25. Long Drive.

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Happy Reading Guys....

I tried a lot to write this update on time but I am late so sorry guyss.

Next Morning...

Manik left her house early as he had a early morning shoot. He directly went to his mansion, Nyonika was meditating and doing work with her trainer. She smiled at Manik and told him to freshen up and come , till the time she finishes her yoga. 

At 9 in the morning , Manik came down in his casuals busy in his phone and sat down in the dining table for his breakfast.

Manik : Kaka , juice.

He was replying to some of his mails when Nyonika too came down in her formals and sat beside him . "So how was your Date..... Is she ok ? Did you manofy her ?? Bring her home Manik someday for dinner.... She is a good girl... I like her " Saying this she winked at him. Manik rolled his eyes at her mother's teasing's. 

Manik : Mom she was not upset or something she just loves to irritate me, anyways I don't have any option... so its ok... I can handle her.

Nyonika: Manik don't have options that too for girls ........... Now that's something new and good to know. (She teased him more when Manik whined at his mom making a bad face.) 

They had their breakfast in silence when both of them went out with their respective cars. Manik took a driver with him because he used to get hell irritated with morning's office time's traffic. He would almost burst out at his co workers or the production team. He called Nandini and said her to be safe and he also wished her best wishes for her company interview. 

He promised her to take her for a drive tonight so she should take proper sleep after college. After reaching to the venue Manik got ready for his shot in his vanity and practiced his script. His co-worker was his good friend , they used to manage well together , Manik's shoot ended at 7pm. He was hell tired, He messaged her that he will be at her flat at 11pm for a long drive.

 Nandini was very excited as  this was her first ever experience. Manik had his dinner and took a 2 hours of sleep. His body needed rest but still he wanted to take Nandu with him to his favorite spot. Nandu tried to bake cake for him. It was her first experience but fortunately it was good. Manik called her from his car. "Come fast Nandu, waiting..." Nandini said yes and went down with her bag.

Nandini chirped looking at his light stubble look, "Hey Manik, you must be tired no, why did you planned today?" She asked him putting on her seat belt. Manik told her that this is his work and this is how he will be and she has to accept it as it is. His work is hectic, He has accepted it and if in this process he ignores Nandini's happiness , that will weaken their bond, and he won't do that at any cost. 

Nandini was enjoying the soothing music and looking out of the window. "Manik where are we going ?" She asked in a trance excited to know where are they going .

Manik smiled looking at her "Just cafe, we can have some coffee and then we can go anywhere you want to." 

Nandini : But Manik you have to sleep , At what time you have your shoot tomorrow ?

Manik : Its 2pm I have a night shoot tomorrow. This production house is good at its work Nandu. They really know how to Manage work keeping in mind everyone's comfort. Do you know I even have a day's break every week. My co actors will do their script with someone else on that day and they have off in some other day. The team has divided the script very well among us.

Nandini hummed in response. "Manik shall we go to your secret place? you once discussed whenever you are angry you go to that place. I am just interested what is so special in that place that it cools down a monster like you. "(She giggled at him ) 

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