16. Angry nandu

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Nandini thought of an idea to melt manik's anger. She too made an angry pout and pointing her fingers towards him she said  "You Mr. Monster Malhotra don't show me this attitude. Your mother is a good lady Manik. you want conformation about her right, fine I won't talk to you util you get your conformation." 

Manik frowned looking at the audacity of this little feisty girl. She turned her face in fake anger and said "ek to I am so cute little girl, I care for you, I make you this tasty food, instead of thanking me you are shouting on me."

Manik : listen Shut your mouth nandini . (He said in frustration) 

Nandini : Hey you monster get out, I said get out from my kitchen, I cook my tasty food here. If you want to fight with me I am coming in 10 minutes . Go sit in the couch , prepare your points and then we will debate. 

Manik banged his hand on the nearby table and muttered "She will fight according to her convenience how sweet." 

Nandini prayed to her "Ayyappa please save me from this creature."

Manik heard it and asked "Who is this ayyappa now?" 

"My ex- boyfriend do you have any problem !!" She retorted back with same voice. 

Manik laughed out loud at this and said "You and boyfriend, you look like a school girl who don't even know how to kiss." 

Nandini opened her mouth in O shape processing her words and glared at him "My ayyappa is very caring towards me, he always shows me correct path , He is not here to teach me how to kiss. He is my favorite god." 

Manik understood her reference and widen his eyes in shock "Are you crazy women !!!"

Nandu gave him a boring whatever look and said " I am done so now let's fight" She said wiping her hands in the towel." 

Manik went from there "I am not interested." 

Nandini shouted back "No Body can win Nandini Murthy's fight. you should thank me I have cooled down an volcano ". 

Manik smiled at her childish acts and started reading his scripts. Nandini came with a juice "Hey you monster have this . She sat beside her and took his left hand in her hand and pressed this lightly  "Manik give her time, when you don't understand what to do, just put yourself in her position and think "

Nandini : Manik think you had a daughter and you have no idea about her, will you be able to have your calm. Manik she is a mother, she lost her daughter her everything, her husband , her family was it easy for her ?? I know you may say you suffered but manik everything is not in our hands. 

You had a lavish lifestyle, ask them who don't even have food to eat, Nyonika worked hard , her motive was wrong , that was to pull down your father but did you heard one more thing she said you were their future heir , she was afraid that may be your grandfather and grandmother claims their rights on you. she took over the business from him just to have you to all by herrself. 

Her approach was different but she only has you manik. 

Manik look at me, my appa was the best appa but he is not with me where is my fault. When everyone's father takes their children to trips, parent teacher meetings, participate in sports with them, even ice cream for that matter, my mother was busy with her work to give me a good lifestyle. She was the only earning women in my family. 

I have never gone to any Ptm (parent teacher meet ) because I was a topper. i have given my best manik. She struggled a lot although the only difference is maybe she had not gone through the things Nyonika aunty went through. 

Accept what you have Manik You have an amazing set of friends which I didn't. You always had whatever you wanted to eat, do whatever you want to Which i didn't. there was a time where we even struggled for food Manik.

Manik : ( he was listening to all her words ) and what  saw she was doing those shit with the guy of my age ??

Nandini : how does it define someone manik, you too have one night stands, that's also wrong. That doesn't mean you are evil. I always say you are very kind at heart. did I judge you Manik?? 

Manik nodded his head in a no and had tears in his eyes. He mentally praised her girl who was way mature than him. He hide his face near her neck and asked "what shall i do Nandu ?"

Nandini patted his back and said "Give time to everything manik, you have your sources, find out about nyonika, but if she is not found guilty than please give her a chance, may be she too is craving for your love."

Nandini : For now focus on yourself, focus on your work. free up your mind, make some new songs. go on trips. 

Manik kissed her forehead and said "I don't know what would I do without you ." 

Nandu shrugged her shoulders and went from there saying "all the best Manik , give your best this time you have one more fan in your list . I will be watching your show and will criticize you if you do not perform well." Manik smiled at her Lilliput and started rehearsing the lines. 

Days went on when with Manik's busy schedules of shoot and Nandini's internship. She had interviewed in one of the company who hired her for 3 months internship. Manik shifted to the new apartment . Navya was having a secret affair with cabir until manik caught both of them kissing near the shoot location. Manik was happy for his friend because he has seen Navya who was daring but sensible girl. 

Manik was not into one night stands anymore. He used to flirt with his co actors but he was changing his perspective of life. 

He retuned back home late at 2am when navya called him saying "Manik are you back ? wo Nandu is having high fever." 

Manik stopped in his tracks and said "I am calling my family doctor, don't worry . I am coming in a  minute." He changed his clothes and wearing his night dress went down to her flat and saw Nandu lying over there with a pale face. His heart pained looking at her dull face as Nandu was the happiest soul for him who used to smile no matter whatever be the reason. 

Done with the update guys...

How was Nandu's idea to calm down Manik's anger ??

Please read my new book Cute chubby Nandu and share your views on it. 

I wanted to thank all my readers who have been there for me from the starting of my journey and seen me improving my skills and giving you an interesting update daily. 

Thankyou lovelies. 


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