40. Epilogue part 2

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After 4 months Manik's shooting came to an end for his next show, Main hero Bol rha hu. Manik was hell tired with his back to back shoots and his packed up schedules. Almost all the scenes were late night so his body badly needed rest. He wanted to go on for a vacation with Nandu. 

He called her once he was back from his last day after party with his crew members. "Bunny, I am very tired and frustrated with this shoot yaar, lets go for a short vacation. And don't give an excuse of work. I have kept a tap on you. You are free from next Monday. Your internships are getting completed . Nandini please apply for some international firms. You know You can anytime work with Malhotra industries. 

Nandini :  I know that Manik but I have a different interest than what your company does. And about your trip thing, let plan for a family trip. I know Nyo mom too needs a break from her hectic schedule. 

Manik smiled at her idea, she is a girl who always thinks about everyone . " Actually you are right, then lets do this. It will be so much fun. Let's go to goa."

Nandini : Boring, you have a mansion there , you wanna stay there... Manik no, lets stay like a common man, in camps, hotels. Eat street food.  Monster kahi ka, always want to have everything by your side. 

Manik : Okk meri maa, as you say, now please don't glare at me with your potato poker face. Though you look cute but still smile. 

Nandini : Did you just called me potato. you are a kadu. lambu kahi ka. 

Manik laughed at her and said "Ok so done, let's surprise them , I will ask Cabir to book our tickets and hotels. "

Nandini : Shame on you Manik, why will you call cabir, He is your manager but a friend too. Do your work yourself. Don't you have brains. 

Manik became frustrated by her and said in a high tine "you can't be serious Nandini, How will I book the tickets . I haven't done it ever. Cabir does it for me." 

Nandini  sat down on the couch with her filter coffee. "There is always a first time manik , You have a laptop , a Phone, an internet and Money. That is what needed to do bookings. If you need any help call me or cabir. We will help you, its your idea to take us for a trip. So do not be dependent on anyone Manik. You will learn something new. 

Manik : Arghhh Nandini , I know how to book , its just that I haven't done it ever. because I don't need to Cabir is always there with me. Okk fine, I will do it.  Do you wanna piss me off. You are taunting me . If I was there i would have loved to shut your smartness .

Nandini giggled softly and said "bye Manik, All the best . Love you"

Manik : Love you too bunny. I am coming to your house. How can you sleep peacefully if Manik Malhotra is there . (He smikerd saying this as he knew Nandini will freak out in a minute)

Nandini : fine. come monster. You are most welcome.

Manik took the car keys and went to her flat. She was watching a random movie on her laptop. Manik came and snatched her laptop, switched off the movie. Nandini frowned at him and asked "You have your mobile do it from there " 

Manik sat there opening the website "Whose idea was it Nandu, Tch Tch The great Nandini Murthy , I thought why not do it with her. "

Nandini sat there grumpily as the climax scene was going on and this khadooos human took her laptop. He booked the tickets teasing Nandini and asking her some random stupid questions to piss her off. They booked the tickets together . Manik got up with his car keys and took her in his arms and kept her in the washroom door. 

Go change we are going out. And you have 5  minutes. He went to her closet and threw her top and jeans on her. Fast. He went out closing the door behind. 

Nandini muttered harmless curses for this monster. "This monster just take undue advantage of his height and weight. Gym jata hai to kya kuch v karega ." 

She came out wearing her clothes and went down sitting on his car, "ayee monster did you just throw my moisturizer and sunscreen ." She asked looking  for it.

Manik started his car "Fhaik diya." 

He took her to a theater and booked two tickets for the movie which she was watching on her laptop. 

Nandini : Thankyou thankyou Manik, I love you so freaking much. 

Manik rolled his eyes looking at his tiny little girlfriend who was angry a minute ago is dancing on her toes with excitement. He took her in a bridal style taking her inside the theater. Nandini shrieked at him "Manik, put me down, everyone is seeing us. What do you wanna prove . I will shout That he is kidnapping me. PUT ME DOWN. " 

Manik : Tch so stupid Nandu, who kidnaps a girl and takes her to watch movie and now keep quite or else I will bite you on your lips and kiss you here itself. 

She zipped her mouth immediately listening to his threats and sat down beside him . She was hell excited to watch it. Manik had already planned the media and his friends to come to this place as he was gonna propose her today in this hall to the whole world. 

She had no idea about it. He signaled his crew to sit in the front row along with Nyonika and Ishita. Manik took her in his lap and hugged her tightly kissing her on her forehead lightly . 

Nandini looked around to see no one was looking at them She became confused how can people not see them . "Manik , did you paid all the viewers . They all are behaving strange .

Manik looked into her eyes and said "Enjoy the show Nandu, why to stress so much." 

The movie started when Nandu become engrossed in it. They were enjoying the show. During the break suddenly the lights went off. The flashlights were on the couple when Nandini was still cuddling close to Manik. She closed her eyes with the sudden light but then widen her eyes in shock . She freaked out "Manik, Media is here, shitt shitt. You are a public figure. Now What will i do."

Manik : Relax meri jaan. They all are my people. Look there ,  you have a surprise . He has recorded the whole video of them with a song which was going to play in a minute or 2 . Their 3 years of relationship was filmed. The video played when the cameras turned towards the screen.

He took a mike in his hand and stood up from his place . 

Manik : I know everyone is eager to know what is going on in Manik Malhotra's personal life, so i want to announce something to all my fans out there . The love of my life my most precious belonging Nandini Murthy.  she is the one who is the best decision i have ever taken . 

An Software developer by profession , a kind hearted lovely soft cute cubby and bubbly lady. Who is Manik Malhotra's possession from now on. i am very thankful to her for changing a monster into a human being. I don't care what do people think about me but I will care for what she thinks for me. I also want to say I love my mom , Nyonika Malhotra who is my family today. I love you maa. Meri maa.

 Nyonika was stunned listening to this. She had never thought he will say this in front of the whole world. She was feeling proud for his son today. Her hard work had been paid off. She wanted everything for his son and today her son acknowledged in front of everyone. He had given equal importance to his love . His mom and His girl Nandini.

Manik : So Nandini Murthy will you be my life partner for ever ???  He asked her holding a ring on his hand. She jumped on him hugging him dearly saying yess .

He slid the ring on her finger and held her hands to take her to their parents for blessings. She was crying continuously . She jumped on Nyonika hugging her saying "I love you mom." This was a emotional site for all the reporters and media who were there capturing the lovely moments. 

Done with the update guys.

How was the Update guys?

One more update to go.

Thankyou lovelies 


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