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Ryu is getting busy with interviews and talk-shows that he has to attend. Again, Yeji feels forgotten. She knows that it's his job, on the other hand, she wants someone to be there for her all the time. if she wants to be selfish, she can just tell him to quit and take care of his agencies instead.

"do you have time to come over?" Yeji asked through the call. It's already past midnight and he's still at a shooting site. Ryu was the one that called her.

"I can't. I think when I get there, you'll be asleep already." Ryu paused. Yeji can hear the staff in the background. "don't wait for me. I'll let you know if I can come."

"and I guess that won't be in near future." Yeji sighs. "fine. Stay safe, Ryu." Just when she wants to hang up, she heard Ryu speaks.

"hey... are you okay? I'll try my best to make some time."

"just, finish your work first." Yeji huffs a little.

"alright. I gotta go. Sorry, Yeji."


Wonpil waits for Ryu to finish his interview. He's with Jennie and the two other cast. Ryu is about to go, excusing himself to the staffs and actors.

"guys! I wanna take a picture with you all." Jennie then noticed Ryu wants to get away. "where are you going?"

"out...?" Ryu raised an eyebrow. "you can do it with the others. I have other schedules."

"okay, then you first." Jennie then quickly take their picture with her arm around his neck. "alright. Thanks!"

Ryu smiles a little, taken aback by her sudden act. He then goes outside the studio to meet Wonpil.

"we better get going. It's already past eleven and we have two more shootings."

The two walks out and quickly drive away towards their next place. They arrived and Ryu does his job. For about two hours, Ryu finally can take a little rest. He's thinking of calling Yeji but she's probably asleep already.

"one last place, sir. Hope you still have the spirit." Wonpil chuckles. "let's go."


To Ryu's surprise, he got a call from Yeji. Sadly, he's already at his apartment.

"I didn't wanna bother you. I thought you're asleep." Ryu just finished taking a shower.

"it's hard to sleep when I don't get a word from you."

"but you have work too. I don't want you staying up just because you haven't heard from me. rest is important. Do that while you can." Ryu sits on his bed, throwing his towel on a chair. he doesn't know when he got this lazy habit. It's gradually getting worse and he's aware of that.

"am I wrong to wait for your call or text from you? do you know how long we haven't met?"

"I know. you think I'm not trying to find some time to see you? please understand. I will see you as soon as I can." Ryu laid down, turning off his nightlamp.

"I'm guessing you're gonna sleep now." Ryu can hear her sigh.

"yes. You should too."

"unbelievable." She paused. "whatever, Ryu. I won't wait anymore."

With that she hangs up the call. Ryu stares at his phone. until now, Ryu still can't get used to having a second priority. His work is still number one. He doubt that Yeji thinks the same.


Yeji has been ignoring Ryu for a few weeks, almost a month. she does read his texts and aware of his missed calls. She thought that if he really wants to focus on his work, she shouldn't bother him. he made himself clear back then.

Meanwhile, Ryu is still busy, yes, but he's worried. He knows nothing about Yeji. All that he can guess is right now Yeji is already home. He's now on his way towards the crews' gathering to celebrate the finished shooting process. It's at a high-end bar, reserved for only the people working on the movie.

"are you sure you're okay with this?" Wonpil asked, being considerate.

"it's just a casual gathering. I'll be fine." Ryu smiles a little.

They both gets out of the car. When they walked in, the party already started. People greets him happily, congratulating him for working well on the movie.

"you brought your manager with you?" a guy approached them. "cool! You're a light drinker, huh?"

 "cool! You're a light drinker, huh?"

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"hey, Eunseo." Ryu gave him a friendly hug. "I'm just making sure I'm not making any scandals tonight." he chuckles.

"aha! That's a good reason." Eunseo then guide him to sit at a table with the other casts. "cheers! We all got free drinks." Eunseo takes a shot.

"I didn't know you have an accent?" Jennie chimed in.

Ryu looks at her and just greets with a smile. He sits beside Eunseo, taking a glass of beer. He doesn't want to go too hard tonight. at least, that's his plan.

"a beer? Mate. Live a little." Eunseo pours a shot of vodka for him. "we've been busy."

"Eunseo..." Jennie gave him a look. "don't force him."

"you can drink that. I'm just gonna have a whiskey." Ryu politely refused and Eunseo just drink the shot himself.

Ryu asked Wonpil to get him a drink. Meanwhile, they continue to chat.

"I miss my wife." Eunseo sighs. "she's in Venice to do some modelling stuff."

"Irene?" Jennie asked. "heard she take advantages from other models. Especially the handsome one." Jennie looks at Ryu.

"nah... I'm sure it's just work. If she can flirt with those models, why can't I? right?" Eunseo laughs, followed with the others.

"I guess it'd be hard to stay loyal." Ryu scoffs. He immediately sips his drink that's just arrived.

With that, Ryu enjoys the gathering. He somehow forgot about his worries.


Wonpil walks towards Ryu. He's been waiting for almost four hours. some of the staffs and casts are already gone home.

"sir." Wonpil tried to wake him up. Ryu leans back on the couch, the two upper buttons already opened.

"go away. He still wants to be with me." Jennie is resting her head on Ryu's shoulder while she runs her finger on Ryu's open chest.

"hey Wonpil." Ryu smiles looking up at him. "are we done? I wanna go."

"of course, sir." Wonpil picks him up then helps him to get to the car.

"Yeji..." Ryu slaps Wonpil's headrest a few times. "I think she's still awake."

"but, sir-"


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