39. Epilogue Part 1.

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Happy Reading Guys.

Next Morning...

Manik and Nandini were covered with sheets cuddling together in their own world. Manik's phone rang waking him up from his beautiful dream, He without looking at the caller Id , cursed him " What the fuck cabir, Do you wanna get killed by me. I am sleeping man, Navya tumhe sone ni deti hai kya , Mujhe to apni bandi ke sath sone de . Saale, how come you became the grahan in my kundli. Always a romance breaker."  (Navya don't let you sleep or what, at least let me sleep with my girl.)

Ishita was on the other side whose eyes widen listening to this , she called him because Nandini's No was switched off.  Listening at her daughter's love life and romance, made her blush instantly (Like daughter ,like mother) . 

She cut him in between as he was continuously cursing Cabir on call and giving him death threats. 

Ishita : Manik, It me Nandu's amma. Wo can you please ask Nandini to come down , actually, its already 9 am. We should leave for our home. Her phone is switched off.  

Manik's eyes widen in shock and he shouted looking at the called id "FUCK.... SHIT...." 

Manik : Ohh sorry amma, I will. Actually I was not feeling well yesterday, so Nandini just came to my room to calm me down.  I only asked her to stay as i might get a nightmare or something. I am sorry , I ...

Ishita : Relax, Manik, Its okk. I know you were unwell. And I don't have any problem until My Nandu is okk with it. I trust you with my child dear. I too have been through this phase with Raman. So just relax. Acha Manik please send Nandini . 

Manik  closed his eyes in embarrassment "Sure Amma, I am just sending her down. You please have your breakfast. Mom must be up. I am coming in 10 ."

Ishita chuckled at this young couple, she remembered her funny days with Raman. A lone tear escaped her eyes remembering who raman would always stick to her for all small things,  Nyonika came and rested her hands on her shoulders. "You should always be happy remembering him Ishi. He loved you." 

She hugged her tightly "I am so thankful to get you . Can I call you didi. I feel like a elderly sister is talking to me  whenever I talk to you." 

Nyonika : Sure Ishi, I am lucky to have your daughter, she is truly a star, for us. Because of her I got back my son after so many years and I got you. I made my own family with you guys. I love to come home, to meet you all once again when there were days i would have spend months on office without any sleep just working like a robot.  

Ishita consoled her saying "Don't cry over your past Nyonika, you have your son, he is a gem too. He loves you. Please don't be sad which wasn't yours ever but be happy with your child. I know how it feels to loose our dear ones so please hold to this little munchkins."

They were talking to each other when Manik and Nandini came down walking hand in hand. Nyonika winked at ishita eyeing her to tease this hot couple "Nandu , It seems the problem is solved . How did you manage to cool down this monster."

Nandini blushed and nodded negatively in shy . Manik smirked looking at her and joined them "Haa Nandu tell them , how did you cool me down. " 

Manik : Okk Let me tell them in detail. Mom , she kissed me hard on my lips biting my lower lip, look at this (Showing the red mark on his lower lips) such a jungli billi she is . Blood oozed out of me. Then she........ 

Nandini smacked his arm glaring him hard to shut his mouth or she will kill him by her own fucking hands. Nyonika and ishita laughed out loud looking at their fun banter and teasing's .

Ishita : Didi are you ready to have a little one in your arms , I feel they are ever ready. Look at their faces.

Nandini's eyes widen in shock listening to her amma saying such things. She had always seen her as a strict mother. Ishita winked looking at her and hi fived Nyonika .

This time both of them blushed when manik said to control them "Enough , of you guys. Shii such a dirty mind. We are innocent couples , just in romancing stage. We don't do dirty things."

Nyonika : Ha ishita , he is right . they are just in a kissing stage. you know...

Nandini blurted out immediately without thinking "No who said we just kissed , we did more than that. We did that........ " Manik pinched her waist to keep shut when she winced in pain glaring at him and realized the blunder she did.

All 3 of them laughed out loud, and they had their breakfast together. Nandini and Ishita bid them bye and left for their flat. 

Days passed on as normal, finally it was the day for Ishita to leave for her hometown. Manik went to meet her. They were talking when Manik suddenly started the conversation which was graved since last 7 days. 

Manik : Amma, do you consider me as your son ?

Ishita :Of course my dear, what happen Why did you ask me suddenly ?

Manik : Amma , you asked me to marry Nandini , I have taken a decision rather its a plan, I would be happy if you agree to it.

Amma, I was thinking of shifting to USA forever  , amma with Nandu , mom and you. This is my family amma. Please don't say no. I know you miss nandu a lot so I had made this plan. 

Please amma, I don't want anyone over here to say any bullshit about anyone. I want to live there with you all. I also have thought once I get settle over there , I will propose her for marriage. I need that assurance amma. I need your help . Make me learn thing as your child . 

Ishita had tears listening to all this. They had stayed in USA before marriage , with raman. Infact their love story too started from USA. Then they shifted back to India. 

(Manik was a man of few words but his eyes were like a open book to them . All his emotions can be seen in his eyes.)

Ishita : But Manik, How will I stay with you I mean....

Manik : amma I called you my family and family always stays together. I have discussed with mom and guess what she was jumping with excitement and happiness. 

Ishita : I will my son , and thankyou for thinking about my Nandu so much. She did found a  gem.

Manik smiled at her and bid her byee to leave for her shoot. He was planning everything how will he set up everything in a new place. 

He had planned to open a music company, as he does not have much business skills so Nyonika would help him with business and he will mentor the people himself . He want to give fame to the new stars who due to lack of opportunity have not become famous and eventually left their passion for music. He also wanted to start a production company of his own with the help of cabir and one of the production house in India. 

They will give him the guidance . Manik had a full proof plan in his mind which he is working on with Cabir.  He knew it would take years to set up a company. 

But Manik had a passion for singing , he is a crazy guy when it comes to music. He is an actor but his first priority was always music. So he once again thought of perusing his dreams to become a famous singer. Singing gave him peace. 

He wanted to move far away from his father's shadow. Whenever he saw him happy , it pained his heart to accept the fact that it was his right to be happy with him. So he was finally moving on with his new Family which didn't had a father but two mothers and the love of his life. He is proud of them and not to forget his extended family Fav 5

Done with the update guys.

How was the update guys?

Bonus chapters for my lovely readers. 

Thankyou Lovelies.


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