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Double Update guys..

Happy Reading Guys...

Manik : Nyonika I need time to process this , it seems like my life is a fucking joke to you. I am 19 right now. When were you planning to say these things to me. I don't even remember her how will I find her. 

Listen leave me alone. I am fucking messed up. 

He went out from there in rage. He was not in his senses to drive a car so he called up cabir. 

Manik : listen come to Malhotra industries . (He cut the call without even waiting for his response.) 

Cabir came round but shocked to look at manik. He was hurt, angry and what not. Manik sat inside the car and cabir drove off. "Nandini's apartment" He said and sat down resting his head back closing his eyes. Cabir thought of giving him time to open up so he kept mum.

He went to her flat and opened the door with his spare keys. Nandini and Navya were chilling sitting in the balcony when manik came and hugged her tight and started crying "Nandu kill me please." 

Nandini gasped at his response when she eyed Navya to keep mum. Navya went from there giving them space. Navya called cabir and asked her to meet her . Cabir understood the situation and took a U turn to Nandini's apartment. 

She went out closing the  door behind. Nandini made him sit in the bed and took his head in her lap to calm him down. Manik always felt that peace leaving with Nandu. He calmed down instantly and snuggled in her stomach. he slowly crawled his hand upwards and pulled her top up. Nandini made her do whatever he wanted to. 

Nandini : Manik tell me what is it. Did nyonika misbehaved ?? I told you na don't breakdown in front of her.

Manik snuggled near her chest like a baby and said "Nandu I have a baby sister whom I don't know."

Nandini widen her eyes in shock and said " Manik if you are comfortable tell me what is it ??"

Manik told her everything and asked like a baby "My life is a game Nandu that every time some new stages unlock with new features." 

Nandini knew he was snuggling because he needed the warmth from her. Nandini had butterflies in her stomach with this proximity but kept her feelings aside and said "Manik i have enrolled your name in this fun yoga center. Forget the world behind and visit there for 15 days."

Manik : I won't go alone. Come with me please. i will mess up things alone. 

Nandini : Manik no dependency. Chup chap jao and relax yourself. Think it was bad dream for you. I have a strong feeling Manik that Nyonika is not a bad lady. Situations made her like that. But you need a break.  just keep your phone here or with bhai. He is your manager right. he will handle all your calls and social media. 

Manik nodded like a baby . "Manik come with me i will make dinner for you. Help me out. I cook for you, you are so mean. MONSTERRR" 

manik frowned at her and followed her like a lost puppy. Nandini went to the kitchen and gave him the veggies. She put the pan and guided manik to prepare the food. Manik was asking her millions of stupid questions which Nandini was answering her patiently. Nandini wanted to divert his mind from his thoughts. She called navya as it was night. Cabir dropped her home. They had their dinner silently and navya went to her room biding them goodnight. 

Nandini kept the dishes on the sink and came to her room. "Manik hop in I am very sleepy. i will drop you to the location. Its just 50 km from here." Manik groaned at this little girl, who has the audacity to shut his mouth . 

Manik pouted cutely "nandu Water." 

Nandini shrugged her shoulders and said "Side table, have it, baby boy." 

Manik's eyes welled listening to baby boy. Nyonika was calling baby girl to her sister. Nandini palmed his face and asked " What happened Manik Did I say something wrong??" 

Manik nodded his head in a no and smiled lightly saying "Good night nandu" 

Next Morning ....

Nandini bid him bye and called Cabir to take her to Malhotra Industries. Cabir asked her the reason but nandini denied it saying she has a friend there as an intern. 

Cabir dropped her and went from there. Nandini asked in the reception and booked her appointment after 2 hours. She waited there in the common area . She knocked the door getting a stern response from inside "Come in" 

Nandini was nervous because she knew her anger from Manik as he says he is same like her mother. 

Nandini : Good Morning Mam. I am Nandini Murthy

Nyo : Good morning What's the matter. ( she asked still typing something on her laptop.)

Nandini : Mam I am here for some personal reasons . Its about Manik. 

Nyonika halted and looked up at her . She was a small girl with cubby cheecks, big doe eyes, cute girl. 

Nyo: Yes What about manik, listen If you have any complaint that he broke his trust or something , girl back off This is my office. 

Nandini smiled at her and said "No Mam its not that i am his friend just like fav 5." 

She nodded getting back to work. 

Nandini : Mam Manik is stressed out. i have a request please love him. He is starved of love. He has a wrong notion that mother's are greedy and bad.

Nyonika laughed out loud and said  "You silly girl, you are talking about my son and i hope i know him better. Wait a minute don't tell me you have fallen in love for him." 

Nandini : No mam. Unfortunately its not like that. i just find him lost in college. He is your son mam, whatever maybe the reasons but nothing can be big to love your son. I have seen him crying looking at your picture and talking to it. 

Please don't do this before its too late. You may loose your son. 

Nyonika got alert by her words and shouted at her "Get out from my office . this is my workplace."

nandini : i have known you mam through Manik that you a good lady. Please look after it and I can see that concern for him. 

Nyonika was shocked at her words "Did he called me good ??"

Nandini smiled at her and said "Yess he used to tell you loved him when he was kid back. He used to be your shadow and he missed you." 

nandini : Mam Manik needs you. You can call me your daughter, as i am his friend . Nyonika eyes softened by listening to the word daughter and nodded her head in positive. 

nandini ; Thankyou mam I shall leave. 

Done with the update Guys.

Do you think Coming to nyonika was a good idea??

Any suggestion about the story so far ?? 

Thankyou Lovelies.

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