24.Two answers for a question.

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He looked at her face and eyed her lips "So shall I "

Nandini : you never have to ask.

They joined their lips sealing their day with a kiss.

Manik was kissing her passionately not giving her time, to match his pace. Manik held her neck and gave sloppy kisses on her neck. Nandini moaned slightly , when he bit at a particular spot. knowing its her sweet spot he kissed her several times over there. "Manik..... Shall we continue." She asked in daze.

Manik looked into her eyes and smiled "Sure.  Ok so when did you got to know about the mature stuffs , which happen between a couple." 

Nandini bit her lips , remembering something "Wo once I was watching a movie, do you know manik I don't like to drool over hot boys, I feel creep. I mean chii how can someone love boys,  shirtless and drool over their bodies. I always used to run away from my friends , when they look at any celebrity. 

once I saw a movie, where there was a kissing scene. I closed my eyes and my friends laughed at me saying no boy will ever love me if I stay like this. (she pouted remembering those days.) I took that as a challenge and said i can also do this kiss when I fall in love. So they asked me what more things can i do.

i was clueless what were they talking about , so pia she opened some website where the boy was undressing the girl. 

I literally cried looking at that and fought with her that I will never do such things, whether he loves me or not."

Manik was amazed by her thoughts , she was really different and and so he asked "That means you have never seen ?"

Nandini nodded her head in a no feeling hell nervous and embarrassed in front of him "So that day Inaya , you what was that Nandini ?" 

Nandini : Wo I thought you were doing something , i had no idea about your deeds but I thought if Inaya can cool you down, I can do that better."

Manik was in tears remembering that day , how this girl can be so selfless, He promised himself that he will never do anything without her consent. He said feeling guilty and said "I am sorry Nandini, I took away your innocence." 

Nandini held his hand and wiped his tears "It's okk Manik, Do you know the best thing , I never felt bad in front of you and touch."

Okk now tell me about you. 

Manik : I have watched when i was in class 8 may be with my friends. it was fun. 

Nandini's eyes widen in shock "What fun, chii Manik " She scrunched her nose in disgust when he pulled her nose slightly mumbling bunny . 

Nandini : Next question by me , She thought for a while and asked "Manik why did you bite me so many times that day, do you know it was paining me and also left a mark also." 

Manik laughed throwing his head backwards listening to her question "Ok so for this  i have to show you something ." 

Manik " He hovered over her saying "Look into my eyes bunny and answer me whatever i ask you okk." She nodded her head in trance.

Manik asked for her permission to remove her top "He removed it and kissed jut above her cleavage, "Nandini don't you feel good when I touch them" He pressed it slightly getting a moan from her "Don't close your eyes , tell me " Nandini said with great difficulty "Manik i get goosebumps and my stomach churns like a flip." 

Manik : Because you feel good meri bunnny, This is just the way to shower my love , don't you find it looking at my eyes. 

Nandini you give me mental stability, you make me understand the things , the way no one else have done it, not even my mom. That's your Love Nandu. 

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