15. Regular routine

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Happy Reading guys....

Do peep into my new story Cute chubby Nandu . It will be a positive track story with slow updates according to my schedule. Hope you like it. 

After 15 days.... 

Manik and Nandini didn't have any contact with each other. Fav 5 was aware of his medication. They were happy for him whereas Nyonika had become restless for him. She did not have any idea about him . She even called fav 5 but they denied saying he must be busy with some shooting. 

Manik returned back home. He was feeling light and happy from inside. He had learnt a lot from them. Manik reached Nandu's flat and hugged her tight. Thankyou mam. It was great experience for me. I felt peace. Nandini smiled at his cute gesture. He went and freshened up and called cabir. 

Manik : Hey Cabir, What's up bro... Any updates ???

Cabir : Saale Your fan following had gone crazy with your message of logging off for sometime. Give them some updates for today and yes you have a meeting with a producer. Its is a web show. Look at the script, once . It seems interesting. 

Listen we have lots to catch up. Meet me at our office. Fav 5 will go live on you tube. 

Manik : Sure cabir will be there by 11. See you soon. Bye.

He cut the call and said "Nandu did you shift my luggage here ?"

Nandini was helping Radha Tai "Yes Manik, its on the right side of the cupboard."

Manik : listen I will be shifting next floor. I have talked to the owner. Don't worry I will have that money soon . I am signing a show. Let's see how it goes. Nandu don't get me wrong but Navya too stays with you. I don't want to make her uncomfortable.  

Nandini smiled at him and continued with her work when manik was telling her the funny incidents happened over there. He made many new friends and was at peace. 

Nandini : Manik shall I ask you something??

Manik : Aree ha nandu .

Nandini : Manik will you forgive Nyonika ??

Manik stiffened at her question but somewhere he knew that it was coming so he said "I don't know, I cannot believe her that easily. It will take time for me to process everything Nandu. " 

Nandini hummed at his response. "Manik come have your breakfast. Cabir bhai told me you have a meeting. "

Manik :  Nandu your bhai is a idiot fellow. (He giggled softly)

nandini glared at him "Monster"

Manik went to have his meeting and meet fav 5. Nandu sat there searching for an online internship. Her 2nd year started and she was serious about her projects and studies. She suddenly remembered there love making with Manik and blushed hard. She was falling for him even more day by day but her pained thinking of the fact that Manik would never fall in love for him. He will always consider her as his friend. She closed her eyes when the tears rolled down her eyes. 

Manik was on the way to film city when he received a call from nyonika 

Manik : Yes now what you want ?

Nyonika : Where were you god dammit !! your phone was off. Do you think its a joke for you ?

Manik : tch tch nO HELLO NO HII  don't you have any manners. Yes I have switched off the phone. I was busy. none of your concern. 

Nyonika : Look Manik I am sorry , Please forgive me . 

Manik cut the call and smiled looking at his phone thought "Its too late my dear mom, feel the pain i have gone through so many years." 

He had his meeting where he finalized his deal with the producer and here he had 2 heroines who had the lead role. He had a friendly conversation with their crew members and then he reached to his office. He hugged them tight. Mukti pounced on him like a angry bull beating the shit out of him . She was more close to Manik among all. Manik had always seen her as his partner in crime, his sister.  

They went live on you tube with their new song and the internet was set on fire. Their fans were going gaga on them . Some followed their styles, some had a huge crush on Manik, and some love the humor of cabir. Manik was back to the flat by afternoon when he found nandini sleeping in a very uncomfortable position with the laptop by her side and a small notebook. 

He straighten her head and covered her with a blanket when Nandu held his hand and snuggled in her sleep. She was smiling as well when manik kissed his forehead slightly and slept beside her. it was 3 pm when Manik woke up and called nandu softly "Nandu wake up dear, have your lunch and then sleep" 

Nandini woke up rubbing her eyes and said "Sorry wo I was searching for an internship when I had fallen asleep. Come lets have dinner. She called navya as well. They had their dinner and the tro planned of playing something in the evening. Manik called cabir a their place and they all went to the garden area with their rackets. 

They had their fun games  when finally Nandu gave up due to tiredness. They had street food for a change and then came upstairs. Cabir forwarded him the character of the show along with the script. Manik was going through it when Nyonika called him again. 

Manik : Hello Nyonika, how come you are checking on me often, do you need something ??

Nyonika : Hello my son, who is this Nandini ??

Manik stiffened at her name and said " What do you want nyonika don't start with your cheap tricks now, are you following me?"

nyonika laughed at the other side " No my son, She came to talk to me couple of days back. She was concerned for you. You know I thought of checking on her once." She smirked knowing his son's mood is spoiled, but unfortunately she was wrong. 

Manik too laughed with her and said " She is my friend Nyonika, and luckily I have a bunch of good friends for me unlike you. I am so sad for you that you don't have one. tch tch tch. 

Nyonika got an rough idea about this girl so she said " Manik i liked that girl, please bring her whenever you come to meet me. She reminds me of my daughter baby girl. She too had chubby cheeks." 

Manik : Hmm .. 

He went to Nandini and closed his eyes in anger because despite of his warning she went to meet him. he was in rage and was controlling his anger because when it comes to Nandini's safety Manik is on high alert. 

He was angry because she had broken his trust and Manik had not trusted Nyonika completely till now. he pulled her harshly by her arm and asked " Did you meet Nyonika in my absence Nandini Murthy and dare you lie. " 

Nandini shivered by her anger and nodded her head in yess, Manik closed his eyes and shouted at her "Did I tell you not to meet her, Why are you so interfering Nandini , You love to take troubles I guess. Can you believe me for once. She is my mother dammit and don't fall for her so easily."

He banged his hand in the wall in anger and shouted in pain "AAAAAAAAAAAAAA why is it so difficult for me to stay happy ?? God"

Nandini had tears looking at his state and she was praying silently not to increase his monster's anger anymore. 

Done with the update guysss.........

A bit boring i know  am sorry for it. 

Who was wrong here ?? 

Interesting things on the way guys... Just wait for the next update. 

Thankyou Lovelies.


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