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Manik was sitting beside her and asked navya for a bowl of water. The doctor came in an hour. He checked her and prescribed some medicines . He said that due to climate change may be she caught cold but soon she will be fine. Manik thanked him and dropped him to his car. Manik took the car and went to buy those medicines. He even messaged his team to delay his shoot as he is unwell. 

He returned home and asked Navya to take some rest as he will be there with her. He gave her the medicine and water and tucked her safely on bed. Nandini opened her eyes slowly and said "Manik please don't stress yourself, I will be fine. its jus normal cold. I am also on my periods na that's why I am feeling weak. Please take rest. You must be tired." She pouted cutely.

Manik smiled at her and caressed her scalp lightly and said " don't worry I will sleep I have taken half day off

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Manik smiled at her and caressed her scalp lightly and said " don't worry I will sleep I have taken half day off. Nandu smiled at him "Sleep here, I trust you." 

Manik slept beside her and immediately slept as he was really tired.

Next Morning Nandu was the first one who woke up. she was feeling weak due to the effect of medicines and went to freshen up. She was feeling ok nor. The door bell rang and nandu opened the door welcoming Radha Tai. 

Nandini : good morning tai Please make some ginger tea for me and 2 coffee. Nandini came to her room and admired Manik sleeping like a baby on his stomach. She called him lightly "Good Morning Manik , here have your coffee." 

Manik groaned on his sleep snuggling more into his pillow. Nandini was not able to control herself and kissed his mole lightly. Manik held her hand and jerked her towards him. Due to sudden pull she fell on his chest 

Nandini : chii Manik, You stink. Go freshen up. 

Manik groaned at her silly escapes. "Pathetic joke Nandu tch tch tch." Nandu blushed like a tomato and was about to go "How are you feeling now Nandu" Navya came inside with her breakfast and kept it on the side table . 

Navya : good morning Manik , Tai is making breakfast for us , freshen up fast and nandu please have it you have your medicines. 

Nandini thanked god to have such caring friends for her . She smiled at them and ate her breakfast. it was 12 noon when manik got a call from his team to conform his timings. He told them He will be there by 3. Navya and Nandini were talking to each other when Navya suddenly asked Manik "Manik you are busy with your shoot how will you attend your classes from tomorrow ??" 

nandini was also curious to know this when Manik shied and said "I do double shifts Navya. i complete my early morning shoots and then attend only the important classes and labs. It gets hectic for me but again I manage for 5 days. 

They had their lunch with lots of scolding's for Nandu's tantrums and then he went for his shoot. Nandu was lying whole day like a lazy dog. They had there new semester classes the next day. She will also be busy with her classes in the morning and internships in the evening slot. 

Days went on quite busy for all of them. Manik and Nandini met only on weekends and used to chat randomly asking about each other's wellbeing. Days changed into Months when in next summer vacations Nandini would be going to her home town. Nandini was sad because she bonded pretty well with navya, cabir and especially Manik. 

They were like her extended family. Cabir proposed Navya at the end of the semester and they were in a relationship. Manik and Nandini was happy for them. 

Manik used to talk to her mother. It was awkward initially but then Nyonika started caring for him. She used to make his favorite dishes and different stuffs that made him happy. Manik was grateful to god and Nandini that the love he was deprived of for years was now his wholly. 

Nyonika can also see the changes in his son but the only thing that was constant was his hatred for love. The reason was very much known to her but she was helpless in that way. 

It was the day when Nandini has to go to her hometown to meet her amma. Manik was all gloomy and nagging her to take him with her. Nandini denied saying he should spend time with his mom and moreover his shoot was not over yet. Manik agreed half heartedly. 

Nandu boarded the train to Manglore and manik went for shoot after bidding her bye. Nandini reached home the next day and was very happy to meet her mother. She was close to ishita so she understood her daughter's change in mood. 

Ishita ; nandu kanna what is the matter my baccha, is there something that I need to know ??

Nandu who was waiting for his message stopped abruptly and blushed listening to her mother's question . "Nothing amma."

Ishita : that means there is someone important. You can share with me kanna , I trust my nandu. 

Nandu's face fell listening to this and tears formed in her eyes. Ishita hugged her back and said "Tell me Nandu is there any problem ?"

Nandu said "No amma wo Manik he has suffered a lot amma. i was concerned for him. He hates the word love. "

Ishita : Its ok nandu there are certain circumstances which change a person but do you like him ?

nandu didn't say anything which was noticed by Ishita. 

Ishita : Don't worry baccha It's okk if he does not reciprocate your love , don't force him. If he doesn't love you back no problem, move on baccha. my nandu is the best, Your amma is there is with you kanna . i will search the best groom for my child. 

Nandu hugged her back and sniffed "I love you amma." 

Ishita : go take some rest i will cook your favorite dish. 

 She went to freshen up and take rest for a while. There was no message from manik. Nandu was in deep thought listening to her amma. 

Done with the update guys... 

what do you think will be ishita's decision on this ??

Few words for our Manik Baba 

Thank You lovelies 


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