5. Trouble

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Next morning..

Nandini went to the college along with navya. They had their classes as usual and returned back to hostel. Navya got a call from her family saying her father met with an accident and so they cannot afford to pay the fees of the hostel. The charges were expensive and so navya thought of starting a part time job anywhere. She belongs to very middle class family. She was crying silently when Nandini found her alone and tears in her eyes she understood something is wrong. 

She went and hugged her tightly and asked " What is the matter Navya, please don't cry." She sobbed hard saying her father met with an accident and as he was only the earning member in the family it would be difficult for her to pay the fees of the hostel. College fees, her mother will manage from their savings. So she decided to leave the hostel as their hostel does not permit them to stay out at night. She told her that she will be joining any job to earn her living. 

Listening to this Nandu had tears in her eyes. Being a true and a loyal friend she thought that she will not leave her friend alone in the city so she will also shift with her in the pg or rented flats. Navya was denying her but she went to talk to her mother about this and her mother understood her dilemma and said "Never ever leave your friend during her miseries Nandu" 

Next day they talked to the warden and gave an written application for vacating the hostel. Nandu was sitting absent minded in the classroom when Manik came from behind and called her "Hey Nandini what's up? All ok"

Being the innocent soul she told her tension about navya and manik was stunned by her helping nature. 

Manik's pov

Really she is very innocent , who thinks of someone so much. look at my mom Dad they forget that they even have a son. He chuckled sadly at his own thoughts . This girl is dumb for sure. 

Manik thought of a plan to look good and succeed his plan. "Nandu why don't you leave in my house. I mean I have spare rooms outside the mansion. You can pay me and trust me you will be safe. I am your friend so I can do this much for you. " She believed him and he side hug her in a friendly way " Now smile you look cute when you smile". nandu blushed and closed her eyes near his chest.

Manik was feeling peaceful for the first time and he was not faking around but because the way he was bought up, fraudulent, cheating he had the perception that he shouldn't get attached to anything.

He went from there calling one of the butlers saying them to clean the nearby flat as some guests will be arriving. He went from there. Some girls were envying nandini . Some even taunted her "Lo I think She is Manik's new S**t." She had tears in her eyes but cabir heard it and though of telling his friend. He called Manik "Mere bhai where are you? " 

Manik : In producer's house cabir, I actually got a short film so came here to discuss the script.

Cabir: Dude, Girls are calling Nandu as Your new s**t. She was crying man. 

Manik was fuming in anger when he was unknown with his feelings why was he feeling protective about her. "Tell me the names and make sure they are out of college by tomorrow." 

He gave him the details and Manik immediately with his bike to find nandu sitting blank with a sheet of paper in her hand. It seems she was writing something. He ran to her . Nandu hugged him tightly "Manik I swear i do not have any bad intentions about you. you are my friend." 

Manik didn't know how to console her he just kissed her forehead "Shush nandu i am here . chill ok I know you are pure." Saying this he went to the office to announce those names to come to the auditorium. He made sure he bullied them to such extent that they were on knees begging for sorry. He called Nandini and they fell on her knees to beg for sorry. Nandu smiled at them and said " Its okk but be careful do not say this to anyone."

Nandu went to hostel and they were packing their bags when manik said his driver will be there to take them home and help them with their luggage. Nandini said her all this how Manik helped him. Navya was truly praising Manik to help them at such times when they would be running on streets in search of good rooms. 

They left the hostel carrying their luggage with them. Here Manik had planned every detail in the house so that they don't face any issues. He also kept a personal maid Convincing Nandini that she will help him 24*7  with the household works and cooking as well. 

Nandini was confused about this mystery boy Manik

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Nandini was confused about this mystery boy Manik . She was falling for him but then everyone's words were reminding her that he is a playboy. He doesn't have the feeling love for anyone. She wanted to know this person but doesn't want to intrude in his personal space. She shied keeping her thoughts away. 

Manik was having his daily business to satisfy himself. He thought girls throw themselves on him. cabir was his true friend and his secret keeper. He knew all the whereabouts of Manik. 

They were drinking in the terrace starring at the stars. 

Cabir : Manik i am warning you do not play with that innocent soul. Treat her like us Like fav 5 friends . I hope you understand me. 

Manik smirked at him "Cabir I hate innocent people. Fav 5 is everything but innocent ! really no not at all. So proved she cannot be fav 5. My mom was innocent , I was innocent but what happened at last. We both are broken, shattered." 

Manik : You know me cabir I will not force her but yess if she will be fool then she will trust me blindly and I can have her. its just on bed. Besides she is not my type. Cabir I will be very vocal about my thoughts that I don't believe in love. i just have fun. Its not my mistake if someone throws themselves on me. I just have fun man. Chill, Relax. 

besides what's up with Navya bro. I saw you staring at her in college . Now don't buy me an excuse as it is nothing. Spill the beans. 

Cabir shied at his friends hawk's eyes. " I don't know Man her innocence had impressed me. I don't know about my feelings but i want to know her more. 

Done with the update guys...,

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Don't hate manik its his past which made him like this. There are many in these world who don't believe in love. 

Thankyou Lovelies.


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