3. She is cute

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Happy reading guys.....

Manik : Hey fresher. introduce yourself. 

Nandini : Nandini Murthy from Mangalore. 1st year Computer science engineering. 

Cabir said in low voice "Abe kyu ghurr rha h usko, she is not your type." Manik smiled "To apni type ki bana denge. Trust me she will be fun." 

Manik forwarded his hands  "Manik Malhotra, 2nd year Architecture." She smiled slowly and went from there. "Saale don't play dirty with her, she seems innocent." cabir said hitting him playfully.

Manik said arrogantly "Manik Malhotra doesn't go behind girls Cabir, I have a class."

Cabir dismissed his thoughts knowing manik he would never play with someone's feelings unless the girl herself approaches him. He clears himself in the very beginning that he doesn't want any relationship shit. Its just for fun. 

Nandini was thinking about the tall , handsome guy she just met. "He is good looking but everyone is behind him why will he like me. Nandu tu v na kya soch ri h " she dismissed her thoughts and went to attend her classes. After having her class Nandini reached hostel with Navya as she was blabbering about her branch boys. 

Navya : Nandu have you Manik Malhotra. he is a playboy. my friends were saying that every month he changes girlfriend's and even her mother is the trustee of this college. He is very rich. 

Nandini was shocked listening to this and mentally noted that she would never confront him. "I am feeling sleepy navu please let me sleep."

Manik was dancing with a girl on the club all drunk. The girl was her lead actress in the recent song they danced. She was throwing herself on him and giving him all flirty looks but Manik was least interested because he wanted to get Nandu in his bed. she seemed interesting for him. 

Manik : Cabir get all the information's about that girl.  For the 1st time she has messed with Manik Malhotra's head. 

Cabir : Yess boss, will get you soon. 

They reached home and slept as they were hell tired. Next morning he reached college and sat near the girls' hostel. As the college started manik asked a Cse guy to call for Nandini murthy. 

Boy: Nandini murthy please move to B-block Anup sir is calling you for some project. Room no 319(A). 

Nandu was confused but still went to see him. As soon as she reached the room, manik pulled her inside the room. "Shuuush don't shout people will get wrong ideas. So hi Nandini Myself Manik hope you remember me. Look nandu you are cute. will you be my friend. I don't believe in Making girlfriends so will be cute friend."

Nandini was stunned by his soft side. she was not able to believe him. she pushed him aside saying " are you crazy you called me from my class just to make friendship. look Manik i don't know you. My friend told me yesterday that you are a playboy. So I am afraid " She being the innocent soul told him everything. 

Manik held her hands "i like you cutiee, anyways go attend your classes and trust me i am not good at relationships but very good friend . "

Nandini ; But why do you want to make friend with me , You don't even know me.

Manik chuckled at her innocence "i don't need time to know a person nandu, i am very good at reading persons."

Nandini ran from there blushing hard for god knows what reason, she liked his behavior "Ayyapa, Is he a good guy. He is so confusing. everyone is behind him , but this guy doesn't give a dam to anyone than why does he  want to make friends with me. I hope this is not a trap." She attended her classes as usual and went to hostel. 

Manik was making out with his current girlfriend and moved out after his business. He called cabir "Sunn come over my place with a drink. i need to talk."

Cabir went out in his bike to meet his friend cum brother. He reached his house and saw him sitting bare chest watching T.V. he hugged him and said "I made friendship with Nandini. She is cute, in this way we will get to know each other."

Cabir was shocked " What's going on bro, you are making friends wow, that's something new. ohh wait do you want to do your dirty business with her."

Manik : No Cabir, Only if she wants, I don't approach anyone.

Cabir when is our concert , we have to sign our deal with Q labels. I am just wrapping up my shoot for the music video. 

Cabir : Manik are you sure you want acting as your career, I mean you have your business. 

Manik : I don't want to work with that women. She is a curse in my life. i have lost faith from women because of her.  

Cabir : Okk Calm down, we will practice tomorrow, in the morning. Be on time dude. 

He knew manik needs love he is very alone in his life at this age. He prays to god that his friend gets his true love. He went to his house and messaged in the group for the rehearsals and went to sleep.

Early morning they went to rehearse. Nandu was having early morning dreams about Manik. He has messed up her mind. She saw that manik was sleeping on his lap and nandu was caressing his head and talking softly with him. She smiled in her dreams when navya called out loudly "Nandu you are late Its 8am. Get up dude. Did you find your love........... You were smiling in your sleep.

Nandini : What rubbish. Aisa ni h . navya please can you help me. Wo manik na he became my friend yesterday. How is he? Can you ask someone. 

Navya i will give you detailed information, but after we came back from college now i am getting late so bye.

After having breakfast they went to college. The classes as usual were boring and Aryaman was cracking silly jokes on the professor. Manik was passing by their class when he found Nandu giggling sitting with some boy. 

He smirked inwardly and thought "I will see how will you deny Manik Malhotra's charm." He messaged her "Meet me after this class in the same class room my cute friend." Nandini was confused reading the message but then understood that it was Manik " how did he get my number." Ayyaapa is he ghost. no no Monster yes he is tall Handsome monster." She blushed at her own thought and after the class she excused her friends to meet him. 

Done with the update guys. 

What do you think will manik trap Nandu in his dirty game? 

Will manik really fall in love? 

Hope you like the update. Please do inline comments lovelies. 

Thankyou lovelies.

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