20. Proposal -part 2

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Manik was looking at Nandini intensely, his eyes showed a lot of emotions as if they were communicating with her soul. Nandini was serving the food but his gaze disturbed her "Why are you looking at me like this ?"(She blushed asking him this). Manik smiled at her and said "Just looking at what is mine and capturing you forever here." (He said pointing it towards his heart.)

Nandini hit him slowly on his arms and said "now eat I am hungry

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Nandini hit him slowly on his arms and said "now eat I am hungry."


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Nandini : Manik you know na I don't drink !!

Manik held her chin and said looking in her eyes "I am there for you trust me you will love it. Just one drink don't harm." 

They both had their dinner with lots of random talks . Manik was telling her about his shoot, how he used to get angry but then remembering her he tried to calm himself down. Inaya used to throw herself on him. Even he had a fight with the director because he wanted to caste Inaya in a side role. Manik denied working and there came his saver Mr. Cabir Dhawan who talked to the director and settled the scores. 

Nandini was happy to know all this and also happy looking at the bond between Nyonika and him. Manik is not much vocal with his feelings ever so some time people misjudged him as arrogant and rude. Nandini too shared her side of story. She enjoyed her time mostly with her mom. she said how much she was insecure about him and even Ishita came to know our equation . She was totally shocked with his proposal . 

Manik : Nandu I still don't believe in love. But i feel somethings are mine. some relations are unnamed. Like mine and mom's , we both care for each other, share everything but this word has destroyed her life so even nyonika believed in reality. I don't know where our relationship will head to because I hate this marriage. We can still live with each other right, i care for you, I will stand by you no matter what. 

Marriage is just to show our society look at my mom and dad, they married each other, what happened after that ? I don't know I just believe you that you will change my perspective of thinking. I guess. 

Nandini held his hand and said "Just go with the flow Manik. We have time for marriage. We have our career to settle. With time even people become mature.  We too will. our love will mature. ayyapaa will handle everything don't worry." 

They had their dinner and Manik dropped her at her place. He kissed her slowly yet passionately on her lips and bid her byee. Nandini was the happiest soul who went down shouting "i love you manik. Sweet dreams."

Manik : i will ( He blushed looking at her retreating figure which was so unfair to himself) 

He messaged her "Be ready , will go to college together. Good night my love." Nandini smiled at him. He went to his house and saw Nyonika waiting for him on the couch and doing something on her laptop. 

Manik : Mom why are you awake ? 

Nyo : Aree I want to know how was your date, did she denied but I guess looking at your face it proves she didn't so tell me how was it ?

Manik's eyes widened in horror "Mom I wasn't on a date, i went to work."

Nyonika held his ears and twisted it lightly "Accha so how was your romantic shoot, in how many takes did you complete ? Because you have this lipstick mark below your lips, it seems you had a kissing scene too!!" 

Manik hugged her tightly being embarrassed with flushed face "Okk fine, you won, It was good mom you know she is a sweetheart. I will bring her home. Meet her , talk to her."

Manik : Did you have your dinner ? 

Nyonika : of course dear, I knew you must be having a romantic dinner date. So tell me how was it ?

Manik : It was good mom, I never knew this was such a beautiful feeling . 

Nyonika : Only lucky ones fall in love Manik, you should feel this feeling, don't regret anything ever after. Just go with the flow. Everything will be fine. Chalo I am really sleepy. Good night Manik .

Manik : Good night mom. 

He slept having a smile on his face

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He slept having a smile on his face. 

Next Morning...

Nandini woke up with a big smile on her face, it seems like a dream for her. She was too much excited to meet Manik in college. She freshened up quickly and got ready , had her breakfast and was waiting for Manik . Navya teased her to hell but was eventually happy for her friend. 

Manik messaged her to come down as he was waiting for her . "Manik Navya is also with me , how can I leave her alone. "

Manik : Madam, uska Majnu aa rha h . Cabir messaged me early morning, he said he will pick up navya. Now please come .

Nandini bid her byee  and went out with manik. Nandini hopped in car with excitement and squealed "This is not fair Manik, I was not able to sleep . I woke up without any alarm today. I was so excited to meet you today" She pout at him angrily folding her hands. 

Manik rolled his eyes "But I had a very good sleep last night, and all thanks to you baby." He teased her . Nandini hit her with her phone on his arm saying "Monster, you can say me yess nandu I was also not able to sleep, I was missing you, at least to make me happy but no,  you are so bad do you know that !!"

Manik laughed whole heartedly listening to her complaints and said "ok done, next time I will say this. Accha Nandu tonight you have to meet mom, she is excited to meet you." Nandu became nervous "Manik what will she ask me, O god I am not even ready to meet her. will she accept me !!" She was fidgeting with her fingers when Manik too thought of having some fun on her expense.

Manik : Nandu you know my mom is a bit strict, so please wear something some Indian and yes be bold with your answers. She don't like shy people. You know what I mean .

She became more tensed with his words and Manik was enjoying her state.  

Done with the update guys..

Hope you like the update. Something interesting on its way. 

Few words for Nyonika and Manik. 

soon i will be posting the next update on cute chubby Nandu I know many of you are waiting for that story. Have fun guys. Kyy 4 has already taken our breadths away. 

Thankyou lovelies.


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