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Starting her junior year at a private JYP Highschool, Yeji walks in to her assigned class for today's lecture. With so much enthusiasm, she sits in the middle row.

"alright. Math should be easy." Yeji smiles to herself. She takes out her notebook and her textbook.

"hi!" a girl sits on the desk beside her, smiling warmly.

"hi! You're Chaeryeong, right?" Yeji extends her hand. "I'm Yeji. Nice to meet you." she smiles. Chaeryeong takes her hand to shake.

"I'm not in the same class as you before. I heard they divided us by our grades." Chaeryeong said as she prepares for herself.

"really? I don't mind as long as I'm one with those handsome guys." Yeji rests her head on both of her hands, looking at the boys that just came in.

"right..." Chaeryeong smiles awkwardly.

Then, a woman comes in slowly, placing her ipad on her desk.

"good morning class." She greeted, smiling to her students. "how's your holiday?" she asks. The students responds positively. Mostly. "great. I hope you all are ready to start another year of education comfortably."

"I'm glad that she's our homeroom teacher. She's one of the kindest." Yeji whispered to Chaeryeong.

"oh yeah. I totally agree with you." Chaeryeong keeps her eyes to the teacher that's still talking.

"to start this day, I'd like to introduce you all to our new student, your new classmate." She ask the student to come in. "please introduce yourself."

A boy walk in to the room. his gaze is calm, complete with his elegant posture. With a sling bag across his shoulder, it adds more to his manly aura rather than a nerdy vibe.

Yeji's jaw drops. Her day just keeps getting better.

"I'm Shin Ryujin. You can call me Ryu. I'm from LA. Nice to meet you all." He bows a little, not showing any specific expression whatsoever.

"I want him." Yeji said to Chaeryeong, leaning towards her. she can't lie that she's a sucker for a guy with husky voice.

"that's very bold of you." Chaeryeong stifles a laugh. "he looks like a rock."

"I mean... that's what makes it fun, right?"


Yeji spends her lunch time sitting with Chaeryeong and a few other friends on the same table. Chatting lightly, Yeji notices Ryu walks with his tray, looking for a table. Yeji being herself, stands up and approaches him.

"looking for a seat?" Yeji smiles at him.

Ryu just looks down at her. somehow, he gets a little annoyed.

"join us." Yeji speaks again since Ryu just stays silent.

Ryu looks at Yeji's supposed table. He sighs then walks away leaving Yeji without a word. He finally found a seat with the other boys.

Yeji huffed at his attitude. But, she's more attracted to him in some way. She walks back to her table frowning.

"really? On the first day?" Chaeryeong chuckles. "I'm impressed with your action."

"before anyone gets him. I will get him first." Yeji said proudly. "he smells really nice too."

She then looks back at where he sits. Girls are already surrounding him, trying to get close to him. this pisses Yeji off. She can see that Ryu is not interested either.

"you're probably right." Chaeryeong nudged her arm. "you're not the only one who wants him."



Once the school is over, Yeji waits for her ride at the front of the school. Bunch of luxury cars drives off as Yeji watches her friends go home one by one. She takes out her phone and plays with it. Some minutes later, the familiar smell tingles her nose. She looks up and see Ryu walking towards the parking lot. Beside him, there are some boys following him. they don't look close at all whatsoever. Looks like those guys wants to use him for popularity.

Ryu walks towards his car and a man comes out of it. Not really special for Yeji since most of her friends has a driver too. the man opens up a door for Ryu and he goes in.

"we'll pick Yuna up, sir. Then, you will have a photoshoot, correct?" the man asks, conforming his schedule.

"correct, Wonpil." Ryu crosses his leg on top of another, staring outside the window.

Ryu enjoys his ride. Looking at the road calms him down. besides, that's the only time he can distract himself from his life.

After some time zoning out, Ryu looks to the other side as the car stops in front of a private middle school. He can see his sister walks towards the car tiredly.

"your school okay?" Yuna looks at her brother. "mine is fine actually."

"you probably know what happened." Ryu looks back at her. "it's tiring."

"ah... of course. But they didn't recognize you, right? You changed your hair." Yuna purses her lips.

"luckily, no." Ryu looks away again, staring out the window.

"oh. I made some new friends." Yuna tries to talk to him again.

"yeah? I haven't." Ryu looks at her again. This time, with a warmer gaze.

"you should! You changed your phone too. you lost contact with your previous friends." Yuna slaps her arm lightly. "don't you miss them, by any chance?"

"not really."


Ryu arrives at the company for the photoshoot. Since his driver is also his manager and assistant, Ryu doesn't have to worry about meeting new people. He waits on the greenroom for a little makeup and some outfit change.

"Mr. Shin?"

Two girls and a guy comes into the room. Ryu looks up at them and moves to the vanity. The three starts to take care of Ryu while he read the magazine on the table.

Focusing on her read, he hears someone enters the room. he looks up turns out, he's not the only one having a photoshoot. A woman that seems like older than her walks towards the other vanity followed by some makeup artist and hairdressers.

Ryu looks to the side at the woman. Not gonna lie, she's indeed beautiful.

"Irene. You'll be having the promotion with Shin Ryujin. You don't have to be too intimate with him." the manager enters the room, immediately talking to her.

Ryu having a little care, looks back at his magazine. He overheard them talking whatsoever.

"my husband doesn't have to know. Even if he did, I can just say that it's work."

"ah... well, then."

After some time preparing, Ryu looks at the mirror for the last time before going to the set. He stands on the center of the set. Irene too, already looking at the products.

"you'll do the couple shot then we can do it individually." The photographer informed. "you can pose comfortably with the products of your choice."

Irene smiles at him a little then she walks towards Ryu. The photographer cues them to start posing.

Ryu is being as professional as possible. He thought that Irene shouldn't be this intimate. She places her hands on Ryu's chest, shoulder, and she leans on him too. it's not much for him though. He's used to these interactions.

"good. Let's do a few more." The photographer smiles at them.

Ryu accidentally locks eyes with Irene. He can hear the camera shoots them. He immediately looks back to the camera. he can see that Irene had the kind of gaze that the other models gave him. either it's lust or desire, Ryu doesn't wanna know.

"these will turn out nice.I'm always glad to work with you." 

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