11. Manik is evil

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Happy reading guys....

Disclaimer- Manik is a negative Character in this chapter. Don't bash him. Its just a story this was required to bring out the essence of the story. Nandini will bounce back really hard and you would love it. Wait and watch guys.

Manik ran behind calling her   " Nandini listen to me Dammit." 

Nandini  stood there with anger filled eyes " Haa Manik justify your act. i am listening to it. How will you justify your disgusting act with Inaya."

Manik was already frustrated because of his mother and her illogical plans to leave acting and join office. Everything was coming near his eyes like a repeat telecast. His Father Srikant abusing her mother. He is leading a happy life with his another family. Harshad Malhotra getting all the love and family values which was wholly his right. He had mold himself into hard and tough person.

He had lost all his family members his grandfather, grandmother, mom and dad. His mom loved Srikant so much that she destroyed herself in this. Manik was also a child their child, whenever he filled any form he used to cry for filling his mothers and father's name. His both the blanks were always empty. He had promised himself that he will never use their name to go up ever.

Because Everyone knew he is a Malhotra and Nyonika Malhotra had a big name in industry he used to get his works. Students used to bully him saying his father is a womanizers'. He also had a bad name in the business that her used to drink a lot and also used girls like a tissue. He Married her just for money. 

Riya Malhotra wife of Srikant was the daughter of big businessman Mr. Devendra Arora. ( A businessman and had a illegal drug business . He was also an underground don in Bollywood)

After Overtaking the business Malhotra industries, Srikant Malhotra was completely bankrupt. Nyonika was a sharp , businesswomen. So Srikant was dependent on Riya's  father. Manik was too small to understand this business fight so he hated Business and also Women. 

Nandini : Ha Manik bolo na I always tried to make you forget your past. you shared it with me , May be it must be just 50%. Manik is this the solution, why do you hate girls so much. 

Manik shouted in anger "HAHHAHHHHAHAA Hu main monster, I hate love. LOVE LOVE LOVE this word had destroyed my whole life. and this is overshadowing me always. That bitch Nyonika blackmails me every time to leave the industry or else she will defame me. 

I find peace in this your so called disgusting work. 

Nandini : You know what Manik i had started falling for you despite knowing all your bad past and yes i know you will never love anyone still I will say you today I love You Manik Malhotra. 

Manik : Nandini Stop it okk. I am running from this word love since childhood. The mother-son  relationship is the most purest love in this world. She left me for this so called disgusting Love. I was his child right where was her love for me. She slept with all the dogs. 

Nandini was crying listening to this. Manik's eyes were red with anger. Nandini put a stone in her heart and decided the most toughest decision in her life. She is a innocent doll who only thinks good of others. He put Manik' darkness in front because she had found a child inside him.

Nandini : Manik you want to throw out your past right? So you used Inaya for pleasure. Will you give me a promise Manik  that after today's thing you will try to forget your deadly past. 

Nandini held him tightly and kissed him hard on his lips. Manik was numb for this. "Try to forget your past Manik and I will help you in this." Nandini said this pulling down her top up . His mind had stopped working after all these things.

He moved back closing his eyes. " Go to your house Nandini, You are my best friend . I cannot see you like this. Please wear it."

Nandini was adamant today "No manik do the same things you did with Inaya. its okk you don't feel for me but I had fallen for you. i will not say this to anyone. But please forget your past. This is the only request I have for you as a friend." 

Manik took her in a bridal style to his room. He threw the bedsheet and made her stand up. Nandini kissed his chest lightly she did not knew from where did she got this daring. 

Manik's eyes were filled with lust . He was so broken from inside that even he don't know what he is going to do in rage which he will regret later. He kissed her hard and opened her straps harshly. 

He made her sleep on bed and hovered over her. He did all those works which is very pure when done in love but this is pain. 

Nandini was very new to these feelings,   Manik's touch had always made her weak. She was having butterflies in her stomach. manik opened her last piece and kissed her there. Nandini moaned his name loudly.

This was even new to Manik. Nandini was different from other girls. He always found his piece in her. He was feeling complete today from inside as if his broken soul was healed by nandini . 

Manik : (He called her huskily) Nandu it will pain you, trust me okk.

Nandini nodded her head in trance getting this foreign feelings from Manik. He took her to another world of pleasure locking all her lips together. Both Moaned and groaned together loudly when Manik slept beside her. 

Nandini : Manik always remember that This Nandini Murthy is always with you. I will be your shadow always. you have shared your bad past with me and I will help you to move out of it. But promise me Manik from today onwards don't use any other girl to remove your frustration. Please. this is my request. hep me to help you Manik. 

Manik nodded his head in yes hugged her tightly and said " sorry Nandu, I promise you."  

Done with the update Guys....

Any wild guesses guys what will be there next step?? 

 Do you think Nandini will hit him back.

Thankyou Lovelies.

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