35. Tough decisions.

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Manik read the message and pout sadly missing Nandini more. They had already booked their hotel rooms. Cabir booked for their dinner in their rooms itself, as they all were tired . Manik ate his food and slept. He was too tired to argue with Dhruv and Cabir. 

Next morning..

Manik was the first one to wake up , he went to the balcony to take some fresh air . He called nandini "Hello Manik, you have a surprise , amma brought something for you. How are you ? "

Manik : Nandu yaar, i just woke up, i am missing you, by the way what did mom get for me ?

Nandini : Surprise manik, chill. Listen you guys don't waste time, practice well. 

Manik rolled his eyes in her discipline girl, and said "Listen , we are fav 5 Even if we don't practice , we will do better. Music doesn't just come from practice Nandu its also about knowing each other's emotions well. And fav 5 is a family. We very well know everyone's state of mind."

Nandini : Over confident Malhotra. Shut up go practice. 

This time you have a good critic with you. I am your new fan so you guys should be afraid of Nandini Murthy. 

Manik murmured "Tmse hi to darta hu ." 

Nandini : Did you say something Manik ?

Manik : Naa , I love you .

Nandini smiled at him "Love you too manik, okk bye take care. I am free in the morning, just have the internships. "

They bid byee to each other and Nandini went to freshen up. Her mother called her for breakfast. They  will be having south Indian dish today. 

Ishita asked her about her placements and stuff. She even asked her about her future plans. "Nandu , did you think of higher studies or only job ? And are you like serious with Manik, We can do the engagement in a year or something. I have to meet her mother as well. "

Nandini became sad listening to this because this is a very sensitive topic for Manik and Nyonika. She wanted to stop her mother right now. 

Nandini : amma, Don't you think its too early ? I mean Manik is just making his career and me too, I am joing a job. 

Ishita : I know Nandu but what is the problem in making relations I am not telling you guys to marry right now. I know Manik is too young for this. Just a talk and making family bonds. Me and your appa were not able to make this family bond nandu and this effected our relationship badly dear, i don't want the same to happen again. 

Nandini : Amma , Manik is not home now, he is in France for his music album. 

Ishita : Why are you stressed out Nandu, is there something I need to know, I just want to talk to Nyonika, Is she good , I mean ....

Nandini : yes amma, she is a Sweetheart, but ama there is a past which she is affected. 

She told her the past just a part of it. Ishita became sad listening to this "But Nandu what if he never marries you, I mean i know he loves you dearly and will not leave you , but there is this society we are answerable to ."

Nandini : I know Amma, I am just waiting for the correct time , i will make him understand. 

Ishita : Ok Nandu , its your life , I won't interfere till the time you say you can handle it , but I just need to talk to her mom.

Nandini nodded her head positively she called Nyonika , She picked her call just in a single ring. 

Nyonika : Yes Nandu, all good. 

Nandini : Yess, Aunty Are you free today, wo my mom came to meet me, she wanted to meet you. 

Nyonika : Sure dear, is she around, please give her the call. I will invite her.

Nandini handed the phone to her mother and hey chatted "Hello, Shall we catch up today bhabhi, Your child is a princesses. I am in my office , will be free by evening , please come to my  home, we will catch up together. It will be great ."

Ishita smiled at her warm behavior and said yes to meet up in the evening.

In evening Nandini and Ishita brought some present for his mom and went to their mansion. Nyonika welcomed them and she hugged her mother dearly. 

Nyonika : its been ages I have talked to someone, you know bhabhi how much people are judgmental around, so i am mostly busy with my clients and work.

They were talking all random stuffs. Nyonika was a very warm person , Ishita thought of bringing the topic of their relationship.

Ishita : Bhabhi, i was thinking of Manik's and Nandini's relationship, I mean they are adults and can take their decisions on their own. You being a mother can understand my dilemma,  I was concerned about them , shall we finalize their relation I mean , if they agree for engagement. 

Nyonika's body stiffen listening to this "Bhabhi, Manik, is very sensitive to this topic, I have met my son after years. And for that I can never thank Nandu, she is the one who had given him some brains. I also want Nandini for my son but I think this decision is for them to take." 

Ishita nodded in agreement , They chatted for some time about their early days, Nyonika was forcing them for the dinner but ishita managed to say No. she promised her further that they will catch up the coming Sunday. It will be like a family picnic. 

Nyonika said yes happily, she had missed these days a lot . Her social life was completely destroyed after her divorce. 

Ishita was relaxed after talking to her mother, she was a good human being just the past happening have changed her. Nandini was tensed about manik's reaction. They were in their early stage of their relationship but she knew at some point of time she have to talk to manik so why not now. 

They slept after having her dinner .  

Done with the update guys.

How was the update guys?

So from here the twist starts .

Do you think it is a correct decision for engagement ?

Thankyou lovelies. 


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