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Happy Reading Guys..

Manik woke up at 9'O Clock. He turned around to find no one inside. There was a pink note written on the mirror. An instant smile flashed on his face looking at the message But he became sad as well as tonight Nandu would not be there with him. He went down to have his dinner , Nyonika was no where to be seen . He checked her room to find her sleeping. He didn't had the heart to wake her up but he has to. He can easily make out through her face how tired she becomes with her work. 

He slowly went and sat down on the corner of the bed , He was in deep thought about how his childhood was. He was getting flashes of his mother running behind him in saree. She was a beautiful , and jovial person. That nature was somewhere missing in her . She had molded herself into a tough women . So much emotions must was bottled up inside her . Manik was feeling guilty for not being with her  or rather not being with each other when they needed each other the most. 

Till today Nyonika only used to work day and night like a robot and took Malhotra industries to such heights. Manik was fighting his own struggle till date. He at least found Nandini , that one ray of light in his life. He knew that she was the only one for him. Nandini was a pure hearted women , which is very rare in this world and she is always very far away from this cruelties of life. 

Manik called her softly "Mom .... come for dinner .Its late." Nyonika was surprised to see her son in her room. She got up hurriedly and said "is there any problem Manik , Do you need something." He nodded and called the butler "Babu, khana de jao." 

Nyonika frowned at him that why is he calling the food in there room . He put his head on her lap and said "Mom , I am so selfish , I just thought about myself but have never seen you, how lonely you must be feeling ." Nyonika had tears on her eyes and she hugged him dearly . 

Nyonika : No my son, I am sorry for you. I should have loved you,  be with you when you were growing . Please mujhe maaf kr de , I was so into myself I overlooked you. I didn't wanted Srikant to take you from me. I worked day and night to overtake the company. 

 Manik was listening to her and said "Its okk mom, Nandini says what's past is past, it shouldn't affect  our present. We are together as a family now, and will always be like this. As soon as he took the first morsel a smile played on his lips . He asked her "Who made the dinner Mom ?"

Nyonika smiled at him "who else , Nandini . I said her not to stress but that girl is too stubborn. Just like you." 

She teased him more saying " Manik, she cooks tasty food , isn't it ? " 

Manik blushed at her words and whined like a child "Mom, enough, movie khatm ho gyi, yes she cooks tasty no doubt. She is perfect in everything she does.  Sometimes I doubt myself , Do i deserve her ?" 

Nyonika made him eat with his own hands and said "Of course my son, My manik has a golden heart."

Manik : (Pouts) But she calls me monster.

Nyonika : True , you are a monster . But a good monster who has a pure heart. 

Manik : Mom , i forgot to tell you that we will be out for a week for a concert. The web show I told you about the production house , I fucked up there. So we thought of spending sometime on our music. 

Nyonika : That good dear, And don't worry I have taken care of that production house. They might haven't met Nyonika Malhotra. (She smirked and winked at him.) 

They had their dinner with lots of chats and bid byee to each other to end the day on a good note. he went to his room and was waiting for Nandu's message but there was none.

Manik frustratedly threw the phone on the bed murmuring to himself "This girl , really loves to taste my patience sometimes. Who on this century writes a pink note. "

He called her which went unanswered ,  now he was tensed and then called on Navya's phone. She received the call and smiled looking at manik's non- stop questions. 

Navya : Manik , Manik stop Nandu is with me, we were gossiping , I am telling her to call you back, Relax.

Nandini ran to the couch to bring her phone and saw 6 missed calls. Her phone was silent so she didn't knew. She called him immediately only to be welcomed by Monster's loud angry voice.  

Nandini sat down relaxed on the couch as she knew Manik will ask for sorry the very next minute. "Hello, Hello, Nandini don't test my patience dammit, Are you listening to me."

Nandini : Manik , why are you shouting do you wanna fight with me, ok wait let me take a pillow first, ha start so fight." 

Manik : What rubbish, listen I am  not in mood to fight okk, i was tensed for you.

Nandini : So you will shout on me. my phone was on silent mode manik, I was talking to Navya. Why do you always shout monster. Aise hi kam darawne ni lagte ho jo aur darana hai tmko." 

Manik : fIne , I am sorry. My bad. I was concerned for you.

Nandini : Manik, get on bed first, take the blanket , now lets talk. 

He smiled at her small gesture of her , she took care of him in a very unique way always. "Wo aise hi I called you, by the way , you cook the most tasty food. "

Nandini : SO are you telling me I have to cook for you always , haww Manik You will make me work.

Manik : Aree no, Butlers are there to do the work , you don't have to stress ever. I was just saying (Nandini burst into fits of laughter ) 

She said her "Mani Mani I was just pulling your leg, I will be more than happy to cook for you, in fact anything that makes you happy." 

Manik : Acha Madam, Is it , that's good to know. What will i have to do for you ?

Nandini : Not much , just be happy and take me out like long drive on nights, just spend some lone time with me. That's what I need.

Manik was overwhelmed by her answer , She was the only one who doesn't  want any materialistic things. 

Manik : Nandini i will be leaving tomorrow. 

There was a silence from both sides for  5  minutes. Then Nandini spoke knowing Manik's sadness "Ohh , go kill it Manik, I know you are the best." She cheered him up in the best possible way, when Nandini heard silence and even breadths from the other side. She understood Manik was asleep when she cut the call messaging him a good night with a heart sign.  

  Next Morning 

Manik and Fav  5 were leaving for France for a week. They were arranging the luggage in the car when Nandini came running to bid him bye one final time. 

He  hugged her dearly and kissed her forehead numerous times telling her to take care.   

Done with the update guys. 

How was the update ?

Thankyou lovelies.

Lisha .

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