38. His Love

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Manik was laying down on bed , looking at the celling emotionless. Nandini knocked at the door, but finding no response she peeped inside to see him awake. She went inside and closed the door from inside . She layed beside him and touched his arm lightly . "Manii, talk to me, please, I need you."

He didn't say anything , but was just staring at the wall. She was fearing his calmness now, She hovered over him and kissed his lips lightly , when Manik finally responded by holding her tightly by her waist. They broke the kiss after 10 minutes when tears rolled down his eyes. He was still not looking at her. She nodded her head negatively asking him not to cry. 

Nandini : Talk to me Manik , I am with you. You remember I said I would never leave you, no matter what . That was not just for saying but this is the time We both need each other. I know you are in a tough situation and I knew this from very first day. 

Still I loved you Manii, Because I loved a kind , soft hearted boy named Manik, not the great Manik Malhotra . You remember I said I liked you , I did loved your heart. Manik, talk to me tell me, what is that it is bothering you . I know you don't wanna marry. That's okk , I don't wanna force you for anything.

And I know , If you are there with me no one can point a single finger towards me. Manik Malhotra ka daar na sabke dil me hai . 

He chuckled listening to this. He knew no society can say ill about her he would dig his/her grave there itself. He just stared at her with all his love. Sometimes it is rightly said silence speaks more than words. 

Nandini : But Manik, You know na amma , mom they are concerned for us. Amma loves you and trust you. You know that. They love us manik In return don't you think we should respect them as well. 

Manik nodded at her like a kid . 

Manik : Nandu , I am afraid to loose you. I have seen my parents , there was no love so they got separated. Your parents , they were deeply in love but god separated them. I fear Nandu. I only have you , whom I can share my pain with. I am strong for rest of the world but I wanna cry in front of you. 

Nandini : Manik, Ayyappa na he cares for all, He has seen my amma strong , even your mom. Manik look at the brighter side, Nyo maa is leading her happy life. She has you. Manik she has her own journey , so does amma. We will create our own manik.

Manik : Nandini , I have a thought  , I can share only if you are comfortable. 

Nandini sat on his stomach pouting at him " I will break your jaw, if you do this formality and treat me an outsider. You have all rights on me manik. Show your rights on me." 

He changed the position and looked intensely "Is it ? Then Listen to me Ms. Nandini Murthy, I Manik Malhotra want to propose you in front of everyone, I want everyone to know That You are mine. I want to make  it official with a promise ring. For the world it might be engagement ring , but for me it will be a promise ring . 

I wanna settle in USA with my family. Me mom , amma and you. My own small family. I don't want to leave in the society where my mom is disrespected, my girl may be looked down at. 

I want to live peacefully among unknown persons who won't judge us but love us. I know a place on USA. we own that land. It was my mom's hard earned money.

Will you accept me forever. Soch lo Nandini , You have to bear this sir phira monster forever. 

Nandini looked at him shocked "But Manik, your career ? I mean you are a star, what about your fans. The Malhotra industries which mom had worked hard for."

Manik : Oyee Madam, I am not going on mars. I am in Earth. I can gain this fame , name whatever Nandu. I will be the same Manik Malhotra. My fans love me, love my work no matter wherever I work. My mom has a branch there in USA as well. And Nandini I don't need that name , fame , money which doesn't have you and my family along with me.   

I had everything before you, but I am happy right now. I need peace Nandini. I can make money once again with you by my side. 

So tell me, will you hold my hands and show your rights like this forever. 

Nandini smirked at him and said "I can show more." 

But who was she kidding Manik smirked back at her "I would love to see that bunny." Saying this he bit her earlobe lightly which made her blush instantly. No matter how much bold she acts , but when Manik loves her she always blushes in the deeper shade of red. 

That is the biggest turn on for Manik . 

Manik : I will talk to mom and amma Nandu, i cannot afford to loose any of them . I want to marry you Sonner or later but first I want to lead that happy and peaceful life with you all. I am craving for your love baby. 

Nandini : I know that , Manik will not let me down ever. 

I am very sleepy manik, sone do na. 

Manik kissed her nose lightly and asked mischievously "How about some foreplay of our love. I have missed you yaar."

Nandini snaked her arms around his neck "Did I stop you Mr."

The rest was history which the stars witnessed their pure love between them and blessed them to stay happy forever.   

Done with the update guys.

How was the update guys ?

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Epilogue to go .... I promise to write a long epilogue for you guys. I am feeling emotional to end this story. I was attached to this but than I believe every good thing comes to an end.

Thankyou Lovelies.


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