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Happy Reading guyss.....

Nandini was feeling bored today, she was already missing life. She knew that Manik had become the integral part of her life. She went to college for her labs. Today was the last day of her semester. Only last 8th semester was remaining which contains a final year project. She was relived by the college work now. 

She got a call from her mom, saying there is a surprise for her. Nandini became excited by the name of surprises because she loved it when someone made efforts for her. She messaged Navya that she is heading home , as her classes her off today and in the afternoon will directly reach to her office. 

Here on the other side manik and his friends had boarded their flight. It was a 10 hours journey for them. Manik becomes hells cranky on long distance journey and today by Nandini not on his side he is a live monster. 

He was nagging cabir for every small things . Poor cabir was muttering silent curses for this guy, he was eating up his head. He shouted from his seat "Cabir yaar, i am hungry, i am having a headache, what kind of manager you are, idiot!! " He chided him whereas Cabir rolled his eyes on his friend. 

Cabir : Manik baba, I am A grade manager, handling Manik Malhotra is the most toughest job. Shall I resign today, let me give this job to Nandini , she knows how to handle you, and this tantrums that you throw on me is pathetic man, Are you pregnant or something ? 

Manik Held his collar on his death grip and said "Do you have any wish to get killed by me? Why will you resign , listen don't even think of it okay. And Nandini keep her away from all these. She is tough nut to crack man. 

Sometimes I think its easy to handle your stupid , idiotic rants rather than making her angry. I don't get sleep man. and now my mom has teamed up with her. Even if i fight with her, they throw me out of my own house. Means just imagine, Manik malhotra is begging to live on his own mansion. 

The whole fav 4 burst into laughter listening to this and Mukti was taking his video. He was looking damn cute complaining about Nandu. 

Mukti turned her video off "Done, now let me send this to Nandini . She must be missing Manik right. Cabir, please send me her WhatsApp number." She teased him knowing Manik will freak out listening to this. 

Manik's eyes widen in shock seeing his devil friends, He snatched her phone and tried to open her lock . "Listen , no one is going to send anything to anyone man, don't I look good when I am happy." 

They rolled on their seats  not able to control their laughter looking at grumpy manik who is fearless for the whole world but horror was evident on his face by the mention of his  girlfriend. 

Manik whined and sat down quietly "Fine man, you guys are evil, I don't like you. You guys are enjoying on my cost man." 

The rest of the journey was quite as all went to take a short nap. Manik was listening to music but eventally he too was fast asleep.

Nandini was working on her office when Ishita called her saying her to give her the keys as she is home. Nandini became the happiest as she was already missing Manik being all alone. She said her the place where the key is kept and said her to freshen up she will be back in an hour. 

She was completing her work fastly so that she can leave early. She reached home and jumped on ishita hugging her dearly "I am so happy mom, i was already missing you . Manik is also not there, Navya is also busy with her work. Now that you are here, we will have lots of fun." Ishita smiled at her innocence , she said "Sit here let me show you the gifts that i bought for you. She had brought a beautiful dress for her and Navya. Nandini smiled looking at her dress. it was an ethnic party wear. 

The day from when she shifted to Mumbai and then she started her internship, she had almost forgot about shopping. She is not a person who needs lots of dresses.  "Amma this is so pretty, Navya will love it. You know na how dramatic she is ". She smiled looking at Manik's sweatshirt . It was red in color.  

Nandini : Amma, how did you know Manik's favorite color is red ?

Ishita : Is it ? I didn't knew, its just that I thought Manik would look good in it. will he like it Nandu? And haa I have something for Cabir too. Here have a look.  (It was a pretty floral shirt ) I thought cabir is like cool funky types . 

Nandini : He's gonna love it amma. Cabir na , he is a sweetheart. He takes cares of us like a big brother. 

They were chit chatting when navya was back home. She became happy looking at Nandu's mom She greeted her and went to freshen up. 

Navya was jumping in joy looking at her dress. She made the plan to wear it on her birthday. Navya was girl full of life. She is a sweetheart . Nandini got a message from manik at night "Reached Nandu, And trust me yaar its very annoying . I am missing you Nandu. my head will burst in anger. 

Nandini smiled reading the message and wrote "Ok my grumpy big boy, take a deep breadth close your eyes and think about me. And yess I miss you too, but i guess a little less than you because amma is home. 

Take care of yourself Manik, You must be tired and with such a long flight you must have given several shocks to your friends. So take care of yourself , make some good music, kill it I am waiting for you to reach India. 

Byee Manik , Love you .

She kept the mobile on the side table to end the day with a happy note. 

Done with the updates guys.

How was the update guys ?

Thinking of a double update today but before that don't forget to hit the like button and comment more and more. 

Kyy episodes were really emotional this week. I guess They had a misunderstanding because Manik seems really broken from inside. 

I just had a confusion that baby that they are having in the upcoming episodes any guesses what must have manik done or what had he hidden from Nandini .

Thankyou lovelies.


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