29. Naughty Manik

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Manik was having his food whereas he had no idea that Nandini was in his house . Nyonika called her in the evening to catch up their talks. They had an amazing time together . Nyonika really loved this girl now she understood why her son was head over heels for this cutiee. She was happy for manik but was a bit tensed for his future. She very well knew manik would never marry and that was the concern for her . But for now she too went with the flow. things have changed when it comes to nandini , manik behaves different with her. She still had hope may be this thinking shall also change soon. 

Nandini took slow baby steps from behind, giggling softly and closed his eyes from back. Manik became stiff with the sudden darkness and then the shout had completely blown him up. His mother and Nandu shouted "Surprise." 

It took him a while to understand the things and became happy to look at her. She was looking ethereal in her Indian attire.  Manik had mostly seen her in jeans and shorts but Punjabi suit was a biggest turn on for him. 

He was gawking at her continuously when nyonika cleared her throat to gain his attention "  So how was the surprise ?" 

Manik : Thankyou mom, so you guys have already teamed up. Nice. Now please can you spare me alone with my girlfriend ? (He said pulling her with him upstairs )

Nandini was perplexed with his daring attitude before she could say anything she was in air (In his arms ) "Manik , mom is there what are you doing , put me down." 

Manik turned a deaf ear and was walking up when Nyonika teased him more "Is Manik malhotra leaving food for Nandini ?, Now this is something very new manik. " She shouted from behind looking at his son's desperate attitude. 

Manik : I have better things to eat mom. By the way send me the food upstairs , Nandu might need it .

Nyonika : Manik behave, idiot. 

He laughed out loud looking at her red tomato . Nandu was hell embarrassed by now. He told huskily in her ears " Do you know how beautiful you look today,  you have turned me on bunny, its hard to resist you, will have to check your stamina today because the night is definitely young for us."

Nandini : Shuuu Manik , shut up, What will mom think of me. 

Manik : What !! she is my mom nandu, so chill, she knows me well. I am very passionate person let me show you today. 

He threw her on the bed and came near her locking the door rubbing his palms together . As he hovered over her kissing her forehead there was knock on the door. " Baba khana ." 

He closed his eyes in frustration "Perfect timing ." He took the food inside and sat beside her "He served it in a plate and said "You just enjoy, let me pamper you today."

He made her eat with so much love in his eyes "Do you know Nandini , I have never thought i will be doing this one day. I mean i was never romantic with anyone, this all things is not Manik Malhotra's thing ." 

Nandini : There is always the first time manik. Do you know you the best person in this earth one can have and I guess  I am that lucky one. 

They completed their dinner together and Manik moved down to keep the plates . Nandini had settled on his bed snuggling in the warm cozy blanket. 

 Manik joined her in a minute and sat resting his head hugging her dearly "So are you full, did you eat well ?" 

Nandini : yes manik . So how was my daal makhni. Mom and me were cooking today so i suggested her to prepare something for you . You know manik , now i understood why this monster has such a pure heart. Manik Mom na she is very innocent and sweet. Love her manik . She really loves you. We gossiped about your childhood and she was really talking about you the entire time. She is very attached to you.

Manik : i know Nandu, it was just a worst phase of my life my teenage life when probably i had no one with me. I had misjudged her and all  thanks to you. It is all because of you we are together today. You are my angel . How can you be so selfless bunny !! I love you (HE said taking her in a deep kiss holding her neck gently ) 

Manik : So can I start with where i ended yesterday my love ? 

Nandini encircled her arms around his neck and said looking deep into his eyes without breaking the eye lock "You never have to ask manik ." 

Manik : (Teasing her) Lets try something different (He winked at her naughtily as he loved the red shade on her face). Whatever be the situation nandu would always blush with his flirty comments.

He sat up straight and eyes her from top to bottom. "kiss me." He said in a serious and deep demanding tone . Nandini almost had butterflies in her tummy as he was eyeing her lips. She took the initiative by sucking his lower lip slowly. Manik moved back "Is this a kiss Nandini murthy , Show me your passion , your wildness to love me . Don't shy away, you know we can do this later on...." 

Before completing the sentence Nandini kissed him furiously biting him on his lips. They had a deep passionate kiss when after a minute Manik took the lead to kiss her taking the breadth away. They broke the kiss after good 10 minutes . 

His phone rang with Cabir's call when he answered the call "Fuck off cabir, Busy right now." He switched off the phone mumbling curses "This fucking idiot always have a perfect timing to disturb my mood." 

Manik : Strip , in the most sensual way so that Manik Malhotra can be turned on. (He said smirking , as he really want to see the bold side of nandu.)

Nandini turned the tables this time by smirking at him back. She gave him seducing looks removing her upper cloth and touching herself from neck and slowly tracing her finger down through her cleavage to her belly . Manik's eyes were filled with desire "Fuck Nandini " 

Nandini  removed his hands from her "Don't Manik, let me turn you on first. I have just started." 

Manik kept on looking at her perfect curves and her white milky soft skin which was looking so tempting right now. She pressed b**bs lightly moaning which was it for him. Manik held her hands "Don't.... That's mine to touch and ravish. You have pressed the wrong buttons bunny. Fuck." 

He said pressing her hardly removing her straps "Fuck you make me crazy love." He slapped it twice when nandini moaned painfully with pleasure. 

Manik : Don't close your eyes bunny, tell me about your desire I am more than happy to love you." 

Nandini : Suck it manik . 

Manik latched his lips immediately looking deep into her eyes "When will i be able to drink your dudu bunny. " He winked at her asking her shamelessly. 

Nandini : shut up. 

He swirled his tongue and pressed the other one. "Manik, please switch off the lights." 

Manik : Nandini , Let me love you . I wanna feel every inch of you looking into your eyes. Am I allowed bunny. Relax Nandini , Its just me. I have the right to see you . 

She nodded her head moaned his name which made him groan "Fuck nandini , you are teasing me ."   

Done with the update guys.

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