21. Prank went wrong

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Happy reading Guys..

sorry for the late update guys, Tomorrow I will be busy , I will try to write the next update. 

Nandini was nervous with Manik's words. She was not thinking straight , She was loosing her confidence as well. "Manik What if she doesn't accept me ?" She asked fidgeting with the corner of the top. 

Manik : You have to earn her trust Nandu , I know its not gonna be easy task for you. She is a tough nut to crack. 

Nandini was in deep thought looking out of the window. Manik smiled at her looking from the corner of his eyes. He drove of to his mansion and stopped the car near the gate. The guards opened the gate for them . Manik and nandini came out when Manik held his hands tightly and assured him through his eyes "Relax"

Nandini smiled lightly nodding in yes but deep down she was very afraid. Manik rang the bell when the staff opened the door for them and Nyonika who was sitting in the couch smiled looking at Nandini and Manik coming together. 

Manik winked at his mother when she signaled him through her eyes been confused  "what's the matter ?" Nandini was looking down all though the time and when she looked up she saw Nyonika's confusing face. She touched her feet immediately and said "Pranam Aunty" Nyonika became more confused with her shy behavior because when she went to meet her in the office she was so bold . She didn't even flinch at her high pitch voice , so what's with this behavior.

Nyonika : Areee khush raho beta , its not needed. (She hugged her tightly.)

Nyonika asked her kidding "So you love my Manik ? what did you see in him ?"

Now Nandini was hell nervous because she remembered Manik's words "Mom is tough nut to crack, behave properly." Manik was enjoying her state , he was giggling lightly the way she was shuddering.

Nandini : W....o..... he is ...a .... nice... guy by heart...... He ..... He....... (She was not even able to make a single sentence properly)

Nyonika frowned at her and asked manik through her eyes "What happened to her ?" Manik shrugged his shoulders saying he doesn't know. Nyonika called them inside and sat in the couch. Nandini again remembered Manik's words "Don't sit immediately. wait for her to say sit." She was standing silently near the couch when Nyonika said "Sit Nandini , feel home. Relax, why are you so nervous." She asked her cook to bring some snacks and water. Rama kaka brought water water for her but she was shivering so much that it fell down from her hands.

"Sorry sorry mam , i mean Aunty." She said picking up the glass peices . Manik and nyonika both shouted at her "hey Nandini relax, leave it you will get hurt. " Manik rubbed her back to calm her down. Manik was feeling guilty now , he knew his prank went wrong and went too far. 

So he thought of breaking the ice "Mom I am sorry its all my fault, actually i thought of some fun , so I just made her nervous." Nandini was shocked listening to him due to absent mind the glass peice pricked her and she shouted in pain. Manik looked at her and took her hand in his hand "Are you crazy, i told you not to touch it. Tch mom please bring the first aid box." 

Nyonika ran upstairs , she was totally blank with the happenings. Manik dragged her to the kichen and washed her hands. He removed the glass piece from her skin . He looked at her face which had tears. His heart broke looking at her girl crying all because of him. 

Nyonika bandaged her hand and kissed her forehead. She made her sit beside her and said "Relax Nandu, you just came to meet me. It's not an interview." She sniffed badly and hide her face on her shoulders "Manik told me you are strict and you may not like me if I don't behave properly. I thought you would scold me or ask questions about me and him so I was nervous."

Nyonika understood the whole situation and Manik's wink in the start. she twisted his ears "Idiot fellow, why did you do this to my child. Get out from house right now. How dare you prank with her !!"

She pushed him out and closed the door on his face. Manik shouted at his mother "Mom main masti kr rha tha, i am sorry baba." He said pouting but Nyonika didn't budge.

She came to Nandu and made her drink water and took her upstairs to her room. Manik called her when Nyonika picked up the call and said "Shut up manik, do you know, she is shivering. Is this the way you treat your girlfriend ?You should make her easy and you just did the opposite. Ask for forgiveness from her . This is not so done Manik. she is our guest tonight and she came to our house for the first time." 

Manik was all silent listening to his mother's scolding's so he said "Mom please open the door, I want to meet her."

She opened the door for him when he ran upstairs to meet her. Nandu was sitting silently, she was hurt by Manik's prank. When Manik held her chin and said looking into her eyes "I am sorry Nandu." She removed his hands and went to Nyonika "I am sorry aunty, please forgive me. i am feeling tired. i want to go home. I will come to meet you again. " 

Nyonika nodded at her "Take care my dear. Sure feel home dear, You can come anytime you want to. " She ran away from there without giving Manik any chance to talk to her. Her mind was crowded by so many thoughts that she needed to clear up her mind. She ran out and  took an auto . Manik too ran behind him to wait but she was gone. Manik sighed and thought in his mind.

Manik : Manofying Nandu will not be easy. Chal beta Manik, get ready to meet the updated verison of Monster. when she is angry she is just Another manik malhotra. Shit Manik you shouldn't have done it. whom does Nandini pray to, Yes ayappa ooo ayappa please save me. 

He said starting his car to meet her. Nandini went to her flat and locked the door from inside. She called Navya saying she will sleep for a while so that she doesn't disturb her.  Manik came to her flat and knocked the door but no one opened the door. He closed his eyes thinking of ways to manofy her. he went to his room upstairs and brought the spare keys to open the door. 

He slowly opened it and went to his room. Nandini was crying putting her hed in the pillow. He hugged at her tightly from back. She panicked by the sudden hug but then punched him hard near his lips. Manik's eyes widened in shock .

Manik :What the fuck. 

She was punching him on his chest. Manik Held her tightly and hovered over her to calm her down. He started kissing her on her neck and lips. 

Nandini calmed down after some time as she was not able to move because of his weight . Manik kissed her eyes on by one. "Sorry Nandini, please forgive me. I didn't know this will go too far." Nandini held his collar tightly and kissed him fiercely on his lips. Manik was taken aback by her outburst but then kissed her back. 

Done with the updates guys..

What do you think will be Manik's punishment ?

Some words for Manik.

Thankyou Lovelies.


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