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Ryu is still kneeling on the dirt ground of the cemetery. One hand on the tomb, the other playing with wet flowers above the grave. Up until now, Ryu can't hold back his tears. The mother is still there, as well as his friends.

"I will tell the agency that you'll take a break." Nayeon rubs his head gently. Seeing no responds from Ryu, she hurriedly leave to take care of some other things regarding his career. Knowing how close they are, Nayeon understands what he feels.

"I will promise myself to not drink again." Jeong commented. "may she rest in peace."

Yeji squats beside Ryu. No reason for that actually. she just wants him to feel that he's not alone. It's been so long since she heard his voice. She misses it.

"we'll be going first." Chaeryeong taps Yeji's shoulder lightly.

Yeji looks back and just nods at them. She then stares into the grave, waiting for Ryu to make any moves. When it feels like forever and her legs starts to give up on her, Ryu stands up.

"you sure you're ready to go?" Yeji stands up slowly, stumbling to make her legs work again.

Instead of answering, Ryu stands still, staring deep into the grave. His legs are already weak. He can't take the fact that Yuna, his only sister that he loves the most is gone. Forever.

"take your time." Yeji pressed a smile.

Walking back slowly, Ryu turns around, finally facing the opposite side from the grave. Yeji chases him, walking by his side until they reached their cars.

"I will go with him for now." Yeji said to her driver.

Yeji enters the car after Ryu.

"have you guys eaten yet?" Yeji asked.

"no, miss. We're going home for lunch as the meals had been prepared." Wonpil kindly replied.

Along the way, Ryu just stares out the window. When they're in the highway, Ryu lowers his window, letting air gets into the vehicle.

Yeji can hear that Ryu is still sobbing, resting his head on the window pane.

When they're almost arrived, Ryu closed the window. He wipes his tears, quickly gets out of the car.

Wonpil and Yeji stares at each other.

"when we lost Mr. Yoo, he locks himself for about three months. Then, we moved here. Looking at him right now, I'm afraid that it'll be more than that." Wonpil sighs.

The two then gets out of the car. Yeji immediately steps into the mansion and look for Ryu.

"he's already upstairs, miss. Mrs. Shin told me to serve these for you and Mr. Shin." Abi, the maid, informed.

"can you take some for him upstairs? just like the usual. I'll eat later, it's fine." Yeji asked.

"of course, miss."

Yeji runs upstairs, standing in front of Yuna's room. she knocks a few times and calls him. turns out, Ryu is in his own room.

Ryu comes out of his room, intending to sleep in Yuna's. once he saw Yeji, he immediately gets in again. He sighs, sitting on his bed, still in his suit earlier.

"Ryu..." Yeji comes in through the unlocked door. "aren't you gonna eat?"

For the nth time, Ryu ignores her. he sits there, staring at Yeji with his wistful eyes.

Without any hesitation, Yeji approaches him and wraps her arm around Ryu, embracing him in a warm hug that Ryu didn't know he needed.

Ryu suddenly flood himself with his tears, soaking into Yeji's shirt. Yeji doesn't mind, of course. even though Ryu doesn't hug her back, at least, she can provide something for the mourning man in her arms.

Then they both heard some knocking on the door.

"the food's here." Yeji let go of him, ruffling his head gently. "you should eat. It must be tiring to cry like that." she smiled at him before going out to get the food.

"I'm sorry, miss. But there's Ms. Yu downstairs."

"really? She did come to the funeral, though. I'll try to talk to him. thank you." Yeji said, taking the food, bringing it to the room. she places the tray on the bedside table.

Ryu then starts eating slowly. No matter how tasty the foods are, it taste so bland to him. eating can no longer be something enjoyable, sleeping is no longer peaceful as well. Ryu doesn't know how to live like before. He then noticed that there's only food for him. so, technically, Yeji won't be eating with him. he wonders but just keep it to himself.

"Karina is downstairs. Do you wanna see her?" Yeji just goes straight. "it's okay if you don't. I can see her for you."

Ryu's head is still cloudy. Whether he misses her or not, he can't figure. Meeting her might hurt him even more knowing that he's the one that cut if off. Ryu shakes his head, refusing to see her.

"okay." Yeji smiles at him. "oh. don't forget to change. Your clothes are dirty."

Yeji then walks downstairs to see Karina.

"oh, Yeji." Karina is a bit confused.

"hey." Yeji sits across her. "he can't see anyone, right now."

"I understand." Karina lowers her head. "I have this chocolate cake for him."

"I'll give it to him." Yeji received it kindly.

"are you sure he doesn't want to see anyone?" Karina wonders. What she said is contrary to what she's doing.

"look, if you're wondering why I can see him, I pushed him, okay? It sounds bad, I know. but, he needs someone the most this time. I don't think I can leave him alone." Yeji kinda didn't like the way she acted. "if you want to, you can try."

"okay." Karina felt defeated. "can I at least talk to him?"

"come." Yeji then guides her upstairs. "is it okay if you talk to a door?"

"it's fine."

They both stand before Ryu's door.

"Ryu..." Karina starts. "I'm sorry to hear what happened. I'm sorry I can't be with you. I've been wanting to talk to you after all this time. I hope you can continue to live happily, just like how Yuna wanted. I hope to see you again, Ryu."

Meanwhile, Ryu is actually leaning on the door as she speak. After some time, hearing nothing, Ryu walks back to sit on the bed.

"she's going home." Yeji walks in, seeing Ryu still in his suit. "I did tell you to change didn't I?" she sighs. "I'll leave you to change." Yeji walks towards the door.

Ryu immediately stands up, going to his closet. Seeing this, Yeji smiles at him before going out for a bit. The lounge area upstairs is suitable for her to wait for him. she takes out her phone to keep Chaeryeong and Jeong updated.

"yes, hey. He's doing okay." Yeji twirls her hair. "still not talking, though."

"ah, is that so? His agency already made a statement." Chaeryeong informed.

"so, he'll be on a hiatus?"

"pretty much. No certain time on when he'll be back."

"okay." Yeji looks at the view of green backyard and a pool. "you guys will visit, right? maybe you can encourage him too."

"I will!" Yeji can hear Jeong's voice. "you heard him. he'll go hard on him."

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