37. His Calmness

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Nandini started fidgeting with her fingers not knowing how to start the conversation . "Manik, you go and freshen up , its nothing serious. First freshen up and come down to eat . I made your favorite food and dessert."

Manik : cool then , we will have this discussion tonight. Nandu please give me the towel and my shorts . 

She rolled her eyes at this lazy guy who becomes dependent once he has Nandini with him. She took out a bathrobe and a towel for him . She went out keeping the shorts and tees on the bed . Manik showered and went down to have his dinner. He saw Nandini and Nyonika in some serious discussion but before he could reach their Nyonika signaled her to stop and they changed the topic. 

Now Manik frowned more, he understood there is something that the whole family is aware of. He gritted his teeth towards Nandini and gave her a "I will see you afterwards look." Nandini gulped down the fear and moved to the kitchen . Cabir was busy with his first love his food where as Navya was sulking like a kid. 

Cabir didn't share even a glance at her which which irked her more. Ishita too was present there having their dinner together. she gifted her the Sweatshirt which she brought for her. Manik's eyes shined looking at the color and he kissed her chin saying "Love you "

Ishita showed the shirt for Cabir and he jumped on her saying "You are a darling, I love you boot sara." Both the mothers laughed at their kiddish nature and Nyonika brought the gifts for all of them.   

They chitchatted for some time and Dhruv, alya , mukti and cabir left with navya for their respective houses . Manik sat near Nandini and called his mom. 

Manik : I know you guys are tensed about something , listen i am sure it not about office work so that means I too have the right to know your  tension. So tell me what's the reason.

Nyonika : (ruffled his hair) Wo Manik, I know you guys love each other and are damn serious about each other . So what have you thought about yourselves in future. I mean any plans, 

Like where do you want to see yourself after 10 years ? 

Manik frowned looking at their faces and said "Am I giving some interview or stuff because it seems like that . Okk jokes apart .... I want to become a successful actor who had done some great work , made some more money, Nandini by my side , you and isi ma by my side a happy and small family. And of course my crazy friends." He smiled imagining about his small and happy family. 

ishita : But dear , you know we live in a society so I was thinking why not give this relationship a name , I mean you and Nandini are happy together and a mature couple so just be like this together.

Manik understood the tangent of their talks but he promised Nandini not to loose his calm so he said "Maa , I will always be with Nandini, She is my other half, I cannot even think a day without her. And we have the name for this relation, it's love. I love her . And about society I don't give a shit about them. Who are they, the same people who have said ill about my mother made me and mom and mom homeless , who had bullied Nandini when her appa died. Had supported my dad with some other women. If this is called society than sorry , I don't respect them.

The same society who was not with you nor my mom, you guys were struggling for life, they don't mean anything for Manik Malhotra. I don't consider them existing for me. The only ones that matters is you and mom and my friends . 

Tell me mom, do you have any problem with me and Nandini, then I will be more than happy to let her go. We love each other and Nandini has taught me that where there is love there is no commitments , but only love . 

We both shouldn't be bound to anything. 

I hope you received my answer . Maa if you are emphasizing in marriage than I am sorry , I cannot do this and Nandini was ok with my decision from day 1. I have been very clear about my thoughts. 

If she wants to marry and settle down then its fine for me . I will always be happy with her decisions. 

He said and went up as his mood was already spoiled . He was trying to stay calm. Sleep was far away from him. Nyonika sighed knowing his answer but she was surprised to see his calm. He behaved well with Nandini and her mom. This was a new manik for her . 

Ishita sat down thinking about his thoughts . He was some where correct from his perspective as well. But being a mother she was in a very tough situation. Manik was very clear to tell that he would never marry anyone because of his past . He was a good boy for sure. He respected Nandini and loved her dearly . She asked Nandini for one last time "Is it okk with you Nandu ? I mean you know manik more than me. I will always be with you . " 

Nandini was a very simple girl with some simple thoughts. She always wanted to get settled with a good job, marriage , kids and everything. But the one she loved had a compilated family and past which she was aware of. It was not that she regretted being with Manik because she knew she would never get a more caring person than Manik who would love her dearly.

Nandini : Give me some time to think mom, I cannot decide so fast. I have to talk to him in a person alone. I need to know his insecurities what is stopping him. 

Nyonika became tensed for her and said "He has a very bad temper dear, and i fear if he shouts on you ........ or ends it."

Nandini chukled at her sadly and said " I am not afraid of him mom, I know he is gonna shout , I will handle him. He is my monster." 

Saying this she left to see manik and requested her mom to sleep here itself as she has to see manik, He is in a sour mood right now .

Done with the update guys.

How was the update guys ?

What do you think will Manik decide ?

Any comments on Manik's thoughts !!!

Comments are decreasing day by day, the writer is sad.

Thankyou lovelies.


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