30. Romance

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Manik was balancing his weight on both his hands , and kissing every inch of her body with so much passion and love that Nandini was loosing her sanity completely. "You are my drug bunny, I cannot get enough of you ever. I love you " 

Nandini : Love you too Manik. Manik.........

She moaned so beautifully that Manik gave a bite on her stomach forming a hickey. He opened her last piece and his eyes were filled with desires. Nandini became conscious in the bright light so she folded her legs in embarrassment . Manik gripped her legs tightly putting it on his  shoulders and eyed him not to hide it ever. 

He rubbed his fingers on the bub looking at her eyes to feel the passion. "You like  it  " 

Nandini was not in state to answer him so she just moaned . He pulled her on his lap balancing her and ordered "un button me " 

She started opening his shirt . Manik closed his eyes when Nandini roamed her fragile and soft  hands on his chest giving sloppy kisses over there. Manik groaned her name to stop it when Nandini pouted at him. 

Nandini : Haww Manik , you did so many things to me, I can also kiss you . 

Manik threw his head back "I am loosing it bunny." She held his face with both her hands and looking straight into his eyes said " Manik , You can loose it. It's my right to see all shades of you." 

That was it for him , He pulled her above him and keeping both her hands on his chest "Love me Nandu, Make me loose it to you. I need you. Please ..." 

Nandini sat on his stomach kissing on his forehead , then on his cheeks. She pecked his mole lightly and teased him pecking at the corner of his lips. He groaned glaring her to kiss him but she giggled "Have patience Mr. Malhotra." 

She can feel his erection down there when her hands went down to unbuckle his pants. Nandini was looking like a goddess, He pressed her above not able to control himself "open the drawer Bunny." She blushed looking at the packet. 

Manik : What, I have a stock. 

She closed the drawer blushing hard not knowing what to say "Bring it Nandu, Make me wear it." 

She sat there folding her hands on his stomach. He closed the lights and pulled her to him "Sleep meri jaan, It's okk. You can say me bunny if you are not comfortable . Stop me whenever you feel like not doing it bunny." 

Nandini was feeling guilty for stopping him "Manik, Its not like that. It's just that this all things are very new to me. " 

Manik kissed her on her cheeks and said "It's okk bunny I know but always feel free to love me. I am all yours." 

Nandini : Love me manik . 

Manik : You sure.

Nandini : Never been this sure.

He opened the drawer , tearing the foil he wore it. He took her from back earning a loud moan from her . He pressed her from behind kissing her back . 

Manik was on his own world giving hard thrusts from back. They were sweating with their love, only moans and groans can be heard. 

After 1 hour of continuous loving Manik increased his pace saying huskily on her ears  " I am near baby , C*m with me. " Nandini had held his hand on a tight grip "Manik , Manik , Manik , Manik , Something is happening on my stomach." 

Manik : Let it go bunny, I am right there . 

They released together taking heavy breaths . Manik went to the washroom covering her with the quilt. 

Nandini was tired like hell but was waiting for Manik to join her. Manik back hugged her and turning her towards him , " Are you tired ? Bunny. Any pain." 

Nandini rested her head on his chest saying " Thoda sa ." After a good 10 minutes of silence he again asked. 

Manik : Sleeping ?

Nandini : No, Manik do you know you have a very pure heart. When first time i saw you na, girls were crazy on you. I mean i to cursed you, That how can so many girls ogle at a single boy. Then I came to know about your nature with girls , I didn't like you at that time.

Manik laughed at her innocence "Acha , then how come you started liking me ." 

Nandini : I don't remember but First time when we were sharing the food na, I found you really cute . I mean you are good looking, hot. Then you helped Navya for searching the flat . I found a monter has pure heart. 

Manik : Nandu you know na I don't believe in marriage and stuff. Will you leave me ?

Nandini : I don't know Manik , I love my amma. And I love you. Love cannot be bound Manik, Its ok if you don't marry me. I am a simple girl with small hopes manik. I wanted to get married , lead a happy life in the society. Have kids. 

Manik's hold tightened around her waist but he was quite thinking something deeply.

Nandini : Manik , Do you love babies.

Manik : Off course I do Nandu but I have not thought of it. 

Nandini : Manik don't get me wrong , I know You will love him/her Dearly . But you know its India, we have a society to live in. 

Manik : Stop right there Nandini . I don't want to talk about this. 

Nandini : Manik , what if people say ill about me. That I am using you for money and status. 

Manik : I don't care bunny what people say about me, When mom was divorced people were there to say but the pain my mom was bearing with was only seen by me. I still don't know about my sister Nandini . 

Nandini : I Know Manik , but I know you , you know me. People cannot stop living by one bad memory right. You have learnt a lesson, you are not like your dad Manik. 

What if my amma force me to marry ? 

Manik Shouted "Nandini ....... stop right there before I loose my cool."

She rubbed his back gently "Ayy monster , I am not scared of you. Keep quite. FINGER ON YOUR LIPS . Don't get temporary happiness Manik. You trust me right ?"

Manik Nodded his head like a small baby agreeing to her words "Then , you have a beautiful career Manik, Such a lovely mom and a cute girlfriend." 

He smiled pecking her forehead "Indeed cutie." 

 Nandini : Think about it Manik, Nandini murthy will always stay with you no matter what . Don't break me ever.

he kissed her cheeks lovingly "You calm me down the way no one can ever think of." 

Nandini : Of course Monster, remember I am a fighter. I can break your bones if needed. 

He laughed at her cute antics. 

Manik : Sleep bunny. Its only late. I have a early morning shoot. 

Nandini : NIght Manik .

Manik : Good night bunny. 


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