13. Nyonika's story

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Happy Reading Guys....

Manik went from there to talk to nyonika . He will officially leave his whole family and their wealth today. he directly went to the Malhotra industries. He closed his eyes before going inside.

Manik talked to himself " calm yourself, ufff, breathe manik breathe... Nyonika cannot harm me anymore."

He went up through the lift and knocked the door. "Come in" Nyonika said without looking up. Manik put the papers on the table with a thud. 

Nyo: Hey what a pleasant surprise Manik , come sit.  

Manik : I reject your offer nyonika. I will never come into this industry which is having that bastard's wealth. I am happy on my own space. 

nyonika : Its okk Manik, I understand you. I have already written the mansion in your name. I was just testing you. You don't need to join the office. 

Manik closed his eyes in frustration "Listen Don't play this victims card with me. I don't need your any shit." He turned back to leave when nyonika stopped him "I am sorry, I did not loved you I had my own reasons for it. Please forgive your mother Manik . I just wanted to bring srikant down. He has destroyed himself completely. I loved him Manik where was I wrong, I was young those days"

Nyonika went near him and patted his back : Sit I want to talk to you about something. You were young when me and sri divorced . I have done certain mistakes through which you judged me wrong and evil. I won't justify myself anymore but there are certain things you need to know. I was an ambitious girl Manik but marrying your father means no job. Your grandmother was against  my job or education. I wanted to complete my MBA . She told me we have a family reputation to handle she said girls don't work in our house. 

I have understood on the very first day that they don't love girls. I had accepted everything , then after 6 months I was pregnant with you. I and sri were the happiest from this news. Your grand Maa was skeptical about the gender but sri denied to check it. He took care of me and I had started falling in love for him. Everything was well until 2 years. 

 I was pregnant again with a baby girl. After 9 months manik I gave birth to your sister. I swear on god she was so cute and beautiful that I fell in love with her more. Srikant was quiet for some reasons which were unknown to me. We reached home when your grand Maa started with her bullshits that she is unlucky and stuff. 

Sri went from there to his office . He was tensed but I was busy with my both cutiepie. ( she smiled remembering those days) I was calling her baby girl. When Srikant returned home at night he was drunk and some girl dropped him home. It was riya. I didn't knew about her manik. Srikant started abusing that little girl of 1 day. I became angry on him and for the first time  I raised my hand on him. 

Your grand Maa supported him saying he was right. Malhotra industries was in loss from last few days. From that day onwards manik i was fighting with that family. Srikant used to interact less with everyone. I used to ask him but always he dismissed me saying he is stressed for work. I was busy with you two. One day went to mall to bring my stuff for my baby girl manik and when I reached home, I found Your grand Maa sitting idle watching tv . My baby girl was not there. She was missing . I started shouting like a mad women. They had taken my girl and rest is history. Till date I don't know Is she alive or where is she. i searched for her everywhere but I couldn't. When I filled a complaint against your dad . 

The worst happened your dad denied accepting me as his wife and you as his son. He brough the same girl Riya with him with his 1 year old Harshad claiming that riya is his wife. 

He blackmailed me Manik in house that he won't divorce me for next 5 years because Riya's father was in jail and Riya was financially supporting his family and Malhotra Industries. My whole life crashed down but I had  a smile on my face looking at your innocent eyes which were deprived of mother's love. I promised myself that you are my life. 

Days passed into years. Srikant loved you, you became attached to your dad. I was selfish manik for you. I wanted Sri to love you so I kept my relationship aside. Srikant was attached to you. He loved you. He used to spend time with you which became a insecurity for riya. After 5 years Riya's father changed the game. He threatened o kill you when I backed off. Srikant used to stay with them. you remember Manik your father telling you he used to go to business trips. 

There were no trips manik but you were a innocent kid that time. Slowly i started my Mba , I was searching for my baby girl. She was no where to be found. Your grandma said she had sold her but did not kill her. So I used to search her.

(She was crying by now) Manik Now I won't be able to recognize her. I am sure she will be the most beautiful girl of this world. (She chuckled at her own thoughts) Then i divorced him when you got to know the things. i always cursed myself for my daughter. I thought i am that unlucky women. I started distancing you from me. i love you Manik but i was guilty for leaving my daughter with those animals. I thought  they will snatch you as well as Malhotra heirs so I started my evil games. I started my company and within few years I had thrown Srikant Malhotra from his own property so that they loose all their rights on you. 

i am selfish for you Manik. Nyonika broke down saying the whole story. Don't ever hate girls manik. You too have a sister , don't use and throw a girl manik . Your sister may be one of them. 

Manik shouted at the top of his voice "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" He started breaking things around him with rage and tears in his eyes whereas nyonika was crying hysterically. She knew his son very well. She didn't ever cry from last 25 years. But today She was broken in front of his son. 

Manik shall I ask you for something, Manik please try to find baby girl. (She hugged him tight to calm him down)

Done with the update guys.... 

Hope you like it. Please do inline comments guys. 

What do you think how will manik react after this ???

Now you know why Nyonika was money minded but she loved manik. She never showed her love for him. 

Now the Story unfolds. 

What is your opinion for nyonika??

May be double update for today guys looking at your votes and comments. 

Thankyou lovelies.

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