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Happy Reading guyss....

Next Morning .

Nandini woke up with the alarm. She had the habit of putting alarms daily. Manik groaned in his sleep. She switched off the alarm and wrapping the bedsheet around her , she tried to move out of the bed. 

Manik : Hmm Nandu, sleep. 

Nandini caressed his face "Get up Manik , Remember you have an early morning shoot. Its already 6am. You have to be there by 8 am. Get up, Don't be lazy ." 

He opened his eyes to look at the serene face of his girl. Staring was his only job when Nandini is with him. Nandini frowned seeing him lost in his thoughts "Why are you staring , go get ready. "

He got up holding her from her waist and said "Not before receiving my morning dose bunny." Nandini knew there was no escape after this so without wasting a second she kissed him deep on his lips. Manik smiled between the kiss and breaking it in 5 asked her "Why don't we save water and time. Come shower with me, you know I can clean you better." 

Nandini: Shut up , i very well know what are you up to and showering together means wastage of an hour. Keep quite and go take a shower , I will clean the bed. 

Manik took her in a bridal style "People don't understand when this monster speaks the language of humans, why do I even try. I should have taken you 10 minutes back. We would be having a hot steamy shower by now. Shit I wasted my 10 minutes. 

Nandini squealed "Manik , put me down you monster What is this , you cannot force me . Ahhhh..... "

Manik put her down inside the shower and taking the shower gel in his hand threw the bedsheet on floor and switched on the shower. "So this is what I love to see , your small belly, two soft cushions, Your white milky skin, this chotu sa cute chubby face. "

Nandini closed his mouth with her palms "Manik, Shuuu such an ass you are. you don't think na before speaking ." 

Manik pressed her softly earning a glare from her "Don't you know you shouldn't talk at shower, haww What will the butlers think. " 

Nandini : Achha as if you have not done it covered. 

Manik smiled sheepishly at her girl  and asked sucking the water down her ears "So would you mind for a quickie." 

Nandini moaned just by his mare touch "MANIKK..." 

They had their me time  and came out wrapping a bath robe "Bunny , Get ready I will drop you. I have to meet Cabir. Their is some problem with a production house. We as new young actors have struggle in getting a role. I was finalized for a role but it seems they got a better offer." 

Nandini rubbed his arm gently " I trust you manik, bas don't loose your calm. Its okk if you don't get a role, you deserve better. May be you are not meant for it. Give it a try and move on." 

Manik : I will. Thankyou bunny for being there for me . I have you to discuss every small thing, It make me feel light  and relaxed.

They went down after getting ready when Nyonika was having her green tea scrolling through her phone "Good morning children , had a good sleep."

Manik : Morning mom, I had a very good sleep but i doubt about nandini.

He winked at her earning a glare from her . Nyo chuckled at his teasing's and said "Sit down , or else I will not allow my Nandu to meet you so that she sleeps well."

HE made a bad face seeing both the ladies to team up against him. They had their breakfast and went back bidding bye to his mother. Manik dropped her at her flat , she collected her belongings and went to the college. After dropping her at college, he went to meet cabir. 

He also had to meet Fav 5 today, there was a album deal to sign for France. Manik was thinking of cancelling it as his shoot was about to start in a day or two, but now as his deal is about to get cancel. He was giving a second thought to his music. 

When it comes to music , Manik is very passionate for it, this is the 1st thing in his life which calms him down before Nandini. Fav 5 is his first home. He went to the office and when he found out the real culprit , he cancelled the deal from his side immediately. Manik was a man of words and actions. He left the production house immediately messaging to Nyonika taking action against it. He went to Fav 5 office to finalize the album. 

They will be busy practicing a song for next 1 week before going to France. He totally forgot about Nandini . Being away from her brought chills to his body. He forgot to inform her so he just stopped cabir before finalizing it. 

Manik : Cabir, Wait for a day, I have to talk to Nandini , She can join us if she is free. 

Cabir nodded  in agreement and asked his friends to give it some time. They practiced for an hour and Manik headed back to Malhotra industries to have a conversation with Nyonika. 

The mother- son duo talked about the company and some general stuff and they had their lunch and Manik headed for his home. Manik messaged Nandu to met her once she becomes free. He went to watch a good Korean movie as he was a big fan .

He was chilling around when he fell asleep . Nandini was back by 5pm. She went to his mansion and went straight to his room. 

She saw her sleeping cutely so she she didn't had the heart to wake him up. She sat beside him caressing his face lovingly looking at his cute baby face. She was falling in love with this guy even more with each passing second. 

After half an hour she called her lightly "Manik , get up" 

Manik groaned dipping his face more in the pillow. "Meri nind ki dushman, Why are always waking me up, sone do na. You too sleep come."

Nandini Frowned at his words and showing a sharp glare hit him with the pillow

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Nandini Frowned at his words and showing a sharp glare hit him with the pillow." You are the one who called me. I am going back . Byee. "

He opened his eyes lazily pouting at her cutely "Sorry Na, nandu maaf kr do . I was tired , i couldn't sleep last night . You know na you make me work out."

Nandini glared at her "You, I will kill you, I am the reason right. Ok then from today , No looking and no touching." 

He pulled her from her arm "Acha I looked at you and touch you, hence proved. Manik Malhotra don't follow any rules HAHAHA." 

Nandini removed his hands and giving a tight lipped smile said "Remember i said there is always a first time with me." He made a bad face .

Manik : Fine Nandu you win, Ab to maaf kr de.

Nandini : I think you forgot, maaf krne ke liye you have to say sorry. 

Manik :Sorry Nanu, Sorry.

Nandini : You always have your way na. 

Manik smiled brightly at her "Always"

Done with the update guyss.

How was the update guys?

Disclaimer : This story Love without commitments as the title suggest will not be a story of happy ending. I promise you guys to show lots of manan moments but there will be twist at the end. It won't be sad one but a convenient one. Read it to know more. More 5 to 10 updates to complete the story. 

Thankyou Lovelies.


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