa to give him such a caring partner. Life had not been a cake walk for her. She was confident about one thing today that even if Manik doesn't marry her her love for him will not lessen. 

After 6 Months....

Nandini had joined one of the largest firms in USA. She was having her talent no doubt but she was unware of the fact that Nyonika has personally suggested her name to the CEO. There kife had taken an U - turn from there onwards. Manik became more calm, he used to spend time with his family and they would go out for weekends. 

Manik has started his career in singing again, he had received some amazing contracts. Not only that his web show was released last month and it broke fire on Internet.

Bring back Manik to India was trending on twitter for last 10 days when finally went live with his fans and said he will definitely entertain them but now in his  own style. 

His fan were sad initially but they knew it was his personal life and soon he announced he is doing a movie with an Indian producer in the shoot will be done on the streets of London. Nandini will also play a small role in it. 

His fans went crazy just by this news. He was really blessed to have such a humongous fan following. Nyonika had made many friends in this time span and she was happy in her own space. Ishita was her bestie. Ishita started with her teaching , she was giving personal coaching classes to the needy free of cost. 

The shoot went for nearly 11 months when finally they wrapped up. Manik was overwhelmed by the fans response in Instagram just by his sneak peak. He released that Coming to USA was a blessing for him. His fan following increased immediately. 

He always felt proud of this little girl who was smiling talking to one of the co star in the sets, He was mentally thanking god to make her meet his angel his bunny. 

She was that ray of light in his dark life which changed the whole life ahead. He made a note to again make a big announcement on the release date of the movie about their marriage. 

Within 2 years FAV 5 too shifted there as their extended family. They were constantly travelling for their live concerts and new albums. Manik was not only an Indian rock star now He was the World's rock star.  

Done with the update guys.

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My new story is up guys, go check it out.

I am ending my another story today. I joined Wattpad in September 2021 and I only read about Manan. I have never thought that I will write my own one day. Thankyou to all my readers for showering so much love for me. Some of them were there from my first story, special thanks to them , that they believed a new writer and loved me so much. 

Thankyou Lovelies.


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